The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1775: You have a good father


At the same time, the four masters are both lucky, and the strong infuriating, the tables and chairs in the hall are broken, and the power is extremely embarrassing.

"With you?"

Qin Lan sneered a sneak peek, stepping forward, such as the mountain's general majesty, and the four masters who are provocatively provoked before, and feels tempered by the body, it is difficult to apply.

"What happened? Do you all eat it? Hurry and give him less."

I saw that the four masters did not move, and could not help but be anxious.

Other messengers are no shortage of masters, but no one can see what happened.

Judging from the real gas field of Qin Yuxiu, it is also the cultivation of the beginning of the first time. The weakest of the four masters must be strong.

However, the four people were so nervous that they were obviously made by Qin Yu. It was really good.

"Your Majesty!"

The voice of Qin Yu was not high. The four men were stunned and squatted on the ground, and the look of the face relaxed.

If the pressure is just one point, they will only be able to explode. At this moment, they feel relaxed and they know that they have lost their lives.

"You, are you crazy? Stand up and call Laozi."

"Come, kill me."

The sergeant who rushed around and screamed around.

Qin Lan just looked at the two hundred sergeants with a faint look. Everyone’s scalp was numb, and the legs were nailed to the ground. How could this step not be done?

One by one, the light snoring gasps, but there is no one.

"It’s really a bad thing."

He took the dark road and turned his eyes to the mirror.

The frog mirror folded in one, and bowed his hand and said: "The mirror has seen Mr. Qin!"

After the worship, he is almost ninety degrees.

"Mr. Hey, you!"

He also originally expected the frog mirror to give him a head, but he did not expect that he would hold such a big gift.

I want to know that Mr. Qi is very proud of his arrogance. He is not awkward to the aristocrats of the princes. How can he be so gifted to a small ambassador?

Not only him, but other messengers are also puzzling.

"Less, don't you apologize to Mr. Qin?"

晁 道 。.

"I, I apologize to him?"

"Are you sure?"

Looking at his nose, his face was depressed and surprised.


The frog mirror looked cold and resolutely spit out two words.

He licked his mouth, and he was arrogant in his life. Even the prince was not in his eyes, but he was extremely admired by his father, the military master. He knew that he had always been exhausted and his eyes were extraordinary.

He estimated that this time he really did not play a piece of iron plate, and immediately bite his teeth, don't be too reluctant to cross the hand: "Mr. Qin, it is offensive to commit you, please forgive."


Qin Xiaoyi slaps his face in his face. "You should be glad that you have a great father, otherwise I will kill you."


娄 娄 娄 娄 娄 , , 娄 娄 娄 娄 娄 娄 娄 娄 娄 娄 娄 娄 娄 娄 娄 娄 , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"Acquisition, still do not thank the sin to retire."

The frog mirror shouted.


He snorted and screamed at Qin, and ran out quickly.

He knows that the Mirror refuses to give him a head. It is useless to find someone who is looking for it. Today, I am afraid that it is really planted. Only I have endured this bad smell and I feel bad.

Everyone witnessed all of this. They were all a slap in the face. They didn't know the frog mirror, but they didn't know how to swear. It was so amazing.

What is this guy coming to?

Everyone's heart is full of doubts.

"Mr. Qin, although Shao Shao has a little bit of flying, but the essence is not bad. I am thankful and thank you Mr. Qin for his mercy."

晁 拜 拜.

"The frog mirror, known as the Xiaofeng chick, you are the brother of Qingyun, worshiping under the door of the contemporary heavenly ghost valley."

"Since it is a ghost valley door, as a national sergeant, don't have to pay more, talk about it."

Qin Yu faint.

When he looked at him, he knew his identity and determined his identity.

When I arrived at the building, Mi Xue poured tea to the two, like a prostitute, standing on the side and listening.

Looking at the mirror, Michelle looks beautiful and unparalleled. I can’t help but be shocked by the heavens. It’s no wonder that the secrets will not forget this girl. It’s really a **** of a hell.

"The mirror has seen the lady."

The frog mirror quickly got up and bowed.

Mi Xue is a pretty face, Ying Ying Shi Lidao: "Mr. Yu misunderstood, I am his apprentice, not a lady."

"Misunderstanding misunderstanding, but also hope Haihan." Yan Jing was busy apologizing.

"No hurry, how can Mr. Qi’s talents be in the family?"

"In the past, I had asked Qingyun to ask the husband to go out several times. Why didn't the gentleman help me?"

Qin Hao raised his hand and motioned him to drink tea.

"Hou Ye, my master once said that Qingyun is the first talent in the world. I am with the younger brother. If you are lucky, you can help him. The mirror will affect the overall situation of the younger brother."

The mirror is humble.

"You are too modest, and Qingyun repeatedly mentions you, and I admire you. I am asking that the Navy's Navy is invincible in the world today. Of course, there are merits and demerits, but there is no such thing as a gentleman's plan."

"Mr. is a national genius. Now that I am a lonely man, my husband will not help me any more. That is not to say."

Qin Hao laughed loudly.

Mirrored thinking about this problem, he did not know that Qin Hou is a rare lord, but he is different from Qingyun.

Zhuge Qingyun can help people from scratch, and he prefers to work for the big clan and the big family. The reason is very simple. The risk is small, and the possibility of realizing it into a great cause is even greater.

And like the younger brother, the helper starts from scratch, the risk is too great, and the wisdom and hard work of a lifetime is not enough. In the end, there is nothing.

Of course, there is also a small selfishness. The family of the Mirror is an infernal family. He is a high-ranking person. He is repulsive to those who have no family background and no background.

Moreover, the younger brother has always been known as the first military division of the world, even his master is full of praise, and the mirror is not convinced, like Pang Sunsun, his greatest wish is to personally command a thousand troops and a younger brother to a sensation. The battle of the world must be a winner and a loser.

Based on this, the frog mirror is impossible to choose Qin dynasty in any case.

"Hou Ye will not fold me. Although I can't give you the main thing, but this time in the second prison, it is possible to join forces to fully respect the Hou Ye."

晁 道 。.

"Oh, unfortunately."

"In this case, I don't insist on sir, let's talk about business."

Qin Yudao.

"Hou Ye knows who has been stolen from Dragon Ball?"

Asked the frog mirror.

"Looks like Mr. also knows."

Qin Hao asked.

After a few seconds of confrontation, the two laughed at the same time.

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