The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1756: 10 big murders, butchers

When the car went down, the sand poison turned and asked the second son Sha Kefa, who was accompanying him to the police. "Can you, the big brother brought the person?"

"People brought it. I heard that the wild pull brought a businessman. When did the business of this Wangcheng need to pull the cable to pull it?"

"What's even more ridiculous is that this time, the wild pull brought more than 4,000 people. What did he want?"

Sha Kefa disdain sneer.

"Can be law, you don't need to be angry, your father's heart is like a mirror, Sha Lijie is a straw bag, it is difficult to become a big event, Dawang, you are right."

Charm Ji asked in a delicate way, the pair of full-bodied stickers rubbed in the sand poison arm.

Sand poisoned his eyes and enjoyed the softness, lazy and laughed: "You can, law, you can rest assured that the father is yours sooner or later, your big brother has no one available, you don't have to worry too much, after all, is a brother, Everything has to stay a line."

"He brought people. I heard that this guy seems to be from the prison of eighteen, so he just gave his head to the car as a gift."

"You can do it, you go to remind me."

"The king's sword is already hungry and thirsty."

Sand poisoned dry and laughed.

Sha Kefa got up and went. At this time, a waitress came over and whispered a few words at the ear of Charm.

Charm Ji is very happy: "Da Wang, I heard that the messenger of the three-layered **** gave me a pearl of 10,000 years, and there are few heavens and earth. I will go back and have a look, and then go back and offer the king."

"You, don't talk to those businessmen, they may decide what to wear from you."


Sand poisoned a pinch in Ai Ji's buttocks, watching the beauty shake the waist, the eyes are full of love.

Charm Ji may not be the most beautiful in the world, but it is definitely the favorite thing of men in the world, especially in the dragon couch. The charm of the charm is enough for any man who has tasted her to be unforgettable.


Sha Lijie went to the palace of the palace, stopped the car lang who had just walked out of the hall, and smiled and said: "The car is big, this negotiation is going well."

"Well, okay, is there something wrong with Xiao Wang?"

Che Lang knows that this little prince has no real power and does not want to take care of it.

"This is the case. I have a big fortune. I am very interested in your Lan Yu people. I want to go alone and cooperate with you."

"Adult, I will give you double the price, and only go private with the big king."

"Not for anything else, in order to make friends."

"The car is an adult, the public is always a public, and you can't thin yourself. The world is ruthless. You have to make a plan for yourself."

Sha Lijie bowed his hand.

His meaning is very clear, I want to make some pockets with Che Lang.

Che Lang looked around and Sharijie knew that he was tempted and said: "Adult, how can you speak in one step?"

Che Lang nodded and followed Sha Lijie to the side of the hall.

When I arrived at Sha Lijie’s residence, when I entered the door, I saw Qin Hao and I frowned. “Who is this?”

Smuggling this kind of thing, seeing no light, obviously Che Lang does not want to see a third person.

"Car adult, you also know that I am a waste king, where is so much capital, this is my gold master."

"Uncle, the car is coming, let's talk."

Sha Lijie shrugged his hand and quickly retired. He had too many things to do.

Seeing the car lang, Qin Yulian did not lift the eyelids, just a touch of tea.

Time spent a minute and a second spent, Che Lang originally stood on the shelf waiting for this guy to take the initiative to please himself, which is what Qin Qin used to regard him as a fart.

"Hey, you can't talk about it, I have to be busy, not to accompany you."

The car slammed his sleeves and got up.

"Don't worry, the car is big, talking about business is secondary. It is not too late to talk after watching the show."

Qin Xiao sneered.

Che Lang realized that he was not quite right. "See what kind of drama, who are you, what do you want to do."

He stepped forward to go out. At this time, a **** figure was blocked at the door, but it was a tall, ugly evil spirit. The evil spirits floated and twisted in the air. Sharp nails were like knives. Straight point on his chest, making a cold, dry voice: "Go back, drink tea, watch a movie."

"Oh, courage is not small, I have to see what tricks you play."

Chelang only felt that a dead air was like a flood, and he was about to drown him. His heart had already smashed a bit, and he returned to his seat and got tea.


Charm Ji took a carriage and entered the embassy of Yao Guang, the imperial messenger from the back door.

As soon as he entered the pavilion, Yao Guang and a fat businessman had already waited at the door.

"Welcome to Wang Hao." Yao Guang two people worship.

"Yao Daren is not welcome."

"Hurry up and bring you to see the treasures."

Charm Ji did not hide his greed and went straight to the truth.

The two led the charm into the partial hall, some people took the fragrant tea, the charm Ji took the tea and took a sip, and Liu Mei asked: "What are you doing with me, the night pearl?"

"Madam, I will tell you about it. This is called Zhang Tiantu. He was one of the top ten murderers of Qinhouhou."

Yao Guang pointed to the smiling fat man next to him.

Zhang Tiantu?

The charm of the charm changed greatly. In hell, this is a terrible name. It is rumored that this person is extremely ferocious, murderous, and likes to eat the brain and heart of the human being. It is a famous killing monster in hell.

It was only later that it was descended by Qin Hou and became the top ten murderers of Qinhou.

"Mrs. For a long time, my wife is soft and boneless. I don't know if your heart and soul are softer than other women."

"There is also a lady's forehead, which is called a rhinoceros. It is a typical rich life. With such a full forehead, there must be a lot of brains inside?"

"Oh, I really have no interest in it, saying, this water is dripping down."

The fat man changed his shackles and showed a terrible smile.

"Let's be rude, dare to be rude to Ben, Yao Guang, do you want to die?"

Charm Ji shouted.

"Wang Hao, Yao Guang will not die, you will not be able to worry about it, you still have to rule the butcher's guide."

Yao Guang smiled slightly.

Then I took out a tiny hourglass from my arms. "Butcher, you have a hand and foot. I have to go to the embassy guild and go to the underground market with the gang."

"Yao Daren is relieved."

Zhang Tiantu licked his mouth and slammed into the enchanted man like a wolf.

Several female guards around the charms ushered over, and the swords of the hands came out. However, the repair of their illusory period was like a paper paste in front of the **** and the devil, Zhang Tiantu’s fingers were like a knife, and a wave of handcuffs Out of the heart of one of the waitresses, it was pinched into meat.

The obese figure turned around in the crowd and tore the remaining waitresses.

The whole process is less than three seconds.

"You, don't come over."

"The king knows, can't spare your charm Ji nervously back.

"Da Wang, huh, I only have Qin Hou in the eyes of Lao Tzu, the other king counts a bird?"

Zhang Tiantu is cold and sensible.

"Don't kill me, I, I can give you what men like best."

Charm Ji eye sees no hope of survival, tearing off his collar, showing the Fengling that makes the world's men look.


"Sorry, I am only interested in your brain."

Zhang Tiantu opened his mouth and opened his mouth, and bitten the celestial spirit of the enchantress. In her screams, she sucked her brains wildly.

After the brain was drained, Zhang Tiantu cut off the head of the charm and went straight to Sha Lijie’s house. He could not wait to see the old master.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

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