The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1774: Bad to the door

"Adult, Dragon King said, the importance of Dragon Ball is clear to you, seven days is already the limit. If you can't find Dragon Ball, you are the sinner of the West Island."

In addition to the purpose of Gongsun’s ink, he screamed coldly.

"This handsome person will find the thief who steals the beads and let the dragon king rest assured."

Yan Yalong Road.

"Oh, that old man wishes you good luck."

Gongsun ink smiled coldly, just about to go, suddenly saw the frog mirror on the side, white eyebrows, gloomy road: "Shi, how are you here too?"

"Uncle Shi, I traveled here and came over to see the old man."

The frog mirrored the hand.

"Cloud tour, you are too smart to swim."

"Mirror, this place is not dangerous for a long time, or it is better to leave early."

Gongsun ink smiled coldly and went away.

"Mr. Hey, do you know this old gentleman?"

After Yalong’s departure from Gongsun’s departure, he was quite confused.

Some of the mirrors were sinful: "I didn't expect this Gongsun ink to be here. The situation will only become more and more unfavorable for adults."

"I don't care, I belong to Ghost Valley, Ghost Valley is all-encompassing, the world is all fine, my master is a contemporary machine, wisdom can be a world, the world is full of things, I and Zhuge Qingyun are from his old man." ”

"Gongsun ink is a side branch of Ghost Valley. He is a conspiracy, but wherever he goes, he must set off a **** hurricane and use whatever means to achieve his goal."

"If you believe that he is reused, West Island is dangerous."

晁 叹 sighed.

"Mirror, how can this betrayal be available now?" asked Yan Yalong.

"There is no way, right, isn't the son aggrieved? Why don't you let me go to the arrogant?"

晁 道 。.

The Dragon Ball is lost, and now there is a Gongsun ink. The mirror is almost certain. The letter is a thief calling a thief. In addition to pulling out the 娄亚龙, there may be even bigger things behind it.

With the uncle's temper, it is only a small appetizer to get rid of a big governor. As for the stunned scorpion that will follow, the frog mirror can't guess.

But he is very interested in that madman.

The flying cockroaches are notoriously famous. Even the son of Yu Xin’s son, Hai Haifeng, dare not arbitrarily provoke him. Some people dare to beat him openly, which is a bit of a meaning.

"Well, you can go. But remember, don't bring soldiers, not to guard dogs."

"He should have been taught a lesson, hey, but unfortunately I have lost my name to Yalong I, and I am completely ruined by the hands of the mother and the dog."

Yan Yalong shook his head and sighed.

He was busy with military affairs. Apart from the fact that he was owed to the mother and son, he was not willing to argue with them and was wasting his tongue.

"Adults rest assured, I am going."

晁 道 。.

When Yalong went to the Dashuai government to discuss the matter of catching thieves, 晁 叫 叫 叫 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

He wants to know if this madman is daring, or does he have ulterior motives?


Qin Lan sat cross-legged, with the chaos of the Three-Border Stone, a little bit of solid foundation, with his cultivation speed, if you want to advance, this is at least the late stage.

However, this time, Qin Lan chose to be steady and steady. Every time he raised, he must ensure that the meridians and Dantian perfectly integrate and use the infuriating spirit to create the most stable foundation. Only then can he have the opportunity to stand out from the crowd and eventually rise to the robbery. .

Rather than the top masters of this hell, staying in the long period of robbery, even if it is repaired to the sky, it will eventually be robbed of death.


"The infuriating atmosphere at the beginning of the road was completely integrated. I didn't expect to use the mad **** Dan once. Although I couldn't use the infuriating for half a month, it also improved the resilience of the meridians because of the blessings. So, even if it was used by people. Gas injury, the resistance will multiply before, and will not be truly abandoned."

"With my meridian strength, if I take another mad **** Dan, I can reduce the half-month emptiness period to ten days. I still have two. If all of them are finished, it is estimated that the side effects will be more resistant. Strong, once it can be controlled within a day or even an hour, my meridians can withstand the bombardment of the two dragons without damage."

Qin Lan slowly opened his eyes, and the gods recovered from the inside, and a smile appeared on his face.

If he did not expect it, once he received a lot of slaves in Shazi, the broom star should start to build a seven-star view.

Danfang is the first to bear the brunt.

Once the Danfang is built, the broom star can refine the more advanced medicinal herbs of the mad **** Dan, and the gradual use of the elixir step by step, using the side effects to force the meridians and souls, physical fitness, this is not necessarily a way of cultivation.

I am afraid that under the guise of taking the risk, the only way to polish the flesh with this method is.

I was thinking, there was a noisy voice outside the embassy, ​​and Michelle’s sitting up from the opposite bed: “Master, what happened?”

As soon as the voice fell, Xie Bin slammed the door outside the door: "Mr. Qin, the big thing is not good."

Qin Hao has a sleeve and the door is open.

"That singer brought people, said to find you to settle accounts, Mr. Qin, they are the head snakes, let's hide first."

Xie Bin is anxious.


"Don't you say that the whole West Island is their home? Without horror, the soldiers will block the water and cover the land. I just want them to come to me."

Qin Hao was stunned and shook his clothes, and smiled lightly.

He didn't know about the four brothers, but he knew a little about Yan Yalong. This is a famous inferior, the first man of the Navy. When he was in the kingdom of the capital, the ghost kings of the prisons included Guangwang. People are very appreciative, hate can not be used for their own use.

A person who can make the Ghost King so admired, Qin Hao certainly wants.

So he slaps that slap, just use a little effort, or else it’s a headshot, and it’s as simple as dropping a few teeth.

When I got to the downstairs, the person in charge of the embassy personally greeted them.

"Less, so late, are you?"

The man asked.

"A horse is a bar, and I am doing it. You don't know? I know why."

"Where is the kid who called my name Qin, I will get out of it."

咆 咆 咆 。.

His embarrassing other messengers have been happy, it seems that there is another good show, dare to wild in the territory of others, is this not a typical brainless death?

"You are looking for me?"

With a sneer, Qin Hao slowly walked down with his arm.

"Oh, you have kind, actually dare to go downstairs."

"Come, come and dismantle him, I will lick his skin and smoke his ribs."

He shouted.

"When it is over, this young man seems to be born without hell. It’s a great deal to have a good time at a young age. It’s a pity that it’s too high-profile, and it’s destined to be folded here.”

"Yeah, being a man can't be too mad, or you have to suffer big losses."

"Dare to be wild in the people's territory, and not to sneak in the urine, I really think who you are."

The crowds on the crowd talked about it, as if Qin Qin had become a dead person.

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