The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1726: Really here, dare not?

"What is the situation of the princes now?"

Qin Hao nodded and asked.

"They are completely undefended. They don't know that the vice-persons around them are traitors. They are discussing the plan to attack the Wangcheng."

"According to the exact news that my people got, they decided to camp in the ten miles outside the Yuhanguan to restrain the pressure on Wangcheng. At the same time, they are actively passing the dark line and want to open the door of Yuhanguan and Wangcheng."

"I have to say that there are one or two people who do have other ambitions, but in general, their existence is beneficial to us."

Xu added aside and added.

"Well, the most important thing at the moment is to protect their comprehensiveness. Xu Fang and Xiang Hao immediately leave the city. At all costs, they will keep the four princes in these three days. I am responsible for opening the Yuchengguan and Dongchengmen. Issue the order and you will enter the city."

"Of course, I can't beat the snakes, I am afraid of hurting their morale."

Qin Yudao.

"Hou Ye, so the whole city's affairs are all on your shoulders. Xie Yanzhao's masters like Yun, especially the demon woman is even more unfathomable, you have to be careful."

Xu put the road.

"I have a way to deal with them, you can rest assured."

Qin Yudao.

The two did not dare to stay for a long time, and quickly left the hall to arrange.

When they left, Qin Hao was a headache.

The current situation is already on the line, no matter whether he can get the inner city, the plan has to be implemented.

But in reality, he still has a little grasp of the switch door. It is still unpredictable to deal with Xie Yanzhao and the demon woman.

The strength of Princess Enron should have no rivals in Wangcheng, unless Xie Wusheng can recover at least half of the repairs, or can be a battle, Qin Yu’s current illusion period, people who meet the early days of the road can still cope, to the road Period or higher, it is more difficult.

The power of the red lotus industry is big, but the loss of using it once is also great. The magic axe is influenced by his body, and the power exerted is limited.

If the Princess Enron has the strength to return to the real period, then he has no chance of winning.

With him, you can only take one step at a time.

After leaving Xu Fang, they waited until dark, and Qin Hao went to the Princess House.

Enron really is acting, this woman can't wait for the world man to turn around her skirt, but really want to get her, but it is still difficult to go to the sky, with Qin Qin for most of the night, and finally a hair does not let Qin Hao bump.

I want to come to the bottom of her skirt in the car during the day, it is beyond the limit, so that Qin Hao accounted for a big bargain.

This also shows that Enron is only proficient in enchantment, but it is not a silver chaos. The rumors of the rivers and lakes may not be true. It is not strange that she keeps her virginity.

I want to come too. The Qin dynasty can only be a warrior at most, not a Qinhou. If Enron uses the foot and ankle, how can he really let him eat the fruit?

The next day, the martial law of the city became more and more strict.

The soldiers intensified their inspections on the streets, and the assassins flew around the embassy as flies, monitoring the movements of the ministers.

Qin Hao can't do anything at the moment, only wait.

Can't make Zhao Tong, can't open the East Gate, everything is no good.

Obviously this day is ruined and no news is waiting.

After waiting for a day, the next day, Qin Qin was lazy and waited for the movement of the blood shadow. He went directly to a jade letter, and was closer to the inner city. He carefully examined the deployment of the tower.

There are about eight hundred guards in Yuhanguan. There is no speciality in the maintenance of the guards. There is no special point in the maintenance of the guards. The key is the cannons of the Guanyu, which cooperate with the wall. It is really a good time to be a husband.

As a result, there is one more person on the list that Qin Hao wants to control. That is the jade letter.

If he remembers correctly, the jade letter will be a very snobbish guy. The outsider can't see him at all, but Qin Hao thinks of a person, Xu Wei.

At the moment, Che Ming is making a good deal with Xie Yanzhao. Xu Wei is undoubtedly a red man, and he and the defender will be old-fashioned, and there is no suitable candidate for him.

With an idea, Qin Hao went to the Qin Hall.

It is undoubtedly an irony to think of the ancestral hall that Xie Wusheng built for himself in the past, but now lives in a group of despicable people.

Xu Weigang came back from the outside to drink wine and, by the way, talked about a few business, and asked more.

Just returned to the 驿馆, following the report from the front: "Xu Daren, someone came to see you, and waited for a long time inside."

Xu Wei sent a follower and entered the inner court. He said: "Who is, I am still looking for the ambassador so late."

"Xu Daren, it is me."

Qin Lan is cold and cold.


The voice made Xu Wei have a kind of ice cold from the pores. He seemed to hear the voice of Qinhou in the past. When he was scared, he was completely shaken. He quickly went to see it. He saw Qin Xin, the heart of colic. This was soothing, and I sighed with a sigh of relief and said, "Made, scared me, why are you coming to me late?"

"The day after tomorrow is the day when the new king is enthroned. I am looking for a big man to help me."

"Well, tea is good."

Qin Lan took up the tea bowl and made a sigh of relief.

"Crap, can this adult drink poor?"

"If I remember correctly, it seems that the two are not all the way. The difference is not the same, Mr. Qin, please."

Xu Wei sneered and raised his hand.

"You have to promise."

Qin Yudao.

"Oh, must? You are not a messenger of the seventeen prisons? You seventeen prisons are living on our blessings. It is no exaggeration to say that it is the king of Linyuan who is not here to speak with the ambassador." ”

Xu Wei proudly laughed.

"Why don't you say something to the big man, who do you mean by us?"

Qin Lan’s eyelids shot two cold mans, looking directly at Xu Wei, and shouting coldly.

"That, of course, it is Qin Wuhou, and there is General Che Ming."

Xu Xin’s heart was tight and he blurted out.

"Dog thief loss you still know Qin Wuhou."

"See clearly, who am I?"

The Qin dynasty suddenly grew up, and his eyebrows were full of purple light, and the real body appeared.

When you squat, you can hang the magic sword, hang the king seal, and the height is the master.

Xu Wei had been living in this shadow before. At this moment, I saw Qin Zhen’s true body. I was scared and looked at each other. I sat down on the ground and pointed at Qin Xiao. The mouth was big and there was no fear. "You You are Hou Ye."

"If you lose this dog thief, you will know the prince." Qin Hao took back the real body and sneered.

"Hou Ye is here, the small eyes have no beads, some sins should die, scared a pair of dog eyes."

Xu Hao is crazy.

"Oh, you are not sealed now? Che Ming's great ability, in addition to the old ghost king, he is a little ghost, actually dare to give people a seal."

Qin Xiao smiled.

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