The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1716: Ancient antiquity

Yuquan Palace is hidden in the green mountains and green waters, under the Feiyu Waterfall. The splashes of water from time to time are filled with the fragrant water, which is spectacular and fresh. The flower beds in front of the palace are fascinating.

In front of a simple palace building, the guards are lined up, all wearing elite armor.

There was Enron in front, no one dared to check, and everyone went into the palace smoothly.

I haven't been to the palace yet, and I hear a man's roaring far away: "Get out of the way, get out, the lonely king is not sick, the lonely king is not sick!"

"Haha, set up a long song against the sun and the moon, there is me who fights in the world!"

"Hey, little dance, my little dance, where are you, the father wants you..."

The voice of the man crying and laughing came out.

Xie Yuanqiao reveals a difficult color, and he said to Qin and other people: "I forgot to tell you, my brother, he, he has been crazy for a while."

"Insane to cure madness, there are old men, there is no cure in the world."

Zhang Shanzhi heard that the king of the ghosts was crazy, very annoyed, and his tone was unhappy.

"Mr. Zhang is a **** doctor, and the world is famous. You must be able to cure my father. It is good to remember you in the third life."

"Oh, it is also blaming me. I have been outside for many years. My father and I are eager, sorrow and joy, this is not crazy."

"Sometimes think about it, if I don't come back, my father will not have anything to do."

Enron’s low head, teardrops came and said that although she knew that she was acting, it was the real murder behind her, and it still made people feel pity.

"The princess does not need to blame himself, let Zhang Shen doctor give the king a pulse."

Xie Yuanqiao Road.

When I arrived at the main hall, the jade symbol was hung around the door of the temple, and the entrance and exit were sealed.

Qin Lan glanced at it and screamed for it. These symbols are all seven characters, and they are all very strange ancient jade characters. I don't know where these guys got it.

These spells form a huge array of methods. If Qin Xi’s current cultivation is trapped here, he will not want to go out.

It seems that in order to deal with Xie Wusheng, Enron and Xie Yanzhao are really bloody.

In the hall, there is a pot-like plant resembling a rockery with a tall man. There is a small pot of jade on the surface. The milky white juice is dripping down. Qin Lan walks to the side and smells a little. It turned out to be a rare nourishing thing.

Qin Lan had not had time to taste it. A guy with a cloaked hair rushed over and squeezed into the small pot and poured it directly into the small pot.

"You, who are you? You, you are a thief, you took my daughter away, you still my daughter."

The man separated his hair with his hands, and when he saw Qin Qin, his eyes were cracked, and his hands caught Qin’s neck.

This person is the old hell, the name is still in the Qin dynasty Xie Wusheng.

At this moment, his hair was scattered, his face was stained with water, and although he was wearing a purple robe, he had already ripped and shattered and looked extremely embarrassed.

Qin Xin’s heart was sour.

This is my old friend, the king of the world?

His pupil is almost gray, full of despair and helplessness!

His refined spirits have collapsed into a collapse, his hair has been whitened for a long time, and his handsome and elegant face has become so ugly that he has long since lost his style.

Qin Xiao is not sure whether he is really crazy or fake, but one thing he can be sure of is that Xie Wusheng’s cultivation is gone, perhaps he is hiding himself, perhaps it is banned, perhaps it has already been consumed.

All in all, Xie Wusheng is really abolished.

Qin Lan wanted to tell him his true identity, but he didn't dare to even pass a deliberate look. There is Enron on the side, this demon woman is unfathomable, and any means are likely to be captured by her.

At this point, he did not dare to have any bad pool, especially Enron is still so embarrassed, a little wrong, a full loss.

"Father Wang, he is Mr. Qin, not Yongzheng."

Enron waved, several guards before and Xie Yuanqiao and others, which saved Qin Hao from Xie Wusheng's hand.

The crowd finally got rid of Qin Hao from Xie Wusheng's hand. Xie Yuanqiao was busy: "Princess, I will see the doctor."

"Well, Mr. Zhang please."

Enron is very casual.

This is not a good signal. It is reasonable to say that Enron should be very nervous. After all, it is a medical doctor. If Xie Wusheng has solved the poison, her plan is completely lost.

Now she doesn't care, what does this mean?

She is 100% confident in poison and knows that Zhang Shanzhi can't solve it.

Xie Wusheng was pushed to the throne by a group of guards. Wow wowed to fight with Qin Yu, Zhang Shanzhi squatted down, and his fingers were carefully explored by Xie Wusheng's pulse.

With his medical skills, he has already been convinced, and he can see it directly, but he still uses this most sure method.

However, Zhang Shanzhi quickly frowned, shook his head again and again, changed the pulse several times, and looked at the heavenly spirit. He also looked at the eyeballs and got more than half an hour. He finally got up and sighed.

"God doctor, how is my brother?"

When everyone saw his cold face, his heart was already half cold.

"Xie Wang has a poisonous poison, a poison that I can't solve. No, it is a poison without the solution under the sun."

Zhang Shanzhi wiped a cold sweat and sighed.

Xie Yuanqiao and other people changed their face, only Enron looked calm, obviously everything was in her expectation.

"What poison? Please ask the doctor to listen." Enron asked.

"Magic Heart!"

Zhang Shanzhi has no heavy road.

"What? Isn't that a predicate poison? How could it exist in the world?"

Xie Yuanqiao couldn't believe the screaming, and the Shen Lingxing and others even took a sigh of relief.

Enron's face is also a little more twilight. She did not expect that Zhang Shanzhi was indeed a generation of **** doctors who were well-informed and could actually see that it was a magic heart.

I heard that it is a magic heart, Qin Hao is also a cold heart ~ ~ Mo Xin scattered is the ancient poison, rumors that if the Buddha in the Lingshan monastic, faded the last trace of distracting, this miscellaneous thoughts It is called the devil. When the magic enters the world, it will break into the hearts of the people of the world. It is the Buddha's Dharma that is boundless, and it is impossible to drive out the magic from the hearts of the world.

Since then, the Buddha has tried his best to create the minds and curses of countless exorcism with Sanqing Daozu and Gao Gaodi. It is still impossible to eradicate the magic.

Ronaldo is the first person under the magic.

This person was originally a general. After the possession of the demon, the killing was boundless. After the death, it was still invincible, and the demon was created in Hell.

It is also the biggest magic gate of heaven and earth, and Ronaldo is also the magic ancestor of the magic gate.

The magic heart is a poison left by the demon.

Strictly speaking, it is a kind of thing between poison and curse. Once it encounters righteousness and good thoughts, it will be swallowed wildly. Xie Wusheng is naturally a righteous person. The more people are getting the counter-phasing.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

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