The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1730: This master recognizes the value

The seventeen-step steps of the squad approached him. Under the powerful momentum, Zhao Tong’s courage to resist even the roots could not be lifted.

Seventeen did not shred him, but pressed against his forehead, forced against the top, the smirk of the mouth splattered with venom and water splashed his face, hemp and itchy.

"What the **** do you want?"

Zhao Tong shouted with a cry.

Seventeen desperately against his forehead, can't wait to get into it.

In fact, he really went in!

As the red light flashed, the seventeen illusion turned into a **** man, and a little bit ran into the head of Zhao Tong.

At first, Zhao Tong was still struggling.

But after half a sip of tea, he violently twitched a few times, his eyes tilted and his blood was shining. The whole person was stunned and straight, his face was not scary, and he made a cold voice: "羿Brother, I have already got him."

"Master, this, this is..."

The shadow of the blood is scared, although Zhao Tong’s voice is still the same as before, but the chill of one mouth is completely another person.

"Very good, you stay here, blend his memories, and open the Dongcheng Gate tomorrow."

Qin Hao nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, my brother."

Seventeen respectfully said.

What he is best at is the possession. In the royal family of England in the past, Qin Lan forced her out of the body of Princess Anne.

The seventeen pairs of Qin dynasty have been in a state of awe, not close. They have always been known to the master, but Qin 羿 allowed him to practice in Sanjieshi and Hei San, giving him the re-creation.

This made this sleazy and deceitful devil know that Qin Qin's heart is broad and there is no prejudice against him. This is the same as that of Black Three.

Although it is just a change in the name, the loyalty is completely different.

From the moment he changed his mouth, he was destined to die for the Qin dynasty in this life, and life and death are not separated.

After seeing the blood shadow on the side, it is also a sincere conviction of Qin Zhen’s true heart. What kind of scenery is Zhao’s uncle, and the result is that Qin Hao is alone in Longtan, so it’s so easy to get it. How many people can there be in hell?

Such a person is fully qualified to be the master of his blood shadow, worth it!


Too uterus.

Tomorrow is the auspicious day of the throne. The people in the palace are busy setting up a new royal palace. Xie Yanzhao can't wait to wear the robes, and in a few confidants, triumphantly marching in the hall.

"Everyone loves the Qing, everyone feels that this king is imposing, how is this mighty king?" Xie Yanzhao sat down in the golden dragon chair and asked with a smile.

"The prince's prestige is like a moon, and it is far away from the new king. After tomorrow, there is no one in the world who is afraid of it. No one knows that Wang is the hero of today."

"That is, I have no life and hell. It is a strong soldier. After I am crowned, I will be able to open up the territory and ask Jiuding."

The traitors of several princelings are blowing again.

"Call, now is not the time to say this, but you can rest assured that after the king is enthroned, your credit is indispensable."

"The most important thing at the moment is to get the big seal of the father and the big gates. How big is your people prepared?"

Xie Yanzhao was not completely stunned and asked calmly.

"Princes are assured that my more than one hundred killers have all sneaked into the jade letter and made up the villagers. As long as they are ordered, they can teach the princes outside the customs to come back."

A young man with a beard and a beard, a cold beard and a cold smile.

He is a family member, and he belongs to the same sect. Xie Yanzhao got back an Enron princess this time. This person is narrow-minded and savage, and he has a large number of dead men under his command. This assassination is entirely responsible for this assassination.

"Well, I am still relieved to do things with adults."

"General Zhao? Haven't you arrived yet?"

Xie Yanzhao took a look at it and couldn't help but see his own ruling party, Zhao Tong.

According to the agreement, Zhao Tong will come to meet him tonight.

"Oh, now people are thinking, General Zhao has mastered the strength of the four gates, and the power is too great. Whether it is the princes or the fleas of Xie Wang, the fleas have been stunned. In case they lobbied General Zhao to fight against the water at this time, the king can get it. Think twice."

Hehehehe said.

Xie Yanzhao’s face was sinking, and he was obviously moved by him. He rushed to the blood around him. “You, immediately go and call me, whether it’s sick or dead, it’s a lift and I’ll bring it to me. ”

The blood film led the life, just to go, there was a long announcement at the door: "General Zhao Tong arrived."

Zhao Tong strode into the meteor and came in and said: "Zhao Tong has seen the king."

Seeing Zhao Tong, Xie Yanzhao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he still trusted Zhao Tong, and immediately said: "Zhao Tong, tomorrow's ceremony is very important, how are you arranged in the four doors?"

"Wang assured, I received the news that the thief had thought about the intention of Yuhuaguan to attack Wangcheng. The East Gate was heavily guarded. The most troops did not have to worry. I have already ordered the Tigers to camp in the north, south and west gates. As long as the gates are not broken, The ceremony of the king can be held as scheduled, and he will be enthroned."

Zhao Tong said awkwardly.


Xie Yanzhao did not object, and was obviously very satisfied with this arrangement.

"Wang, the real power is in the interior of Wangcheng. It is not enough to deal with the real masters by the pro-defense. Recently, Wangcheng is not peaceful. The king not only needs to get the big seal, but also strengthens his defense. It is perfect."

Zhao Tong said again.

"I have ghosts, old spirits, and Enron princess protection, security issues, should be innocent."

"And, the lifeblood of the entire king city is in my hands, and General Zhao does not have to worry."

Xie Yanzhao is more self-channel.

Zhao Tong is also the master of this time. When he heard this, his eyes suddenly looked awkward. He suspected that Xie Yanzhao would have this hand. Now it seems that this madman has a plan of jade.

Xie Yanzhao has arranged a lot This will make everyone disperse.

Zhao unified, the blood shadow followed the name of tracking, and whispered: "General, Xie Yanzhao did you even disclose it?"

"Well, this thing, he is as cherished as he is, and he may not really believe me. You must be more careful, and get as much as possible to control the spar of Wangcheng's lifeline."

Zhao Tong said.

The two quietly summed up again, and this left.


The moonlight is getting thicker, the moon in **** is groggy, and it is always like being covered with smog, and the sky is not clear.

A fragrant carriage stopped at the front of the embassy in the moonlight. Princess Enron did not bring any entourage. Yingying got out of the car. The guard at the door quickly reported, and Xu Fang personally greeted him.

"I don't know if the princess is driving, Xu is polite." Xu said.

"General Xu does not have to be polite, is Mr. Qin there?" Enron Wen asked.

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