The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1725: For the long

With the dog of the blood shadow, Qin Hao took a lot of confidence in winning the group of Xie Yanzhao.

After the blood shadow, Qin Yu returned to the inner house, the little dance sat at the table and dazed, Mi Xue was boring looking out the window, the atmosphere was dull.

"Uncle, you are back, what happened to my father?"

Little dance can't wait to ask.

"Antidote is effective, no accident, you can see him in the ceremony three days later." Qin said.

"Great, thank you Cang for letting me have such a good uncle."

The little dance excitedly threw himself into the arms of Qin Yu, holding him tightly, his face filled with a happy smile.

The world view of Xiao Dance is different from other girls. Because she is being taken up by her daughter, she has a simple love and affection between men and women.

She doesn't know what love is, what is a vow, but she knows that she only wants to be the man's follower for the rest of her life.

It is he who changed his destiny, reborn her, and let her know what happiness is.

Nowadays, Qin Yu does not count the life and death of her father. The little dance has no idea how to express her gratitude to Qin.

Holding the beauty in her arms, Qin Xiao is also somewhat worried. Although the body of the little dance is not as good as the rice snow, it is also very expected. At this moment, the faint body fragrance and the white snow friction are undoubtedly a kind of enjoyment.

Qin Lan even thought that when he saw the little dance at the first sight, the beauty of the country was so beautiful that his eyes were stunned. At that moment, his heart beat and he still had no deep aftertaste.

His hand couldn't help but covered the waist of the little dance. It was soft and soft. If there was no bone, it was going to move down the road. The snow on the side could not be seen: "Cough, Master, tea has given You have soaked up, your old man has been busy for a day, and he has to drink tea to solve the problem."

The little dance returned to God, but it was not ashamed, because she was more sticky from Qin Yu after she left her daughter country, so she was still unwilling to let go.

In the end, Qin Hao was almost mired in the eyes of Mi Xue, and he reluctantly let go of his hand: "Little dance, my uncle is a little lacking. After drinking tea, let's talk about your father."

The little dance just released the hand.

"Master, you talk slowly, I have to practice, don't bother you."

Mi Xue’s heart was sour, and he licked his mouth and took care of himself.

"Uncle, how is Michelle's sister angry? Is it because of the little dance? Hey, does she like you?"

The little dance figure understands what to ask.

"My sister doesn't say, who would like him like this big wolf, even his own prostitute, or the elders, hehe."

Where did the rice snow just walk to the door, and turned around and said something, and then left.

Qin Yan's old face is thicker, and it is so stunned by Mi Xue. It is also a dark feeling. The little dance is so simple, and it seems that there are some animals and beasts.

"Uncle, you are similar to my father. In fact, I know that my uncle is in the world, and I am the same size as I am. I am in my early twenties."

"The little dance originally liked my uncle. Where did my uncle go, I will follow."

"I thought about it. This time I met my father, I continued to wander with my uncle."

The little dance supported the chin, and the beautiful girl looked at the Qin dynasty, without gentleness.

"Cough, you didn't listen to Mi Xue, I said that I am a big color wolf, follow me, you will suffer." Qin Xiao smiled.

"Where is my uncle with whom I am doing, I am following my uncle anyway. Besides, my uncle has so many sisters in the mortal world. They are as good as me. Everyone has nothing to say, how good."

The little dance is a natural answer.

There is no concept of husband and wife in her mind. As long as she is satisfied with Qin, she is not deliberately pleased.

"Haha, it’s still a small dance to understand, Mi Xue wants you to be half sensible, I am relieved."

Qin Xiao smiled.

Emotional things are doomed to be in love with one person, and not to say far, Sun Piaoyu, he has to be at least responsible, Ji Yanran talks with him about emotions, but since Qin Lan brought her to hell, if there is a goodbye, The decision will not be separated.

"Does that uncle like a little dance?" asked the little dance.

"of course!"

"The little dance is kind and simple, how can I not like it?"

Qin Hao answered seriously.

There is another reason. The little dance is the support of the black pearl before the death. At this point, Qin Lan will take care of her for the rest of her life.

"Then you kiss me."

"Like kissing pearls."

Little dance squinted, whispered.

Looking at the flashing eyelashes, the perfect cheeks that are moving, Qin Qin hearted.

At that moment, the little dance of his eyes seemed to be a pearl.

Numerous pictures of the pearls on the island and the wildness were played back in the mind. Qin Hao couldn’t help but stand up and kissed the little dancer’s lips.

When the lips are about to meet, and even when they feel the temperature of each other's lips, the sound of Michelle is heard at the door: "Master, ask the son in the front hall."

"Master, have you heard it? Wouldn't you do something bad again?"


The ambiguous atmosphere was interrupted so vividly, Qin Yu sneaked a sigh, stood up straight, the little dance was shyly head down, his face burned like an apple.

"Uncle, let's go first." The little dance whispered.


Qin Hao scratched his head and walked out helplessly.

When I saw that Michelle couldn’t get a piece of it, I didn’t have a good air: "Smelly girl, are you deliberate?"

"Hey, you are like this, you definitely want to do bad things."

"I still have uncles, I don't respect you."

Michelle whispered.

It is not necessary for her to personally report such a small incident. She is a panic in her Deliberately to destroy, at this moment see Qin Qin’s impatience, it is expected that it does not occupy the small dance cheap, my heart is quite nice.

"Apprentice, you are more and more arrogant, be careful of Master's family to clean up you."

Qin Yan's eyelids turned over and the face was on the face.

"clean up."

Mi Xue dropped a sentence and hurried to the small dance room. She had to find a way to unite the two, or else she would have to be eaten by the bad master sooner or later.

Qin Lan is also helpless to this girl. She has been dissatisfied in Ice Snow City. Now she sees through her "dirty" heart, and she is not convinced. It seems that it is time to sacrifice the family law.

Did not think much, Qin Hao went to the hall.

Xiang Hao and Xu Fang are drinking tea, and after saying hello, they can't wait to say: "Hou, the princes have already entered the jade letter, and the information is not false. My people have discovered the jade letter." In a small village in the valley outside the customs, some more faces were born. Later, when the whole village was killed, the people who lived there were all the killers sent by Xie Yanzhao. The total number is 136, all of them. The elite killer of the court."

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