The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1707: I am playing with you.

"Everyone, it’s rare that you and I can gather here before the new king is enthroned. Xu will respect you first."

Xu Wei raised his way.

Many people in the room have toasted each other and have no toasts. For example, sitting on the right side of the first order, the order is the messenger sent by Qin Guangwang. The **** has always been left to the respect, but Fan Guang The king's ambassador can only live in the left position. This is the rule of the millennium and the eternal years.

However, at this moment, Xu Wei is sitting in the left position with a golden knife. This is undoubtedly a provocation to Guang Wang. Everyone has a number in mind, but no one has made it clear that the order is naturally uncomfortable.

Under Xu Wei is the minister of wine accompanied by Xie Yanzhao. The seat is naturally arranged by them. The purpose is to see which ghosts are dissatisfied with Xie Yanzhao’s enthronement.

Now, at a glance, it is clear at a glance.

"Xu Daren, how can you drink less?"

"Mr. Qin, you are seated."

Xu let go and raised his hand to indicate that Qin Hao was sitting on his own emissary position. He was sitting in the back of the guest with Mi Xue and Xiao Wu.

Everyone was surprised and surprised, and a guest actually sat in the position of the messenger.

Moreover, this face of Qin Lan is absolutely strange, even if it is Xu Wei, a dog under Qin Tseng did not recognize his master.

"General Xu, I heard that you made a song at the gate of the city, and sensationalized the whole lifeless city. I want to come here."

"I would like to ask the gentleman a high name, who is the sect of the sect."

"Right, there are these two ladies, haven't asked for a name yet."

Xu Wei’s gaze swept away from the Qin dynasty, and fell on the face of Mi Xue and Xiao Wu, and the spark of his desire was shot in his eyes.

Other messengers and guests are also straightforward. It is rumored that Xie Wusheng’s daughter, Princess Anran, is the most beautiful woman in the world, but Mi Xue and two obviously subvert their cognition of women. I can’t imagine that there is such beauty in the world. someone's girl.

"Want to know who I am, you are not qualified enough."

"The two ladies, one is my niece and the other is my apprentice."

When Qin Lan came up, he directly sprinkled a gunpowder.

He is so profound and profound, and the purpose is to improve his influence. This will greatly benefit him in the New King ceremony in a few days later.

Imagine a person who doesn't know everyone, even those who have never heard of the name, stand up and shout, and in the eyes of outsiders, it is undoubtedly the performance of the idiot, there is absolutely no one will follow.

This is why Xu Fang has to give Qin Qin a seat.

When everyone saw him arrogant, he felt curious. During the period, a young messenger with a triangular eye was not warm: "Xu Daren, it looks like your hot face is attached to the ass, and people will take you at all." Be a fart."

While talking, this guy’s eyes were walking up and down in the snow, and he couldn’t wait to get into the arms of Mi Xue, a pro-Fang Ze.

"It turned out to be the third son of the second prison. I heard that the son of the scorpion has been sealed up recently. I am very happy."

Someone immediately reported his number next to him.

The second prison is the waters, the rivers and seas are rampant, the ghost king Shuguang has the power of the dragon god, can control the rivers and seas, is the king of water warfare, has a very high position in the eighteen layers of hell, Qin Lan and Shuguang are not very familiar, but this 敖Sangongzi still heard of it.

The three sons of the ancestors called Yu Shikai, one of the four famous sons of Hell. The four sons here are the sons of the ghost king, but they are not the princes who succeeded the throne. Unlike the other three sons, they are famous for their talents and cultivation. The world is famous for their ecstasy and comment on the beauty of the world.

It is rumored that this person likes to collect the beauty of the world, for his portraits, to collect, his beauty is full of tens of thousands of volumes, all kinds of ethnic groups. Of course, there are not a few who are ruined and played by him. Even many of them are princes and daughters. If his father is a dawn, he is afraid that he will die a thousand times.

It’s not for the sake of courtesy, but more importantly, he came to enchant the Enron Princess.

One is the famous Playboy, and the other is the seductive princess who has never been born in the city. It has a beautiful face and it will not be missed.

What surprised him was that he did not expect to encounter the fascination of Mi Xue and Xiao Wu. In his 10,000 volumes, he could not find a woman who could compete with these two people.

The world is insidious and cunning, and there is a great city. He knows that if he wants to get these two women, the most important thing is to get rid of Qin.

Moreover, when he did not find out the Qin dynasty, he would not be able to take it. If Xu Wei wanted to make a difference, it would be better.

Sure enough, when the world opened this opening, Xu Xin’s mentality exploded.

"Oh, I am not qualified?"

"In this way, since it is the messenger conference, why are we still playing according to the old rules?"

Xu Xiaoyin’s cold eyes were full of murderousness and sneered.

"General Xu, you are the **** of war in the seventeenth domain. You can't afford it. Of course, this one who doesn't even dare to report is not allowed to play as a viewer."

The world began to stir up Qin Qin.

"This makes everything listen to Mr. Qin."

"However, I advised that Xu Daren still shouldn't play well. If you lose a lot of life, don't regret it."

Xu put cold.

"Oh, here is the site of Prince Yanzhao, what can't you play?" Xu said.

"If I remember correctly, Xu Daren is the messenger of the 18 prisons. Shouldn't your master be surnamed Qin?"

The order that has not been snoring has sneered.

"Shenzhen, you are not chilling me, who knows in the world that the 18 prisons have changed their strings, Qin Hou, has long died in the robbery. Now 18 prison is the world of my car, my car Dashuai and Prince Yanzhao have the righteousness of blood, and they are like brothers. I am here in the land of brothers. What is the objection?"

Xu Wei is angry and angry.

"Xu Daren don't rush to argue this way. You are now a car in the left and a handsome car in the right. If Qin Hou is back, you are not afraid of him licking your skin?"

Qin Xiao smiled and asked.

"You, you are less alarmist, do you dare to play?" Xu Yan was erected Even if Qin Hou disappeared, the name was enough to make him fear.

"Play, Xu Daren wants to play, I naturally want to accompany the end."

Qin Hao did not hesitate to agree.

"it is good!"

"I don't want to be surnamed Qin. This brother has Qin Hou's legacy and dare to be a dare."

"Xu Daren, then look at your embarrassment."

Seeing the Qin dynasty war, the world is most happy, and the other messengers are also holding a look at the lively mentality.

To know that today's banquet is the representative of the ghosts, the ambassador represents Wang Wei, and the ghost kings of the ghosts do not want to fold their faces. They usually give the ambassadors a tailor-made and versatile follower.

Che Ming’s power to gain Qin’s power is not long-term. At the moment, what is most needed is the statement. Therefore, this time, the entourage provided to Xu Wei is also a first-class talent.

(End of this chapter)

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