The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1664: Physical limit

"Damn, I am alone, Zhao Chengben is an unknown number. Sun Tianyi’s millennial sword appears. If the two join forces to kill me, isn’t there any chance?”

How savvy is Yan Nine, and when I look at this posture, I know that this time I can’t find it.

"Oh, supreme anger, nine days is just a common man, dare to compete with the supreme, just just a little joke, the supreme is to be angry."

"Which, since the person is the supreme disciple to kill, this Liang Ziyan wants to come and can't find it."

"But Sun Zongzhu, our account has to be counted after the day, your apprentice's life I will go to the door again to take it, you better pray that the Supreme Master can cover you for a lifetime."


Yan nine days, a sleeve, sneered, led the crowd.


Sun Tianyi was relieved and the soul was scared to fly.

If this is the combination of the two masters, the cadres are afraid that they have been razed to the ground.

“Thank you for your supreme!”

Sun Tianyi did not dare to care about it and bowed his hand.

Zhao Cheng sneered and said: "You thought I wanted to help you. I just couldn't understand the strength of Yan Jiu's dog's tail, and the Qin Qin, you don't look for it. I already have a few in my heart."

"You ask for more blessings. It is best to pray that Qinhou can kill this mad dog in September 9th, otherwise no one can keep you from doing it."

After Zhao Cheng finished, he jumped on the back of Jinpeng's ancestors and went away.

Of course, he is not only trying to fight against Yan’s nine days. There is another reason. He didn’t want Qin’s news of stealing Lingshi to let Yan Jiudian know.

However, Yan Jiu Tian is a must-have. He can protect this time and he will not be able to say it in the future.

He has not been a nobleman for a few days. Once he leaves, Kunlun Mountain will change its name to Yan.

"Qin Hao, Qin Qin, is it you?"

"Can I still count on you?"

Zhao Chengfu shakes the sky and sighs in the sky.

Qin Lan returned to the **** valley.

He needs a quiet place to absorb the aura of heaven and earth inside the Three Stones.

The breath of the Three Realms is not exactly called aura, but a chaotic gas like a mixture of heaven and earth.

This kind of breath is the oldest breath when it is open to the sky. There is no yin and yang of the sun and the moon. It is the most primitive atmosphere. Although it looks cloudy, it is extremely rich.

On a single basis, it is not as good as Nikko and Yuehua, but the key is that both flavors are more uniform.

"Old man, we have met again in this world. You took me out of **** in the past. Now I can go back to hell, and it depends on you."

Qin Yu bite his fingertips and bleeds blood against a fish-shaped symbol in the ancient rune. The blood infiltrates into it, and the three circles of stone bloom with black light. The black color is like the strongest black in the world, and there is a boundless solemnity.

The Three Realms have met the master, and the chaos is extremely active.

Qin Hao pressed one hand on the stone and shouted in the mouth: "Small, small, small!"

The three boundaries of the stone narrowed down a little, and finally turned into a black bead. Qin Yu held it in the palm of his hand and sat cross-legged. He began to close his eyes and practice, running the nine yin and growing up, absorbing a little bit of chaos, and colliding with the middle of Jindan. Enchantment.

The chaotic gas is familiar with the body of the master, and it is almost driven by the heart of the Qin dynasty.

One Sunday, two Sundays...

Qin Lan does not know how long it has been running, the soul is one, and the soul is clear.

Time is a little past.

One day, two days...

Thirteen days!

Qin Yu is practicing here, but Jiang Dong is a mess.

Shi Jing!

Yan Jiutian’s Guards, personally went to Kunlun Mountain, and entered the Shijing Mansion in the night. Forcibly took away the suiyufang, Ningxin, and Xiaowu’s three women. Even the parents who took Qin’s parents did not escape the bad luck and were brought into the Kunlun Mountains. .

The top of the sky!

It is September 8.

Another day is the day of the decisive battle between Qin Hou and Yan Jiu Tian.

There are more people watching this battle.

In addition to the Supreme, Jinpeng ancestors, even Cihang Shengzhai also sent representatives, Sun Tianyi father and son, Sun Piaoyu also came over.

Not that they want to join in the fun, but have to come.

This may be the last time they can see the Tianshan martial arts. Yan Jiutian personally gave them an invitation, nothing more than one thing, they want to witness the destruction of hope.

The same Qin Hou women and close relatives, these people are not tied, Yan nine days even arranged for them a fine banquet, the same on the top of the sky on the watch.

Yan Jiutian stood on the edge of the cliff, overlooking the great rivers and mountains in the distance, and a world of respect for me.

Nowadays, he has not been able to fight with the Supreme, so that he no longer has to hang his humble form on his face and can show himself.

Although Zhao Cheng is sitting on the top position, but on the momentum, Yan Jiu Tian is standing, and he is not in the middle of the game.

Success or failure is in this battle?

Qin Hou, I am waiting for you here, do you dare to come?

Last time, I underestimated you, and I was almost killed by you. Now I am fighting again. I am also a nine-day dynasty, and what about you? Can you still be in the sky?

Yan nine days looked at the sky, his heart silently.

Also in the hearts of everyone, they are also expecting.

Will the hero in that heart come? Can you still reproduce the miracle?

"Everyone, I invite everyone to be a witness today. There is only one purpose, and I will fight with Qin Hou."

"And everyone, are people who are closely related to the fate of Qinhou. Qin Houruo defeated me and defeated is your creation. If he does not come, he will be defeated, and you will not exist. It's necessary."

"When it is over, now is September 9. Before Qin, if Qin Hou does not show up, you can go to **** and wait for him."

Yan Jiutian looked at Song Rujun and other people who were Qinhou’s relatives. It was extremely cold.

His son was killed in the world, his father was slaughtered, and the whole family business was destroyed. Can you not be annoyed?

Of course, he hates it, and how can he be so provocative.

He is waiting for this day!

The last time, he failed to uproot the Qinhou roots. This time he personally shot, there will never be any residue.

Not only are these people dying.

Anything in the world that touches Qinhou with a little bit of power and industry will be tempted by his revenge.

Therefore, Qin Wu did not choose this battle.

If you don't come, you will die all over the family and die!


Qin Lan did not know this, he was still intoxicated in the cultivation and could not extricate himself.

The endless chaos of gas, the continuous injection, Qin Lan is like a small sapling rooted in fertile land, taking nutrients, growing up vigorously.

Late Jin Dan, broken!

Yuan Ying early, broken!

Yuan Ying mid-term, broken!



The original Jin Dan in Dantian, at this moment has been turned into a silver little man sitting cross-legged in Dantian, all the meridians can accommodate the infuriating operation at least ten times before, the soul sea is also very full, plus He had already repaired the Yuanshen of the Yuan Ying period. At this moment, the Qin dynasty, whether it is the flesh or the soul, has reached the late Yuan Ying, although it has not reached its peak, but in terms of the physical limitations of the mortal world, this is already the limit.


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