The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1708: Who else is going to be?

"Mr. Qin, let's take the martial arts in hell, why not compare it with each other?"

Xu Wei did not hide the idea of ​​wanting Qin's life, bluntly.

"Okay, it’s just that this adult is a bit of a skill, isn’t it enough to play?"

Xu Fang disdain.

"General Xu said that Xu is a businessman, a civil servant, and that swords and swords are in no way inconsistent with the public."

"However, I have three guests, but I am proficient in kendo."

"Mr. Yu, please let me know."

Xu Wei turned and kissed a guest, respectfully said.

But see a person grow up, and see his face haze, eagle hook nose, a pair of bee eyes leaking cold light, height about one meter eight, looks very thin, no one on the scene dare to marry him.

When he stood up, a strong, hazy death and murderousness rushed over the sea. The musicians who played on the side were also affected by this gas field, and the tone was disordered.

There was a thin bamboo sword hanging from his waist, and there were many people who knew each other. He quickly asked with horror: "Is this the famous assassin of the seven prisons?"

"Oh, it seems that you still have a bit of eyesight, yes, this is the master of a sword."

Xu Wei proudly laughed.

Everyone saw no change in color. There are several famous assassins in hell. Among them, there is this one sword. It is rumored that he is one of the fastest swords in the world. He can kill the devil and kill only one sword.

His most famous is the assassination of a heavy minister under the seven prison ghost kings. Later, the seven prison ghost kings personally organized the assassination group to pursue his figure. After tracking for many years, he could not find him. He did not expect it to be the door of Xu Wei.

Qin Hao has certainly heard of this person. This person is really a little famous in hell. It is all blown out of hell. In fact, it is barely a second-rate, and there is no example of assassinating a real master.

Hell is very cruel, whether it is a ghost, a ghost, a sect, a ghost king, whether it is a high-level, stepping on the blood of the corpse, but the most famous top assassin in hell, the last time is Assassination of ghosts, elders of Zongmen, or the ranks of alien leaders.

What is this in a sword, garbage!

"Mr. Qin, since you are arrogant, dare to accept the challenge of the master?"

Xu Wei Leng Sensen asked.

"Kids, speed and me fight." Yu Yijian also issued a very gloomy voice, he can not wait to make a name for himself, only to get the reuse of Xu Wei, can completely settle down in the prison of eighteen.

"When you fight me, you are not enough."

Qin Hao shook his head.

"Less nonsense, whether it is war or not." Yu Yijian said.

"Yeah, you want to pretend to be a grandfather, you have to have three melons and two hands in your hand. Don't blow it, let's go."

He opened a sneer.

Qin Lan slowly stood up and the gas field was as calm as water. No one could see his height.

Because of the strengthening of the Yuanshen, unless it is the peak of the late period of the true age, it has entered the stage of the robbery and is ready to fly into the saint of God. The rest is not in his eyes.

Yu Yijian is still quite good. In the early stage of the stagnation, this stage is a partial in the military camp. The centurion is qualified, and it is considered to be a medium-lower repair.

In Hell, turning around the Qiankun and a curse and slaughtering a city, it is all things after the middle of the Yuan Dynasty. It is only a few steps away from the gods. Most of them are still in the three realms of Yuan Ying, Hua Xu and He Dao.

"go to hell!"

Yu Yijian moved.

The fast sword made from the magic bamboo in the abyss swamp of Hell, instantly black and sultry, exudes a creepy death chill, and vaguely reveals the free and screaming of the ghost on the sword front.

At the same time, in the absence of the Jianfeng spit, there is a vague humming bear, which is the embodiment of the realm of the initial stage of the illusion.

Can compress a bear two million pounds of force in the sword front, and the speed is fast, if the ghost, only rely on this explosive power, Yu Yijian can really stand firm in the assassin.

It’s just that this is really too tender and too spicy in front of Qin.

Qin Hao did not evade, watching a sword sneer.

Yu Yijian is stealing hi, and he is a stupid person. He can't stop his sword at all. He dares to wear it here. A swift sword is tied in the heart of Qin Yu, but he didn't wait to pierce the heart. A sense of beauty, the reflexion is like being tied to a fine iron. The flexible and unparalleled bamboo sword instantly sends a strange cold, such as glass, which is broken into pieces.

"Not good." Yu Yijian was shocked and stunned.

However, it is already late. The Qin finger and the five fingers are on the heavenly spirit of a sword, but seeing a figure from the sword of the heavenly spirit is hard to be pulled up, but it is not the soul of a sword.

"The **** is not bad, I have received it."

The people still didn't understand what was going on, and the next second **** in a sword disappeared into white light.

Yu Yi, who lost the Yuanshen, twitched and fell to the ground. Qin Lan stepped forward and lifted his foot. The head of Yu Yijian burst into ash.

"Xu Daren, who else is going to be?"

Qin Hao took a clap and was very easy.

Everyone saw his means of sizzling, robbing the gods, exploding his head, and clarifying that he did not give a way to live. He was afraid of a while, and realized that Qin Zhen was really not able to pinch the material. No wonder even Xu Fanggan Let the Lord.

"Han elder, what do you think?"

Xu Wei was a little panicked and looked at the old man who had been sitting cross-legged behind him.

"Peng Shan, you will meet him, since we promised the car handsome, we will never allow someone to sweep his face."

The old man calmly said, even the eyelids did not turn over.

"Yes, elders."

In addition to Pengshan’s response, it has turned into a lightning bolt and appeared in front of Qin.

"My name is Peng Shan, and I am a Class A disciple."

Pengshan is a middle-aged man with a tiger face that looks fierce and sinister. He doesn't use any weapons, but slowly lifts his sleeves.

But seeing his two arms dry like dead wood, it was engraved with terrible runes and patterns, and everyone saw that the scalp was numb.

"Ghost Cong That is the big faction among the seven prisons. It is rumored that the disciples can borrow the power of the evil spirits. It is very hidden."

"Yeah, I heard that the ghost sects can summon the dead ghosts of the ghost kings, with infinite changes, that is, several orthodox sects do not dare to take a nap. This Pengshan is a Class A disciple, and it should be no worse. Let's go."

The ordering bank deliberately said a lot of noise, in order to remind Qin to not take it lightly.

However, Qin Lan still shook his head slightly, and his face was indifferent.

"Boy, what do you mean by this?"

Pengshan is not happy.

In the eyes of Qin Xiao, there was a flash of light, and a black man shot. Pengshan didn’t even have time to answer. There was a blood hole in his eyebrows. He fell straight on the ground. His **** was incredibly kneeling beside the body, completely unbelievable. I am so dead.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

(End of this chapter)

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