The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1757: 斩车朗

Che Lang was more and more anxious, facing the sneer of Qin Lan, he was covered in hair.

This is what he did not expect at all. Sha Lijie, who has always been a waste, dared to put him under house arrest. He knew that he is now the most important partner of sand poisoning. What is even more annoying is that he brought his men. He can’t receive him at the moment. Any information.

In front of this handsome looking unparalleled young man, what medicine he sold in the gourd, he still could not eat through.

But he does not forget that this guy is definitely not his friend.

"What the **** do you want?"

Che Lang once again shouted.

"Come on, it is a raw face, saying that you want to see Hou Ye."

Seventeen heard the sound of footsteps outside and turned their heads.

"Let him come in."

Qin Yudao.

Zhang Tiantu took a deep breath and held the box in his hand. He walked in with joy and excitement.

As soon as he came in, Che Lang saw him.

"Zhang Tiantu, are you still dead?" Che Lang was surprised.

After the disappearance of Qin Zhen, Che Ming and Luo Tianxiang launched a military change and earned military power. At the same time, they forced Dou Ao, Zhuge Qingyun to leave the North, and swear by allegiance to the Qin dynasty’s top ten murders naturally would not be willing to work for Che Ming. The influence of the embarrassment, Che Ming launched a clean, the death of the top ten murderers, escape, the myth has been dissipated in the north.

Zhang Tiantu was wandering to the third floor of Hell. He served under the three-tiered Hell Ghost, and Yao Guang and Qin Yu had a good relationship, and became Yao Bao’s guard.

Qin Lan came to Shazi City this time and saw only two people in the dark. One was Yao Guang and the other was Cao Fang, the messenger of the capital city of Qidu. Both of them were old-fashioned and they were all teachers of justice. They were naturally willing to help. .

I just didn't expect to see my old guard Zhang Tiantu. This is an unexpected surprise.

"The dog thief, your brothers forced to go to the independence of the generals and Zhuge military division, simply sinned to die."

Zhang Tiantu’s eyes burst into tears and he yelled.

"The winner is the king who is defeated, and Hou Ye is gone. The army must be led by someone. Zhang Xiong, my brother has always been good to you, and the conditions for you are extremely rich. Why are you wandering outside?"

The car screams that it is not good. Zhang Tiantu is a famous coward. He was hit here by this time, fearing that it is fierce.

"Dog thief, Hou Ye is gone? You see your dog's eyes clearly, who is this?"

Zhang Tiantu's face was full of erect beard roots, and it was like a tiger-like drink. Then he sang a robbed gown and kneeled on the ground without respect: "Zhang Tiantu, I have seen the handsome!"

Qin Lan stood up, his eyes were red, and he looked at the fierce man in front of him seriously. He did not dare to talk to each other: "It is really my butcher, the army of the army, the murder of people who drink blood, the fierce butcher who is invincible!"

"Good brother, get up."

Qin Lan pinched Zhang Tiantu's shoulder and asked him to get up.

In contrast to Zhuge Qingyun, Duo Ao, and other confidant generals, the top ten murderers are his guards. No matter whether Qin Qin is a ambassador or a levy, these ten people are waiting for the invincible. They have killed the Savior in countless blood battles.

Zhang Tiantu is his Xu Wei, his Dian Wei!

The top ten murderers have long been a part of his life!

This kind of emotion is not the relationship between the handsome men.

"Hou Ye, I can't afford it. I have been negligent. I haven't been able to protect Hou Ye and the foundation. This is why these little people are doing this today."

Zhang Tiantu was on the ground and pleaded guilty.

The most hated of the top ten murderers was the inexplicable loss of Hou Ye. On that day, after returning from the junction of heaven and earth, Qin Hao was alone at the top of the Black Dragon of the 18 prisons. Zhang Buto and others were waiting under the top of the mountain.

I know that suddenly the world has changed greatly, the wind is raging, and the revolving vortex emerges. When they rushed to the mountains, Qin Yu had already disappeared.

Therefore, Zhang Tiantu and others have always believed that their guards are unfavorable. This has caused Hou to be condemned for no reason, and is not self-blaming, day and night.

"Butcher, I forgive you for being guilty and get up." Qin Hao said awkwardly.

Zhang butcher wiped his tears and stood up. He was a fierce man. He was already full of tears and crying.

"Now is not crying, butcher, since I am back, I will definitely find the lost brothers and reinvigorate the banner of the 18 prisons."

Qin Hao patted his shoulder and comforted.


Zhang butcher wiped his tears, and then screamed at the uneasy car. "The dog thief, now know who he is?"

"Hou Ye!"

"You are Qinhou, this, how is this possible, have you not failed to rob, have you become ashes?"

Che Lang pointed to Qin Lan, from the face of the Qing Xiu, he finally found the traces of the king of the 18 prisons in the past, fearing to scream.

"Let you down, Ben is back."

"Would you like to see your brother's wolf ambitions?"

Qin Yan brows a smile and smiles.

"Hou, I, I am guilty of sin, I beg you to spare me, let me die."

In fact, Che Lang learned from Xu Wei’s mouth that Qin Yu is likely to return, but when he sees himself, there is still a fear from the bone marrow.

"No hurry, first show you a gift."

"Butcher, open the box."

Qin Yudao.

Zhang butcher opened the box, inside is a **** head, but it is not the charm, the enchanting perfect face has long been twisted to deformation, no flaws.

"You, you are crazy, you want to launch a coup in Shazi, you are crazy."

The car was so scared that he sat down on the ground and asked in horror.

"Car adult, sand poison is waiting to see me, I can not go empty, so I have to find you to borrow a thing." Qin Hao took a smile, Sen cold road.

"What, what?"

The car was sitting on the ground and wanted to get up, but the legs and feet were soft, and the repair of one was not even a half.

Qin Hou's return, no need to do it, just this majesty, enough to shock him.

"Your head!"

The voice of Qin Yu just fell, and the butcher at the side burst into a burst: "Hey!"

The slaughter knife of the hand, the snow flashed, and the head of the car ran out!

"Great coach, two dogs."

"I am now entering the palace with the coach, taking the dog head of the sand poison."

Zhang butcher put away a sharp knife, arrogant.

"No hurry, we are still a head of people, almost all."

"Sha Lijie ~ ~ should be back."

Qin Lan made a snap, and Mi Xue walked out of the inner house and threw it to Zhang Buto. Although she had a hand-fired fire, she saw the blood and the headless body at the moment. .

"Grandma, this is a lady?"

Zhang butou asked while smirking.

"Beard, don't talk, I am his apprentice, not his woman." Michelle quickly explained.

Qin Xiao smiled and didn't speak.

The butcher wiped the blood of the hand and took a sip of the tea from the table. He smiled and said: "Sooner or later, sooner or later, the charm of our handsome man is the top one. This **** does not like the princess..."

"Beard, you..."

Michelle's face is red, but her heart is very beautiful. From the moment she walked out of Ice City, she knew that she would not see other men except Master in this life.

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