The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1717: There is always a way out

Xie Wusheng had a distraction, not only the instinct was countered, but the mental state of the whole person was also devastated. A benevolent monarch was mainly assimilated by the devil. The painful suffering of the devil and the inner degeneration is unbearable. As for him, he is crazy.

Enron saw that Zhang Shanzhi had said the name of the poison, but he could not cure it. The hanging heart was slightly relieved.

She really did not gamble, what is the world's first **** doctor, in front of the magic of the demon sect, it is not worth mentioning.

This is also good, let Qin Guangwang these people have died, so as not to think of the way to rescue Xie Wusheng.

"Zhang Shen doctor, so to say, my father is not saved?" Enron asked worried.

Everyone knows her mind, secretly swearing that this enchantress is shameless, and she is so poisonous to Xie Wusheng, but no one dares to expose it, and it is not good to stay here today.

"Yes, at least the old man has not found a way yet, but I will not give up, princess, I want to go to the palace again tomorrow, to cure the disease for Xie Wang, please allow."

Zhang Shanzhi bowed his hand.

"Zhang Shen is very polite, and it is already exhausting for my king to cure the disease. The princess is a person of great filial piety. I welcome it too late."

Xie Yuanqiao Road.

Enron knew that he was kidnapped in morality, but he didn’t care. She dared to bring Zhang Shanzhi today, and decided to fix his two brushes. What about tomorrow?

"Of course, Zhang Shen doctor likes it, and it can be done every day. I hope that Mr. can cure my father's illness earlier."

"Right, I have to remind everyone to wake up. Your time is running out. On the eighth day, my brother will be enthroned. What will happen at that time, can be said to be bad."

Enron's face showed a pair of deep dimples, a smile.

"Thank you princess!"

Zhang Shanzhi is not humble.

"Wang Shu, it is rare for everyone to come here, and accompany them to turn around in Yuquan Palace, and they will be lost."

Enron told Xie Yuanqiao.

"Yes, princess."

Xie Yuanqiao nodded.

"Mr. Qin, don't forget to talk to people at night."

Enron walked to Qin Hao, picking up his toes and softly whispering in his ear.

"If a beautiful woman has an appointment, how can he not follow?"

Qin Xiao smiled.

"Then I will wait for Mr. Oh."

Enron covered his red lips and smiled and led the entourage.

As soon as she left, Xie Yuanqiao immediately quit the guard and rushed to Xie Wusheng's side, clutching his shoulder and groaning: "Big brother, big brother, you are waking up, Wangcheng is going to die, you are going to die."

"Have you seen it? Guangwang sent a doctor to save you, you are snoring."

However, Xie Wusheng sat on the steps and muttered: "The thief dog robbed my daughter, you, who have seen my little dance."

"Wang, it's useless, he is crazy."

At this time, a beautiful woman in a long white dress with a sly face came in, helped Xie Wusheng, wiped the saliva of his mouth, and sighed.

She is the great beauty that used to be mad at her, the mother of the little dance, Li Lan, only her husband fell, she was confined in this Yuquan Palace, daily sorrow and even the face of Yan Yan Yu, has long been no longer the appearance of the year, Hey.

The people originally held a glimpse of hope that no life is mad, but now it seems completely impossible, and can not help but sigh.

"Mr. Qin, look."

Xie Yuanqiao took another look at Qin Lan and cast a last hope.

If even Qin Qin can't do it, then he can only give up.

"Let's go, don't bother Xie Wang to rest."

"Xie Wang Ansheng rests, we will come back to visit tomorrow."

"Wang Hao, leave."

The Qin dynasty said lightly.

Xie Yuanqiao basically did not play, and no longer stayed, everyone out of the palace.

Returning to the palace, the commander of the commander sighed: "If there is a land of the Tibetan ancestor, perhaps the king can still be saved, but unfortunately it is the treasure of the ancestor of the ancestral lord, may not be able to discuss it."

"Ding Ling Dan Guang Wang has already been delivered to Xiang Hao, this time in my hands, but the spirit of Dan can only detoxify, but can not break the magic heart."

Qin Hao shook his head.

"Yes, if you want to solve the magical distraction, the most important thing is to pull out the devil from the soul and spirit of Xie Wang. If it is just onset, the Buddha-free method of Guangwang and the Tibetan lords can do it."

"But now it's not working. The time of onset is too long. The magic poison has penetrated into every nerve of him. Every cell, Xie Wang is not saved."

"Unless there are those magical medicines that have congenital conditions, you can have a chance, otherwise...hey!"

Zhang Shanzhi sighed and sighed.


When Qin Hao brightened his eyes, he immediately thought of the broom star, and immediately said: "This way, Wang Ye will find a way to let me wait for another palace tomorrow, I may be able to have a try."

"Hou Ye is a talented person. It’s great. Let’s see you tomorrow. The king is in danger of being killed by the prince. He has to do this."

Xie Yuanqiao made a big surprise at the table.

Back to the embassy, ​​Xiang Hao, Xu Fang and others could not wait to ask, Qin Hao just shook his head slightly, and the two knew what they wanted, and even sighed, they dared not ask again.

Inside the room, the little dance soaked the tea, and looked at Qin Xiao with the snow.

The two did not speak, so looked at Qin Yu, because they have seen a sad answer from the expression of Qin Yu.


When the little dance opened, it was already tears.

The most painful thing in the world is that it is a matter of life and death. It takes a lot of hard work and hardships. It’s not a good time to return to the homeland in 20 years. It’s such a beginning. The little dance heartache can’t breathe.

"The little dance doesn't have to be too sad, things haven't reached despair."

Qin Lan put down the tea cup, erased her tears, and took a deep breath.

Then he got up and said to Mi Xuedao: "Take care of the little dance. No one is allowed to come close to my room tonight. Can you help Xie Wang? It's all here."

Qin Lan found a remote secret room, sitting cross-legged, can not wait to enter the square inch of the gods.

It’s just a day’s effort. The scenery of Fang’s Mountain has changed a lot. I saw that the original bare land has been filled with The rice is full, it is three times the size of the maiden wheat, and the whole rice field is pervasive. With a strong fragrance.

The broom star lie in the cane chair and slouched in the sun. The Han and Qing dynasty waved their hoes to develop a second Lingtian. The three men seemed to be in full swing, and they were completely different from the second-time spirit.

"Grandpa, you are here."

Han Qing three put down the hoe, nodded and greeted over.

"Good job, adapt very quickly."

Qin Xiao smiled.

"The uncle doesn't know. Since I came to Fangcun Mountain, the three of us are multiplying with divine power. Every day we eat the fairy fruit and drink the fairy spring. The broomstick also teaches us the true magic of the gods. Now we are three people in one sword. Pengshan has reached the joint period, and the old man has also cultivated a realm and reached a joint period. This is not going to break through to the later stage."

"Hey, the speed of cultivation here is so beautiful."

The three men of Han Qing were again guilty of the Qin dynasty, and they worshipped again. They screamed and called the grandfather of the ancestors.

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