The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1747: Black water hell

"Shantou, as long as you have me in my heart, I will be everywhere."

"You have listened to me. From now on, you are the king. You are the world. You can't have tears any more."

"The people of the whole world are all Qin Qin, you should have them in your heart."

"Your heart can't belong to anyone. You are all kings, not just me. Do you understand?"

Qin Lan did not hug her, but just looked at her in a dangerous situation, one word at a time.

Everyone has his or her own mission, or a blessing or a curse, or a fortunate or awkwardness. Once it is decided, it will go on without regrets.

This is especially true of Wang Ming.

The king is the heaven, the king is the earth, and the king is the heart!

After that, Qin Lan stood up and wanted to go.

The little dance chased from behind, and hugged Qin Hao firmly, clinging to his back, deeply affection: "Uncle, whether I am the world, or the world is me, my heart will always keep the position for my uncle, to be here. On the day of the world, you and my mother are still going to be uncle's followers."

"Well, little dance, you also remember that no matter how this Jiangshan changes, I will always be your strongest reliance."

"I should be going!"

Qin Lan did not look back and took a deep breath.

"Goodbye, uncle!"

The little dance reluctantly let go of the hand.

Qin Hao resolutely took a firm step and went out. He couldn’t turn back, and that would defeat the king of the little dance.

Since ancient times, love and Jiangshan have been difficult to achieve, especially in this turmoil, the entire Hell's people, he needs a little dance.

"Hey, I am waiting for you."

The little dance erased the tears, and after she calmed her mood, her face once again restored the cold arrogance of the king.

This is also a short-term storage of love.

Since then, her heart can only belong to the city without life.

Qin Lan walked out of the bank.

The little dance walked the ship's side and shouted at the snow covered by the veil: "Little Snow sister, take good care of my uncle."

Mi Xue nodded hard, and the two men looked across each other, all with tears.

"Thank you!"

The little dance entered the cabin, and the awning boat slowly went down the water.

Looking at the ship that was far away, Mi Xue looked at Qin Xiao, and burst into tears with a grimace: "I heard no, I will take care of you later."


Qin Xiao smiled and nodded.


"It's really uncomfortable to leave, we won't be apart?"

"Snow is so afraid of this feeling, Master, are we going to be together forever?"

Mi Xue suddenly plunged into Qin Huai’s arms and asked in horror.

"I promise you."

Qin Hao stroked her hair without serious answer.

"Mr. Qin, this is the customs clearance that no life king has prepared for you. The ship is our merchant ship without life city. It is not too late, please shore."

The guards are on the road to Qin.

"lets go."

Under the guidance of the guards, Qin Lan took the merchant ship.

The merchant ship went all the way north, until seven days later, arrived at the fifth floor of Hell's wild hell.

The wild **** is also called Blackwater Hell.

This layer of hell, there is a famous Heishui River.

The wild city on the east bank of the Black River is the origin of the Yaksha family.

The Yaksha family has always been violent and powerful. It is an important competition for the lords of Hell to fight for hegemony. Of course, the ghost king who meets the Ming Dynasty will invite the Warriors of the Yaksha family to join in the way of conscription.

However, there are also some ghost kings who are overbearing and will take the initiative to plunder the Yaksha people to work for themselves.

Because the Yaksha family is endless, it is often used as a cool force to transport vehicles and ships, filling the current row of cannon fodder. For thousands of years, the Yaksha family has always been the embodiment of stupidity, barbarism and suffering.

There is no shortage of warriors in the history of the Yaksha family. They lead the tribes to fight for their own survival, but they only attract more brutal blood and oppression.

Especially the wild dynasty of the wild and hell.

The rulers of the wild dynasty were also aliens, named Shaz.

The Shaz legend is the descendant of Kuafu. It is not plague, not afraid of heat, and likes to live in a dry and hot desert. They can survive in a water-deficient environment for a year, and they are deceitful and sinister. They are born with treasure. Has a strange and sensitive sense of smell.

The Shaz kingdom of the Shazis was built in the wild desert.

In addition to forcibly collecting the Yaksha every year to excavate the treasures for them, they also openly sell the Yaksha in other 16-story hells, establishing the largest wild market, which is clearly a jewellery and spar trading market, but in fact it is used to go to hell. The dynasty carried out the Yaksha slave trade.

In hell, it is notorious. In this case, Qin Guangwang also convened a meeting of the Seventeenth Ghost King in the capital city of Batu, specializing in the release of the imperial condemnation of the night fork family.

However, everything is in vain.

No one will actually listen to the instructions, including Qin Yu.

Because everyone wants to have a Yasha army.

To this end, Qin Lan even had a brother-in-law with Shazi Wang Sha, and it can be said that Qin Zhen can fight the world and rule 18 prisons, which is inseparable from the strong support of sand poison.

After the merchant ship was transferred from the Wusheng River to the Heishui River, the paintings suddenly changed dramatically.

The Black River is filled with a strong **** smell. The rotting bodies of garbage and animals are full of sorrows. From time to time, there are several bodies floating on the ship's side.

Growing up in Ice Snow City, the road was even ugly with a trace of dust, and it was spit on the side of the ship.

The messenger of the merchant ship is Xie Bin, who is a native of Xie, who knows the importance of the Qin dynasty. However, by the Heishui River, the ship had to stop.

"Adult, we have two ways to go now."

"The first is to bypass the wild city of Shazi City and the Yaksha family, walk from the southeast waterway, and go round the road into the fourth layer of hell. The other road is directly down the river, the wild city, Shazi City, so the way to see It seems to save half of it, but the actual night wilderness of the night fork family is very repulsive to other **** merchant ships. Moreover, the Shaz people are greedy, and it is inevitable to find trouble. My suggestion is to choose the first road."

"Mr. Qin, no living king and my uncle Wang said, everything is up to you to decide, please also express."

Xie Bin explained the situation after asked.

"Since you are used to going far, listening to you is, I am not lazy to deal with this guy."

Qin Xiao smiled.

He and Sha Dui have passed the torch and are not the same. They are also friends of each other. Such a brother, there are dozens of princes in hell, and it is a brother. It is actually cooperation.

Once you have no interest, you can have a bit of loyalty. It’s really hard to say.

"Listen to Mr. Qin, change to the southeast, bypass the wild hell." Xie Bin ordered.

When the ship was preparing to turn around, the three circles of stone violently burst into a black light, a ugly man with a scorpion, appeared on the deck, his eyes were red, his arrogance was like a fire, and he shouted: "And slow."

Black three?

Qin Yujian's eyebrows, black three are very disciplined, without his call, usually do not dare to show up, because of this, Qin Hao canceled the seal of the three boundaries of Shikou, so that he and 17 can go at any time, Have more free space.

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