The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1663: Have me here, let me relax?

This loud drink is not inferior to the Supreme, and the cadres are shaking for a while.

Don't think about it, you can have a superb power with the supreme, Kunlun Mountain, in addition to the Valkyrie, there is no one else.

Sure enough, a black gown, a shawl, and the incomparable Shen Wei, accompanied by Yan Sanlie, stepped on the stone steps of the mountain gate and walked up step by step.

Every time he took a step, the stone steps of the daodao dynasty burst and collapsed. When he walked to the square, the passage in front of the entire mountain gate, there existed thousands of years of Zixiatai, and was stepped into ruins.

This is a typical door-to-door event.

Yan Jiudian is really coming to the scene. He has always wanted to destroy the cadres. The cadres are the first of the three sects in the past, and they have a very high status, and Wu Shenzong is the first to marry.

When the Vanshin sect was destroyed, Yan’s excuses for finding it were very good. Now Duan Muquan’s horror and death, and Yan’s nine days of grief and indignation, will never miss this wonderful opportunity to kill the door.

Previously, Yan Jiutian had been forbearing for a long time, and there was another reason, that is, he stayed full until September 9, but now he has broken through to the middle of the secret, only one step away from the late robbery.

From the top-secret information, Qinhou Dingtian is also the peak of the late Shenlian, even in the last few days, what happened to the early stage of the secret?

He can still kill easily!

Therefore, Yan Jiutian no longer has to worry about it, and killing Sun Tianyi does not seem to be a big difficulty. For him, it is not enough to get hurt.

"Sun Tianyi, you indulge your apprentice to kill my first apprentice. What is the intention? If you want to give a statement today, I will destroy your sect."

Yan Jiu Tian is more overbearing and arrogant than Kunlun Supreme.

People have not yet arrived, first of all, screaming and asking.

"Oops, even the **** of martial arts has come. Today is really a **** to come to my door. My sect is not guaranteed."

Xuan Tu elders and others are in the dark.

"I knew that this is the result of three **** conferences. I really shouldn't go there."

"Oh, this is a terrible thing, and the father is also tired."

Sun Wuji’s chest is full of regrets, and the tears of regret are coming out quickly. There is no such thing as a smug color.

Sun Piaoyu is cold and cold. When he comes to this mouth, he says that everything is nonsense. In the face of the wrath of the Supreme and Valkyrie, no one in the whole world can bear it.

Sun Tianqi also understands this truth, but seeing that Zongmen is about to be destroyed, the three princes are still cold-hearted and unconsciously tremble.

"Wu Shen, the battle between Fujian and Taiwan, this is the life and death fight, your disciple did not kill my disciple Wu Siyuan? How is this debt?"

Sun Tianqi took a deep breath and tried to calm himself.

"Well, one life is worth a life, who is the life of Di Qingcheng and Cheng Ying?" Yan Jiu Tian’s hands were in his robes, and he was arrogant.

"I am coming."

"Di Qingcheng, Cheng Ying are killing me, I am willing to give up."

Sun Piaoyu bit his teeth and stood out.

"Oh, it’s actually Aoki Ding, you are qualified enough, but you can only get one, and one more? Who are your father and son?"

"Since we want to pay attention to fairness, let's talk about it today."

Yan nine days sneer.

Sun Piaoyu's body of Qing Mu Ding, he can completely accept, the lord and the father and son, no matter who died, is a good result.

Sun Tianqi has no one to follow, and the cadres are ruined.

"Father, I, I..." Sun Wuji did not have the courage of a light rain, hesitated for a moment, did not dare to go forward.

"The old man will accompany you this life!"

Sun Tianyi knows that even if it is a battle with Yan Jiu Tian, ​​it is also difficult to escape, simply throw away the sabre at the waist and step forward.

"Okay, then I took your dog's life and avenged my hatred."

Yan nine days can't wait to get started.

At this moment, Zhao Cheng’s hand was lifted and pinched his wrist. Sen coldly said: “Yan Jiudian, do you not exist in this seat?”

Yan Jiu Tian’s eyes were not blind. He saw Zhao Cheng as soon as he came. Instead, he was more aggressive and forced to ask Sun Tianyi. It was precisely that Zhao Cheng was not in the eyes and intended to weaken the dignity of Zhao Cheng.


Yan Jiu Tian's divine power reminder, Zhao Cheng also relaxed at the right time, both of them are tacit, and they are jealous of each other, leaving some room is still good.

"It turned out that the Supreme is here, but it is a sloppy one."

"Since you are here, then preside over justice, Sun Tianyi should not pay for it."

Yan Jiu Tian proudly drank.

"There is no life in the death and death of the Taiwanese. There is no rule that kills people to pay for their lives." Sun Wuji said with courage.

"There is no rule to say that killing does not need to pay for it!"

Yan Jiu Tianhu’s eyes were angry and drunk, and the air was a thunder bomb. Sun Wuji’s face changed. Wow, it was actually shocked and vomiting blood.


Sun Tianqi hurriedly picked up and fed the medicinal herbs, greeted the disciples and quickly carried them away.

"Ob course killing people, but it depends on whether you have the courage to take it."

Zhao Cheng stepped forward and stopped in front of Yan Jiutian, holding his arm and looking at him.

"What does Supreme mean?"

Yan Jiu Tiansen smiled.

The two peaks of the Kunlun Mountains, so eye-to-face, intertwined with each other, is a side of Sun Tianyi also consciously chest boring ~ ~ know that his gap with the two is not a star and a half.

"The killing is not a fake, but the killing is the abandonment of the Taoist priests. He won three triads, and I am very embarrassed that I have accepted him as a disciple. Discuss this with Sun Jiajiao."

Zhao Chengdao.

"Since it is abandonment, then what is the qualification to participate in the three associations, Sun Tianyi is even more responsible."

Yan nine days is as cold as a knife.

"There are rules that stipulate that the abandoners cannot participate."

"It’s my disciple who kills your apprentice. I have put this in my seat. This matter has nothing to do with the Taoist priests. If you want to live a life, you will hate Tianfeng as an enemy. Do you dare to cooperate with this? Is it an enemy?"

Zhao Cheng's body is fully open, and Hell Dongyang is as powerful as a million soldiers.

"Supreme don't force me."

Yan Jiutian is also incomprehensible, and the two are arrogant.


The powerful murderous confrontation, the air bang, and the two people as the center, spread to the surrounding, the square tiles flying together, the disciples have retired hundreds of steps, only to be a bit better, a little slower is not shocked by the vomiting blood .

"I just forced you, as long as I am still a Kunlun Supreme day, Kunlun Mountain will not have the land where you swallowed nine days."

Zhao Cheng yelled.

Yan’s nine-day cheeks trembled, and the hands hidden in his sleeves were faint.

His anger and warfare have burned to the extreme, waiting for this war for a long time.

However, this war is not the time.

Sun Tianyi on the side began to recite the curse, and the cadre was shaken by the earth, but seeing a purple shining sword slowly broke out from the bottom of the mountain gate, containing infinite Taomen.


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