The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1776: This person is not reliable


The two said at the same time.

"Yes, there is only a letter in the world that can steal the Dragon Ball so freely. He wants to get rid of Shuai Shuai, but what I don't understand is that the other Dragon Kings of Mishima are also coming, and there are three other ones coming along. Dragon Ball."

"Remove the handsome, you can't bring the things of the town."

"Hou Yezhi is high, can you know the reason for this?"

Asked the frog mirror.

Qin Yu thought, it seems that the mirror does not know the fact that the dragon is going out to sea. In this case, there is no need to break it.

He can see that the Mirror is not really helping him.

And when he said that he was alone, the squinting eyes were obviously immaculate, indicating that although this person was tempted by the sky, he had the limitations of the Hell family, far less than Zhuge Qingyun’s ambition in the world.

"I really don't know about this, but I have to remind you that I have to find someone who steals beads in seven days, and I am afraid that I will land."

"You should understand the stars, and the last two prisons will change."

"But every day, honest people always have to suffer, and Yan Yalong has only one way to go, that is the opposite!"

Qin Yudao.

"Hey, I told the coach, but he is foolish."

"I try to persuade him, Hou Ye, there is news that we can see at the Wanfu Tea House in the east of the city. I should not stay for a long time. I will take the first step."

晁 道 。.

After that, I looked at Michelle and said: "Miss Michelle, leave."

"Mr. go slowly." Michelle also said courtesy.

This is the rush of the mirror.

"Master, this person is very particular."

Mi Xuedao.

"The family is like this. The things in the bones are deep-rooted. Even if he is a **** machine, some things will not change."

Qin Yudao.

"Listening to his tone seems to be not very concerned about the life and death of the adults. It is of great interest to the three beads."

Mi Xue sat down and said his opinion.

"It seems that my gangsters have come out and turned around. It really grows."

"Yeah, this person is too utilitarian. When he helped Yalong to build a two-prisoned navy, he went away. It was just clear that his talents could not be used. Now he suddenly came back, although there is Part of the old love, but I am afraid I still don't have a picture."

Qin Hao pinched the Qiong nose of Mi Xue, satisfied with the smile.

"Master, don't you move your hands, Master, you said that you can summon four beads to summon the dragon. He won't want to ask for a dragon?"

Mi Xue asked.

"It is possible that no one in the world wants to get the dragon."

Qin Hao nodded.

"Master, then will you save that big man? You are not saying that he is a good person, handsome?"

Mi Xuedao.

"A good man may not be long-lived, and he is foolish in the bones of Yalong. It is afraid that he will die."

"And I have a hunch that I believe that these people will die and destroy their entire country."

Qin Yudao.

Why did Shen Shanxing and Zhang Shanzhi disclose this news to him?

Is it because of his respect?

No, there is real loyalty in hell. Zhang Shanzhi and Shen Lingxing are indeed handy people, but the great things such as Shenlong’s going out to the sea may even threaten the status of Guangwang, and their level of Qin Guangwang may not Will tell them.

And these big things, even if they know, will never dare to tell outsiders.

The only possibility is that Qin Guangwang deliberately let Zhang Shanzhi reveal it to him.

There is only one purpose, let him save the overall situation.

This life should have been in the head of Xie Wusheng, so Qin Guangwang did not hesitate to ask for the treatment of Xie Wusheng, but it was a pity that Xie had no life, so he chose Qin.

What is unclear about Qin Yu is that the second prison is very close to the royal prison. This matter was originally not used by Qin Yu, and even Qin Guangwang himself must come.

But it fell on his head.

There are only one reason, not just the second prison, but the whole world has to change greatly. I have said that the devil and the demon will come out, and the **** of the **** is coming soon.

Perhaps like the congenital period, the entire comprehension community suddenly disappeared in the robbery.

However, Qin Hao can not manage so much. For him, the most important thing at the moment is not the life and death of Yan Yalong, but the four beads that are summoned to summon the dragon.


Inside the palace.

The night was deep, and a white unicorn-like behemoth ran wildly in the court. Standing on the face of a beautiful and beautiful purple girl, the guards around saw her, and they dared to avoid it.

The girl rushed into the Dragon King Hall all the way, screaming into the temple, went straight to the back garden, and saw the letter of drinking tea.

"Father, I just saw the soldiers on the street, saying that you want to give your daughter a martial arts, I am the princess, your only daughter, do you actually marry me like this?"

You can whisper.

"Cocoa, you listened to the father and said, now our dragon ball is ruined, and the father and your uncle, the two kings and uncles discussed it, and wanted a talent to repair the dragon ball."

"The recruitment of a relative is a scorpion that has passed through the ears of the world. Cocoa, you think about the destruction of the Dragon Ball. The people of the West Island will be killed in the sea."

"You have seen the demons outside the sea. Now people are upset, and the father is not in the world."

"Moreover, this is just a tribute to the sage, not necessarily to let you marry."

"I promise that if someone can really pass the test, there is a father. If you don't like it, he will also want to move you a hair."

"Hey, you are the heart of the father's heart. How can there be a father's grievance daughter in the world? The father is also for the people of the world. Nothing."

敖 channel.

I was so soft.

She just went to the outer city to appease the people. The horror scenes of the demon and the ghosts in the sea and the violent impact of the sea defense are vividly in sight. The people are ashamed and uneasy, just like the end of the world.

It’s all because of the loss of Dragon Ball!

Thinking of this, the anger of the child calmed down a few minutes and silenced.

" Father knows that although you were born in the royal family, you are quite arrogant, but you have a simple dream. You want to find a minded person to wander around the world, away from the embarrassment of this palace."

"But... hey, the father can't hold you."

"You have to really disagree. The father and the king are talking to you, and they cancel it."

I believe that a few drops of old tears are dry and sigh.

"Father, you have to let your daughter marry so, but I have a condition. This person must be a good daughter and beat me, otherwise I will not be unwilling."

She is a girl who is proud of her heart. If the other party is not able to be in her, how can she relieve her grievances?

"Well, the father promised you that if the man of tomorrow can light the dragon lamp and overcome my daughter, I will allow him to enter the door of our house."

I am very happy.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

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