The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1662: Why are you coming to the field?

"Little bastard, you are running to the ends of the earth, I will also pick you up."

Zhao Cheng clenched his fists and secretly swears.


He screamed, and Jinpeng’s ancestor flew over and looked at the chaos in the heavens and the earth. He couldn’t help but ask: “Supreme, out, what happened?”

"I will go to the sects immediately, I want to wash the sects!"

Zhao Cheng roared.


Jinpeng's ancestors leaned over and appeared in the original form, carrying Zhao Cheng to the main road.

Gan Daozong, Sun Tianyi is in the Zixia Hall, burning incense and praying, worshipping Sanqing Yuxu Yuan Shi Tianzun Zuzu!

This time, the three associations are about the survival of the Taoist sects, especially the sons and daughters who have their own sons. If they have any accidents, the foundation will only be passed to Wu Siyuan, the apprentice of Aoki Elder. Siyuan's character is despicable and lacks uprightness. It is undoubtedly half-baked.

"Zu Shiye, Tianzhu is incompetent, failed to carry forward the Zongmen, and lost the right to rule in Kunlun Mountain."

"Now the three conferences are extremely difficult, and I hope that the ancestors will bless the dogs and the little girls to return smoothly. Scorpio does not ask them to be famous, but to be safe."

"Yuxu Tianzun, no amount!"

Sun Tianyi burned incense and worshipped.

The heart is worried, the voices of the disciples knocking on the drums are looming in the mountains. Sun Tianqi quickly asked the left and right: "Go ask, what is going on?"

Going left and right, not long after, stumbled and ran in and shouted: "Master, Master, very good, Missy and Saint Shao in the three conferences, the name of the war, Duan Muquan was killed by our cadres... ”

"The Taoist ancestors appeared, and the Taoist ancestors appeared."

"I know that Xiao Yu, Wu Ji will definitely give me the martial arts to fight this face!"

Sun Tianyan was in tears, and then he worshipped Dao, and immediately went down the mountain.

When I got to the foot of the mountain, Zongmen was knocking on the drums. Sun Wuji was like everything. It was under the influence of Jia Sidao and others. It was a very incomparable look.

Anyway, the little priests have already left, and all the auras are not all his grandchildren.

What is even more gratifying is that Wu Siyuan died, and the incomparable embarrassment and nausea before his death were passed down by Jia Sidao and Chen Zhikun. The disciples of the lower court were extremely spurned, and they were led by Sun Wuji.

Sun Wuji sat on the bamboo poles carried by the disciples and swam from the lower house to the upper house. This life was not so proud.

"Light rain, let's make a big victory. How do you look so happy?"

Sun Wuji was proud of it, and looking back at Sun's rainy look, I couldn't help but ask.

"Nothing." Sun Fengyu faintly said.

She is not as heartless as her eldest brother. This time, the league will win the small priest. Moreover, it also took the life of Duan Muquan. This is a big happy event. It is obviously a big disaster. I don’t know what action the next Wushen will have.

Everyone is celebrating, and Sun Tianqi is coming.



Everyone brushed the ground.

"Get up."

Sun Tianxi is happy.

"Father, let's fight..."

Sun Wuji just wanted to report to her, but Sun Tianqi went to Sun Fengyu and raised her daughter. "Small rain, you made great achievements, and you have won the face of the ancestors of the past. It is the good daughter of the father."

"Father, Duan Muquan is dead, and my daughter is afraid of disaster."

Sun Fengyu bit his lip.

"Light rain, I have been bullied in these past few years. Now it is time for the father to be in your head. Yan Jiu Tian is coming to the door. I will fight with it and fight, even if it is the last drop of blood." Also, keep you well."

Sun Tian is awkward.

He has already had enough of this kind of suffocation, and the cadres have been dead for a few years. It is time to give young people a little confidence.


Sun Piaoyu shed tears, she can feel Sun Tianyi's love for her own heart, although she is a adoptive father, her own life is just that.

She is about to report on Qin.

The sky suddenly came and thundered and thundered: "Sun Tianyi, get out of this seat!"

These loud drinks and the whole hills trembled.

Everyone looked up and saw that the Kunlun Supreme, who was wearing a gray robes, came in Jinpeng and landed on the square in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, the Kunlun Supreme, face cold as ice, filled with a strong murderous.

"It turns out that the Supreme Master is driving, I don't know where the Scorpio is not, and annoyed the Supreme."

Sun Tianqi is not Yan Jiu Tian, ​​dare not have the slightest care, and quickly bowed his hand.

"Hey, Sun Tianxi, I ask you, why are you sending someone to steal my stone?"

Zhao Cheng asked coldly.

"Sun does not understand, what is the meaning of supreme, please also express?" Sun Tianyi frowned. He admits that the world is authentic, how can he do these things to steal the chicken and touch the dog.

"The little priest named Qin Hao under your hand, after today's alliance, I came to hate Tianfeng and stole my Lingshi."

"If you don't support you in the dark, he is a little disciple, how can there be such a great ability, dare to rob the treasure under the eyes of this seat."

"You give me the guy, or don't blame me."

Zhao Chengdao.

"Qin Wei, what will be the alliance, what steals treasure?" Sun Tianyi is more confused.

"Father Today, my brother and I have lost to Duan Muquan. It is Qin Yu who killed Duan Muquan and won the victory of three associations for the Taoist."

Sun Fengyu is as true.


"Qin Hao...he!"

Sun Tianqi can't imagine that an ordinary cook actually killed Duan Muquan, and he could steal treasure under Zhao Cheng's eyelids. Is this going to heaven?

"Supreme, Qin Yu has left the ancestors on the night of yesterday, and also abolished my two disciples, Zhiping, Zhang Qing, you come over."

Sun Tianyi waved his hand and immediately took two disabled wastes and walked over.

The two men looked at each other with their eyes bent, and the shackles were so miserable.

"The Supreme also saw it, and this seat is also full of daring arrogance. This person has long been unrelated to my sect."

Sun Tianyi said.

"Oh, I will be acting."

"It's that I have a small look at your cadres, can crack the Lingshi, Cheng, since you are determined not to pay, then don't blame me for killing."

How can Zhao Cheng believe in Sun Tianyi's side words.

"Supreme is too overbearing, even if Qin Qin is my sect, if I remember correctly, Lingshi was originally your reward for the winning disciple. In this case, Qin Lan can not be called stolen, but take! ”

"Do you want to fight your face in front of the heroes of the world?"

"If you really regard our cadres as ants, then well, today I am the ants, only to fight with you."

Sun Tianqi is not very good.

The two sides are arrogant, and this time there is a big drink outside the mountain gate: "What is Sun Tianxi?"

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.


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