The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1709: Industry fire

"Call and fight, where come so much nonsense." Qin Yu Yang started, the ice stone flashed, and the Pengshan Yuanshen, who was still on the ground, turned into a white light and was included in the square.

It’s not bad that Qin Hao didn’t take the initiative to collect people now. These guys even dared to send them to the door, but it’s just the combination of his heart.

Direct magic axe,

Both Yu Yijian and Peng Shan are all in the virtual period, and they are already qualified as slaves to Fangshan.

When I came up, I murdered without even making a call. This is too overbearing.

Xu Wei and other surprised tongues spit out!

"Enough, poisonous, dare to kill me, you are the first."

"The old man will come to you!"

The old man can no longer sit still, open his eyes, but it is a pair of **** sneaky screams, suddenly angered, a gloomy ghost rushing out from the bottom of the robe, everyone suddenly feels like a million skates, no Not sweaty upright.

"Han elder, I am relieved when you shoot."

"The kid, the elder of Han is the elder of the ghost, and the ghost repair has reached the level of repair. You are dead, you are dead." Xu Wei shouted.

"Yes, you are now taking the initiative to surrender the magic weapon, the old man may be able to leave you a little life for me, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless."

"The battle will start!"

Han’s elders waved with one hand and slammed, and a row of giant scorpion monsters with triangular tines and bows and arrows appeared out of thin air, one by one tall and high, exuding endless murder.

Obviously, this old guy also found that Qin Xiao’s body was taken away from Pengshan and Yu Jian’s god, and it was a good thing.

"The war will be the evil thing of the Valley of the Dead, and the things of the Valley of the Dead will not be ordered by the ghosts. The next is not to be banned by the dynasty, the patriarchal, and it is extremely difficult to tame. I did not expect that the surname Han can be domesticated. It is really high. Man."

There were people who had a lot of knowledge during the meeting and immediately said these strange things.

"General Xu, your friend is going farther and farther on the road to death. Don't you say a few words?"

A messenger with a goat beard reminded.

"Yeah, this brother, the evil spirits of the Death Valley are extremely savage, you have to be careful."

The order line also kindly reminded.

"Oh, someone is not very arrogant, very mad? Don't be ignorant at this time."

"Whoever thinks, my master is not easy to deal with this stinky old man, it is a few ugly, and it is also sent to death."

"That is, uncle is the most powerful, you are taking it for yourself."

The two women cheered on the Qin dynasty.

Xu Fang is smiling.

He also thought that Qin Zhen was the original cultivation, and he didn't worry about it at all. Not to mention these few strange things, that is, the abyss of the demon and the king of the scorpion came, and it was easy to destroy.

In fact, for Qin Lan, these blame is also very troublesome if they are entangled.

With his talents and magic weapons, he is not afraid of any illusion, and can even be said to be a master of the virtual realm, but this old man is a joint period.

Although there is only a big gap between the road and the imaginary, in the realm of comprehension, the gap between the two realms is equivalent to twice and three times the strength, and it is by no means easy to challenge.

However, this is still difficult to beat Qin.

Since he is interested in the future, he has to play the momentum and make a name. Then come back to kill again.

"Kid, have you considered it clearly?"

Han Chang Lao Yinsen asked, and at the same time those warriors were lame at the same time, huge eyes staring at Qin Hao, will launch a storm at any time.


Qin Hao shook his head and sighed.

"What do you mean?" Han’s elder eyes glanced and said coldly.

"You are still not qualified!"

"Fire is coming!"

A reddish fire lotus appeared from his eyebrows.

He has already merged with the fire of the Nether and the fire of the industry, and has become the fire of the Red Lotus. The power is thousands of times better than before. The fire from **** has been able to truly achieve nothing!

"Oh, there is still a mysterious power, kid, I really like you more and more, but even then, your arrogance is destined to die."


I asked a few people between the heavens and the earth to go through the reincarnation tunnel. I really saw the fire. Han’s elders didn’t know it. I saw that there was no such thing as a fire, and I didn’t care.


Qin Xiaomei’s heart released a **** red glow.

The light shone in the head of the skull.

There is no light, no heat, nothing special!

After a word is over, those cockroaches disappeared out of thin air.

Yes, it disappeared, and even a trace of ashes did not stay. It was just murderous, and it was too late to be afraid. It was too late to react like the air.

"what happened?"

"What happened? What about my necromancer?"

When Han Elder ran to the position of the station, he touched a circle, and there was still a trace of it, as if he had never summoned it.

But the pain of the contract's release was swaying in my mind, and the elder Han had to accept this cruel reality.

His cockroach was burned out.

"What the fire is, how can there be such a powerful power?"

The elder Han asked with fear.

"You can't know if you try!"

The mouth of the Qin dynasty rose, the evil spirits were sensational, and the red lotus reappeared a red light, straight through the Korean elders.

Han’s elders only felt light and seemed to float.

Looking at it again, his body is gone.

With such a blink of an eye, he did not even feel the pain of the physical death, and the body was lost.

Too fast, too overbearing, too poisonous.

Not only him, the silence of the whole game, no one can understand where Han’s elders go?

If you are burned, you have to have a head, so it is also a master of the joint period.

But such a sinister thing does happen, and it is completely unreasonable.


The elder Han did not have time to immerse himself in the pain and confusion of the death of the Under the huge panic, his gods will go away.

In the period of the joint road, the Yuanshen is equivalent to the second life. Without the flesh, it is impossible to return to the real sacred sacred, but without the gods, it is the waste in the waste. The gods and the flesh will die at the same time and will never die. This day disappeared between the earth.

"Want to go, it’s late."

Qin Lan raised the ice stone, and a burst of white light bloomed. The elder God of Han was pulled back by a powerful force. "No, no, spare me, give me a chance..."

The voice has not yet fallen, and his **** is compressed into a finger-sized figure, which is included in the ice stone.

All of a sudden gave the broom star three helpers, Qin Hao is also very good mood, back to the table, raised the wine glass and rushed to the crowd: "You, who wants to compare?"

Everyone was scared and stupid. I haven't seen such a god. This guy is simply a devil. Who dares to ask for it.

(End of this chapter)

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