The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1745: No, my king

Disappointing and thanking Xie Zifeng is the death of the entire square.

All the soldiers looked at their king at the same time. The sword was in the sheath, facing the killing orders of the four kings. They didn't even lift the eyelids.

As if Xie Zifeng is four brainless idiots!

"Kill, kill, kill!"

Xie Zifeng smashed up.

Waiting for him is still silent.

He couldn't believe that the army that he built with his hands, the ones who ate him and drank him, were like wood at the moment, and the woman with the top was left.

"Made, Wu Zhongguo, what are you doing, and give them to Laozi."

"Is Laozi raising you to eat? You still want to be rich and rich, kill me and kill her."

Xie Zifeng rushed to his deputy, slamming his collar and roaring.

Among these soldiers, there are some daring generations who do have ambitions, but in this big atmosphere, everyone's ambitions are all purified by Wang Wei.

Everyone knows that the queen above is a god.

No one wants to be against God!

She can only be respected, and she must not be disobedient!

"Xie Zifeng, under the heavens, is the king's soil. We are the army of the king, not the army of your Xie Zifeng."

"Since this moment, we have only loyal to the king who has no life, and then dare to say rebellious words, utterly mad, I am the first to kill you."

The deputy will pull out the sword and scream.

The other three kings of the king of the king directly put down their weapons and slammed their knees on one knee and asked for forgiveness without a living king.

"It's over, it's over, heaven doesn't bless me."


Xie Zifeng from the joy to despair, can no longer bear this huge change, Zhang mouth spit out a blood.

"Come to people, remove their armor, cut off their heads, to comfort the father in the spirit of heaven."

The little dance is indifferent.

Immediately, a sergeant came forward to take someone.

Xie Zifeng slammed his hand and opened the sergeant. He shouted: "Leave me away, you dirty people."

"The demon girl, I am the Xie family, the ancestor of the Xie family is also my ancestor, I am also the blood of the king, and you are humiliated."

"The ancestors, the sub-wind is dissatisfied, dissatisfied, hate."

"Why can't he thank him for being a child, but he can't take it forever."


Xie Zifeng lifted the sword against the throat, and he was mad at the madness. On the spot, the sturdy sword rushed into the spirit to shatter his own god.

The famous king of the world is dead and dead!

The other three kings pleaded for mercy, and finally stepped in the footsteps of Xie Zifeng in the indifference of the little dance. The four great kings, the most powerful foreign ministers in the world, were simultaneously destroyed.

"Cut their heads and hang them at the East Gate. But in the future, if there are people who are distracted, whether he is thank or thank you, this is their end."

"Let, all the property of the four great kings have been investigated and dealt with by the general government. Within the nine ethnic groups, the men are full of troops and the women are slaves, and they are executed immediately."

Xie Xiaowu has a sleeve and is cold and proud.

"Let the House of Representatives open a banquet, the cabinet and the foreign ministers and foreign ministers, together with the Yuquan Palace dinner."

After the last dance of the little dance, the little dance looked at Qin Yu and left the Fengchan Terrace with Wang Hao under the support of the guards.

Qin Yan's mouth appeared a hint of helpless smile, shaking his head slightly!

His heart seems to be missing something, empty.

His follower is gone, this little dance is decisive, her memory should be the memory and blood of the first kings, which makes her truly become a queen, not a small dance in the past.

Qin Lan must recognize and accept this cruel reality.

The king is returning, isn't this the best ending?

He has fulfilled his promise and it is time to leave.


In the evening, the new king dinner, Gong Qing, Xie Yuanqiao and other ministers are not open to drinking, to celebrate the new life of the new dynasty.

In the city without life, the fireworks are soaring, the beautiful is very beautiful, the whole city is celebrated in the same day, immersed in joy.

Qin Lan took the deer horse and walked slowly on the street. It was a single shadow, and it was so lonely that it was like a passing passenger. The prosperity and joy of all this had nothing to do with him.

From time to time, there are children holding fireworks, chasing and passing by him.

He looked up and smiled, the long silver hair was messy in the wind, and the smile on his face became more and more bitter.

Qin Lan did not go to the banquet. He was not interested in the flowering after the dynasty. He did not say goodbye to anyone. At this moment, he only wanted to leave with peace of mind.

He did not know why this kind of mentality was there, perhaps it was strange to the city and the people here.

Out of the jade letter, he looked back and looked at the vast city of Wang, and sighed: "No brothers rest in peace, little dance, I hope your mountains and rivers will be generations!"

"Master, can't you let your little sister run?"

Black three and the fine, Michelle greeted over, Mi Xue took Qin Qin's hands and asked softly.

"Life is the combination of points, it doesn't matter."


Qin Lan jumped on the horseback, jumped on the horseback, and pulled the rice The two men went out and went.

Going outside.

On that official road, Xu Fang, Shen Lingxing, Zhang Shanzhi, and Xiang Haowen had already set up a banquet.

"Hou Ye, you know that you will leave, I have waited for a few here to wait for a long time."

Xu Fang laughed loudly.

"It's still a few of you."

Qin Lan jumped off the horse and walked over. He took the drink and drank it.

"Hou Ye, Wang Ye said that you are better than the sky, he will not be able to host the overall situation, let me wait for you."

Xu Fang four people took the wine glasses and respected them first.

"Well, this cup I drank." Qin Hao was happy to drink again.

Although it was only a short period of less than half a month, several people have already had a deep friendship. In particular, the Shen Lingxing and Zhang Shanzhi have misunderstood Qin Qin, and they are even more blaming themselves.

"Hou, this is going, will you go back to prison for eighteen, or else?"

Asked Haowen.

"The 18 prisons are not in a hurry. I am looking for a few friends from the mortal world. This is what they look like. If any of the brothers will see it in the future, please let me know the first time. Even if it is not far away, I will definitely Go to the meeting."

Qin Yi’s hand was smashed, and Ji’s appearance and Sun’s appearance were printed in the minds of four people.

"Hou Ye rest assured that when I go back, I will let the people of the Chamber of Commerce immediately go to find the two girls everywhere. If there is news, I will inform you immediately."

Nodded to Haowen four people.

In fact, Qin Hao did not think about where to go. He was not afraid to do nothing, but he was afraid that he did not know what he wanted to do?

Find someone?

The vastness of hell, relying on such a slap in the face, I am afraid that I will not be able to find two people in 10,000 years.

Going back to the 18 prisons, it would be even worse.

The repairs at his eyes are too low, and even the shackles are not opponents. Even if he regains the position of the 18 prisoners, he can't keep the river, let alone save the Princess of the Moon.

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