The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1746: Uncle, sorry.

"Hou, the old man knows what you are thinking. I heard that the sea dragon in the second prison is awakened, but after the dragon god, the presence of the holy animal and the dragon, and Hou Ye to get it, must be a tiger."

"Of course, Hou Ye can also go to the capital of Wangdu. When Guang Wang meets you, he will be very happy."

Zhang Shanzhi thought for a moment.

Hailong's recovery is the top secret of the capital city. Even the Shenling Bank does not know that Zhang Shanzhi revealed the Qin Qin's guilty conscience and truly admired his character.

This is a real holy beast.

Go to Guangwang, go down to the poor people, who do not want to drive the dragon to the seat, the world is rampant.

"Thank you for the elders, the end of the world is far away, let's say goodbye."

Qin Hao sipped a drink, dropped the glass, flew the horse, and went away.

"Hey, Qin Hou Daxian Da Ren people, but unfortunately he is not coming back, not in time."

Zhang Shanzhi shook his head and looked at the back of the distance and sighed.

"Yeah, now that **** is no longer the same, Hou Ye himself is difficult to protect, and then want to reproduce the glory of that year, hegemony one, fear is difficult."

The order line has deep feelings.

In fact, they did not tell Qin Hao that the **** is now out of control, and even Guang Wang can't live. There is not much time for Qin Lan to practice.

Hou Ye is more daring and brave, and he is limited to repairing. He also decides to become a big weapon in hell.

Qin Hao rushed to the Wusheng River outside the Yuhanguan, and then he washed his face.

"Master, where are we going? Go to the other two sisters you said?"

Mi Xue sat in the bluestone and asked softly.

She can feel the heavy burden on the shoulders of Qin Qin, no life in the city, he saved the little dance and Xie Jia Jiangshan, but the hegemony of Xie and Xie Wusheng's death also caused a powerful impact on his heart.

No matter how high it is, it is as strong as thanking you, and you will never die.

Of course, there is another point. Mi Xue did not dare to say anything. Master took great pains and almost took it. He helped the little dancer to the throne, but he also completely lost the gentle little dance.

A follower he likes!

On the day of the throne, Mi Xue saw with her eyes how dazzling the imperial aura of the little dancer, how murder she was, and how her reform was overbearing. When she left, she did not look at Master.

It was a completely strange little dance.

She is the king, the god, the other person with the same skin.

Suddenly, Michelle had no sympathy for Master.

He went back to **** from the mortal world, but lost his friends, Jiangshan, and a small dance, he undoubtedly came together, and this place where he once crossed has become so strange.

He became a true loner at this moment!

"Master, no matter what, Xiaoxue will always be with you, and there are black three or seventeen, they will always be with you."

"You are not alone, you still have us."

Mi Xue suddenly wrapped around Qin's waist from behind, and stuck it on his back, softly comforting.

"Do you think I am afraid of being alone?"

"No, loneliness is an excuse for the weak to escape reality!"

"Go to the prison and look for the sea dragon."

Qin Xiao Lang smiled, his eyes looked far away, his cheeks trembled with perseverance, and he said.

"Long live Master!"

Michelle's eyebrows are filled with sweet smiles. As long as Master's heart is alive, the world is vast.

Michelle decided, the promise of the little dance failed, she could not renege on her words, even if it was a catastrophe, she also accompanied Master to the end until she lost the last glimmer of power and exhausted the last touch of Fanghua.

From the eighth layer of **** to the second prison is very far away, although he has the customs clearance of foreigners, but it is still very difficult to encounter the **** in wartime.

After careful calculation of the distance, Qin Lan decided to take the water.

He has a pass to the home, and the nine-story Hell Merchant King is home to them, and there is no way for them to go, and it is appropriate for them to come all the way.

Qin Lan went to the nine secluded crossings of Wushengcheng.

No Life City is located in the position of Hell. The Huangquan River and the Nym River meet here. The Jiuyue Ferry has become a battleground for the dynasties of the dynasties and has become one of the largest ferries in the whole hell.

Hell's dragon boats, turtle boats and other large secluded ships are densely packed in the port. The goods at the docks are piled up like mountains, and the transitional pedestrians are lined up in long queues.

Of course, the main passage is for ordinary people. There is a small pier next to the quiet point. This is for official and secret agents.

Qin Lan and Mi Xue just arrived at the dock and came up with a guard in black. They raised their hands and stopped the two people: "Two, some people want to see you, please move."

"Who knows if you are a good person or a bad person, Master, ignore him."

Mi Xue snorted and didn't have a good air.

"No problem, since people are looking for a door, see why."

Qin Hao smiled lightly.

Qin Lan took Mi Xue with the black guards. A black awning boat had already been parked on the side of the ferry. The black man stood aside and made a gesture of asking.

Qin Lan and Mi Xue walked in. At this time, the sky was dark, and there was a faint crystal stone inside. A man was wearing a black cloak and sitting on his back.


The man heard the footsteps, slowly turned around, the beautiful face, the eyebrows of the mandala flower, is not a small dance.

"I should call you a little dance, or is there no king?"

Qin Xiao smiled bitterly.

"Little dance sister..."

Mi Xue just wanted to call her sister, but instantly folded for the noble king of the small dance, spit out the tongue and swallowed the words.

Now that the little dance repair has reached the realm of realm, even Qin Lan can not see it, and, because of inheriting the ancestors' legacy and cultivation, her whole person has become the embodiment of the king, even if she does not want to deliberately put out that identity. But the kind of natural queen who is domineering, the people who are still pressing will not breathe, and they will be awe-inspiring and dare not have the slightest embarrassment.

"Let's talk, I, I will go out first."

Mi Xue thought about it and got off the boat with interest.

Qin Hao did not speak ~ ~ Both are silent, the cabin is not dull.

"Uncle, I am sorry." The little dance looked at Qin Xiao, and the eyes were shining with tears.

She knew that her dream was broken.

From the moment I returned to the palace, holding the cold hand of the father, she knew that it was a luxury to want to go to **** with the Qin.

"You and I want to be perfect, no life dynasty is handed over to you, I am relieved."

"This is your destiny. What's so sorry?"

Qin Xiao smiled.

"Uncle, I can't be your follower. I can't see my uncle every day. I am afraid that when I think about my uncle, I can't hear your voice anymore. I can't see it."

"Uncle, you know, you know, how much I cherish you, but..."

The little dance couldn’t restrain the inner feelings anymore, and both hands sobbed and the tears dripped from the fingers.

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