The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1731: Serpent princess

"It’s not awkward, sir is sick, I am playing back in the city today, and I have never been to the government."

"If the princess really wants to see him, I can tell you."

Xu put the road.

"An Ran just knows how to practice fur, and General Xu leads the way quickly."

Enron's eyebrows hide the color of the road.

She and Xie Yanzhao are a rope grasshopper. As the big event will be fixed tomorrow, Enron can't sleep for one night. Intuition tells her that Qin Lan is a very dangerous person.

Moreover, the two originally agreed to chat again today, and Qin Hao did not show up for a whole day.

Enron suspected that the Qin dynasty was really a distraction, and expressed concern about the various tricks he was likely to play with. So he decided to take a trip in person.

"Princess, Mr. Qin rests in the hall, please."

Xu Fang pointed to a house in the road.

"General Xu, there is a sentence that Enron always wants to ask the general, but also hopes to answer me truthfully."

Enron did not rush into it, turned and looked at Xu Fangdao.

"Princess, please."

Xu put the road.

"As far as I know, you are the embassy of the seventeen prisons, not the Qin dynasty. Why are you so polite? This seems to be inconsistent with the ritual system." Enron smiled and asked.

Although it was a smile, Xu Fang clearly felt the pressure of numerous swords and swords, and smiled slightly. Xu said: "Princess, seventeen prisoners are weak, what is the importance of ritual? Mr. Qin is the VIP I invited. There is courage and enthusiasm, and there is a talented person. Xu admire him in his heart. He said that it is the seat of the ambassador, the life of Xu, and it can be delivered together."

"And as long as anyone dares to hurt Mr. Qin, Xu definitely does not hesitate to splash five steps and give up his life."

While Xu gave the answer, he also reminded Princess Anran to play less.

"Long time General Xu is a warrior, today is a sight."

Enron smiled a little, no longer asked, went to the house.

When I arrived at the entrance of the house, the door was closed, and the door was opened by Enron. Qin Zhen was sitting cross-legged on the bed, and if it was gray, the expression was extremely painful.

"Mr. Qin, I heard that you are ill, people deliberately come to see you, you are okay." Enron looked worried and stepped up to Qin Hao, love and pity.

"It's still old, blood and blood, retrograde, meridian, and weak. Today, I wanted to go to the princess's house. Unexpectedly, I suddenly suffered from a serious illness. It is really painful and I hope the princess will forgive me."

Qin Xiao smiled with a smile.

"I thought you were annoyed. I haven’t been with Mr. I have been in the past few days. Oh, it’s too much recently. The father’s business is too worrying, so I haven’t been interested. I’m so relieved that when the new king goes to the throne, the world is set. Enron must be with Mr.."

Enron leaned on the side of the Qin dynasty, no gentle road.

"Right, I have a medicine here, it is from the Royal Palace doctor, maybe it can cure your illness."

"It’s good to boil water, or if you are safe, wait for Mr. to take the medicine, so as not to delay the grand ceremony tomorrow."

Enron got up and took out a medicine bag from the cuff.

"The princess doesn't have to worry, I am quite a good one." Qin Hao pretending to be vigilant.

"Mr. Is it true that it is safe?" asked Enron Princess Emei.

"Of course not, let's have a princess."

Qin Hao nodded.

He knows that Enron is definitely not an antidote, but how about it, a dog's tail grass, non-toxic, can not eat the "antidote" of Enron, this woman is afraid not to give up.

Under Enron's service, Qin Lan calmly drank the soup.

As soon as the soup came into the throat, Qin Lan immediately felt a strange thing. This was used to control the distraction. Enron was not trying to kill him, but to control it.


"The princess is really good, I feel much better."

Qin Hao’s face was ruddy and she smiled happily.

"Great, you want to ask for medicine in the future, look for me at any time."

"Time is not early, Mr. Qin rests early."

Enron has become more and more sure that Qin has lost his heart and is in a good mood. He does not want to waste time in Qin and get up.

For her, Qin Lan has become the grasshopper of her palm, and it is impossible to escape her Wuzhishan.

After leaving safely, Xu let go and whispered: "Hou Ye, Xiao Wu, Mi Xue, two young ladies have already been sent to the jade letter, in the house of Xu Wei, there is a black three care, so that the outside gates You will be able to do it at any time, please rest assured."

"Well, tomorrow will be the last blow, no life can not turn the sky, the key is still in Yuquan Palace, everything depends on God."

Qin Hao’s eyes fell to the direction of Yuquan Palace.

He has done everything to the utmost, to find things in people, to be in the sky.

He gave Xie Yuanqiao an antidote, but whether Wang Ye could find out whether he would give Xie Wusheng medicine in time and Xie Wusheng could recover a few percent, these are unknowns.

Xie Wusheng will not recover, no one in the city can be Enron's opponent. In this battle, Qin Hao does not have absolute certainty.

Moreover, until now, Qin Hao has not been able to figure out the foundation of Enron. This woman is likely to come from the Yaozu, more likely to be a mysterious master of the demon, but one thing is very clear, Enron is terrible, terrible.

The whole city has no sleep for one night!

The next day, the street hangs the king's flag of the new king, and the lights are everywhere. You can see the palace guards who beat the drums and drums everywhere.

The people of the whole city walked along the street or squatted at their doorsteps. Wang Qi’s arrival, they all bowed to the longevity and congratulated the new king.

The whole city is full of excitement, but behind this excitement is a cold feeling of a cold.

After Wang Qiyi finished the street, the people quickly returned to the house to close the door.

In the Wusheng Square, the high platform that had been enchanted by the meditation had already been set up. The ministers, the generals, and the embassies in the field all wore new robes, waiting for the arrival of this moment.

Everyone's look is not solemn!

Today is not too weekday!

Xie Yanzhao stood at the door of the Looking at the corner of the sky in the morning, there was a sigh of laughter: "The two elders, after today, you and I will become a great cause. After that, the demon will be my lifeless hell. According to the land, full development, a steady stream of wealth, talent will flow into the Tian Mo Zong, you should be satisfied with this result."

"Prince understands people. Only our gods can ensure that there is no life and hell, and that your king is eternal. Our lord is the top master of hell. He is the king of Qin Guangwang, and he wants to shake your goodness."

The ghost on the left smiled.

"Oh, there is no such thing as our demon, the prince, your talent, ability, I am afraid that after 10,000 years, I may not be able to sit in this position. The satisfaction should be Prince."

Elders are cold and sensational.

Xie Yanzhao screamed annoyed. The ghost hand and the soul were clearly protecting him. In fact, they were two mad dogs who watched him. The ghost hand was at least a smile, and this odious soul was an idiot plus a confession. Can't get off the stage.

If there is anyone in this world who Xie Yanzhao wants to kill, it is this idiot.

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