The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1777: He is the one you can't afford

"Father, time is not early, let's rest, my daughter will retreat first."

I can’t help you.

She is very confused now, can't wait to find a place to calm down.

Tomorrow's business, although it is the people of the world, but also does not have a reputation for her.

She is a very pure, love-hate person.

In her heart, only the hero who can enter his own eyes can make himself spend his life. Only if there is already a married person first, and the father does not let the chosen man touch himself, she can only face the man of his future with the second marriage.

This is undoubtedly a spiritual embarrassment for her.

"Shantou, you also have to rest early, the father will send someone to pick you up tomorrow afternoon."

When the daughter retired, Yu Xin’s face showed a hint of darkness. Gongsun ink came out from the dark and smiled and said: “Congratulations to the King, it’s a step closer to success.”

"Yeah, God is still ignoring the king. With a little girl, the big event can be expected."

"My big brother, there is no suspicion on their side? Our plans must be step by step, and we can't make mistakes in one step. Otherwise, the other three island dragons will unite, I can't afford it."

敖 channel.

"The king is relieved, everything is in the plan. You and the other three are brothers, how could they doubt the king? After all, the dragons are lost, the sea monsters are four, this is what they see with their own eyes, they will Think you can destroy the country?"

"This is called reluctant children can not get wolves!"

Gongsun ink smiled coldly.

"Yeah, if there is no help from the gentleman, how can I take this step and think of such a trick."

"Once the four beads are gasified, the second prison and the dragon **** are mine. With the help of the dragon god, I can stand up against Qin Guangwang, even...hey."

Yu Xin suppressed the sound, and smiled gloomyly.

"Da Wang Shengming, now the catastrophe is coming, this is a good opportunity for the King to rob the world and change the dynasty."

Gongsun ink is satisfied.

"Sir, is the dragon lamp ready?"

Yu Xin asked again.

"Please see the king."

Gongsun ink waved, a glimpse of the simple horse stool, but the oil lamp only has a wick, but there is no light in the inside.

"The lamp has been completed. This wick is made by the dragon ribs of the great ancestors. Only the dragon gas appears, it will induce spontaneous combustion, the fire of ordinary fire, even if it is the old fire of Tai Laojun, I still want to light it."

"So, who can light it, at least it is a person with a dragon."

"It is a good choice for people like this to repair the lamp or use it for me."

"Moreover, with the beauty of the lady, there is no man in the world who would not like it."

Gongsun ink road.

"Well, it’s really a matter of dripping the water, and it’s a blessing to be thankful." I believe that I immediately poured tea and I like it.

"The king said that he is heavy. My ghost valley has always been proud of being able to do things for Mingjun. Gongsun Mo can meet the king and trust the king. It is the son and the king, Guan Zhongyu, and the happiness of life."

Gongsun ink quickly humiliated.

"Right, what happened to Yan Yalong? I heard that the mirror is back, it is a great character."

I asked.

"Hey, the king doesn't have to worry about it. The Mirror is the apprentice of my brother. This person is very happy. It seems to be smart. In fact, it is very selfish. He may not come back to help Yalong. It is estimated that it will be a little bit of old feelings. Once we broke the mouth, he saw our determination and would know that it would be difficult to retreat."

Gongsun ink disdainfully laughed.

In the Ghost Valley, the real Daxian is the Zhuge Qingyun. It is the existence of even the retreat of him. Zhuge Qingyun and Qin Hou partnered to create a new force of the 18 prisons, which shocked the whole hell.

Just because Qin Hou’s life is not there, the dying is too fast, Zhuge Qingyun also retired, and there is one less talent born in the world.

"That's the case, but I still know about the Mirror. When he was my Navy Division, this Haiphong squad and the ship's guns were all built by him. This person is a bit ambitious, he will not I will hear the sound of the dragon **** and want to come to the water to fish."

Yu Xin is quite worried.

"The mirror doesn't have that life. He is destined to be a big weapon, not to mention the dragon and the fate."

"With me, he can't turn the wind, the king is relieved."

Gongsun ink road.

"It’s just that this breaks the bank, and we must not intervene by our people, lest the big brothers catch their handles and become suspicious."

"I have arranged for the person who has hidden the door to do this. This time, the big disciple of the hidden door is Jing Ji. He is the best assassin in the world. This time, there are a total of thirteen people who came to our island. I have already taught them to break the law. At that time, they will not only break the battle, but they will also be the master of the three-year-old!"

"All things will be planted in these killers and have nothing to do with the King."

Gongsun ink cold and cold.

"Mr. is really a secret machine. If you help me, why not make a big deal? Please accept a letter."

When you are happy, you will get up and worship.

Gongsun ink quickly helped him. "This is the king who wants to fold me. Today you are the Dragon King. You will be a cloudy child tomorrow, and I want to be able to afford it."

The two talked again and they just dispersed.


After returning to the mansion, the scorpion was sulking and sulking at the wooden man in the yard.

He originally wanted to take revenge. This is good. He was slap in the face of everyone, and he bowed his head and admit his mistake. If it was passed to the prince, he would have a face in the West Island.

So once on the island, he sent the four masters and the guards all over the house, and changed a group of people.

"Uncle, why don't you do it today, you know? My face is completely thrown away by you."

娄 冲 冲 冲 冲 冲 冲 冲 冲 冲 冲 冲 冲 冲

"Young Master, I am saving you. Do you know who he is?"

Mirror cold and cold.

"Who?" asked with dissatisfaction.

"Eighteen prisons and Qin Wuhou!"

"What is Qinhou, that kid is Qinhou?"

I am shocked by the sorrow.

Although he has never seen Qinhou, he has long heard the name, especially Qin Hou recently set up two new monarchs in Heilongjiang and Heishui Hell. These means are really not what his family can do.

"As a result, I really want to thank you for your help."

Picking up madness and respectful worship.

"You don't have to thank me, it is your father's English name that gives you a blessing, and you can't tell me the truth."

"The land you see is too small. You can be a good thing in the West Island, but you are out of this water, you are not a shit."

"The reality is so cruel, you can't live forever in the light of the handsome."

"So, you have a long snack."

晁 确实 really does not want to gossip, but out of the old feelings is still from the heart of the comfort.

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