The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1778: Recruitment ceremony

The next day, the guards from the palace were wearing red flower armor, and they beat the drums and patrolled the streets to promote the happy event of the Dragon King.

Even at the expense of opening the inner city gate, the people in the outer city were allowed to temporarily enter the inner city to participate in the election. After all, no one knows whether those who can be restricted by the checkpoint in the outer city.

This is undoubtedly a good thing for the people in the outer city under the turbulent waves. For a time, the people of the whole city poured into the Square Square in front of the palace.

Sihai Square has already set up a stage for recruiting relatives. There are many flowers and flowers, and the spirits of the priests are everywhere. The hydrangea, the drums and the rituals have already prepared.

When the hour arrives, the ritual music sounds, the firecrackers are even the sky, the four islands dragon king with Wang Hao, dressed in four-claw robes in order, the sergeants in the field are not squatting, the long lived voice is endless.

It has been a long time since the meeting of the Dragon King of the Fourth Island. The people have seen four dragon princes who are full of spirits, like eating a reassurance, and they have settled down.

"Everyone, today is the day of the big girl's big day. As the saying goes, the rich and the same, but today is different. Whoever has the ability, regardless of the origin, regardless of the occupation, can participate in the recruitment."

"As long as you can overcome the little girl and light the light in front of you, you can become a dragon in my family."

"There are Princess Ansi below."

There are tens of thousands of people in the face of the letter.

Everyone listens to the truth, and in order to believe in the way of this kind of grounding, they cheer and scream.


The cheers of the landslide and tsunami in the crowd, a young lady wearing a phoenix crown and wearing a red feather coat, came from the volley in the direction of Wangcheng.

But seeing her skin like snow, the five senses show, the face model is not inferior to the sky, her body is tall and plump, the curve under the feather is looming, it is indeed a rare beauty embryo.

敖Ker in the air in a sleeve, the skirt fluttering, the spiral slowly landed.

Everyone saw the princess so beautiful, but also cheered and swayed, and couldn’t wait to see the stage.

"Uncle, three uncles, four uncles, the prostitute asked you to be safe."

You can make a profit and bend over.

"Kel, good boy, you have suffered."

The light sighed.

The other two dragon kings also had a sorrowful face. In order to protect the family's foundation and find the person who repaired the dragon ball, they had to make the best decision. The bait of the woman was really a shame and shame.

"Cocoa, sit down, if there is no objection, our assembly can begin."

I can't wait to believe.

With regard to Jiangshan and his own ambitions, what does the daughter count?

"Yeah, Xiaomei, the big man is married, the female is married. Now the heroes of our West Island are all here, is it not your heart?"

The few sons who sat next to the second seat were the Prince of the Four Kingdoms Dragon King. It was the son of Yu Xin, the son of Yu Xin, who was sitting next to him.

"Big brother!"

"I don't know what you want, don't you know?"

He looked at his eldest brother indifferently and sat down in his position.

What makes her chilling is that her father is still laughing, not even the three uncles, no slightest color.

Is this the lawless father who once spoiled himself?

"Women, marry who is not married, have been here for a while, still feelings, this is not a work? World Open cousin, are you right?"

Yu Shifei sneered.

"No, women are like clothes, and women in our royal family are no exception."

Yu Shikai and the other two princes agreed that it was not their own sister who married, and they did not feel bad.

"Since the princess is here, let's start the pro-law ceremony."

Gongsun ink reminded me.

"Cough, the pro-law ceremony is starting now, please light up first."

"Before lighting, you will pass the test of the thirty soul stones, but those who do not shine in the soul stone will be eliminated automatically."

"Everyone, start testing now."

敖 channel.

The crowd immediately divided into 30 teams and began testing in the square.

Soul stone is not very useful, but it can be used to test the infuriating. Gongsun ink sets the level of the soul stone as the joint period, because if a person's cultivation is not even in the joint period, he will not repair the dragon ball. Not to mention the princess.

This method is very good, otherwise everyone will light up, can the monkey year to pick out qualified people?

This is so, in the face of tens of thousands of people flocking, the efficiency of Soulstone is not very high.

After all, there are too many people who want to sneak in the fish and fish. If there is no such cultivation, they can personally participate in the princess's recruitment. For ordinary people, it is also worthy of a life-long talk.

From early to dark, I saw that the crowd did not go down halfway, and the four dragon kings could not sit still.

"Mr. Gongsun, you are responsible for the registration of the candidates for the ceremony. After three days, all the contestants are selected and qualified, and then officially hold the ceremony."

Yu Xin said.

In the face of the people in full swing, this method can only be used at present.


The three-day period is not too long, just blink of an eye.

The West Island masters are quite a lot. There are as many as 600 people in the joint period. However, this is undoubtedly good news for Yuxin. The more people there are, the more likely they are to ignite the dragon lanterns and repair the dragon beads.

Because without this step, he could not lie to the other three dragon balls.

I believe that I can't wait to make a grand ceremony.


She was flying in the city, tears dripping like rain, and she felt that she was abandoned by the world overnight.

The indifference of the father and brother, the troubles and sorrows of growing up, and the ravages of the ghosts and monsters outside, all of them are in her heart. She urgently needs to vent, and needs to be drunk.

She wore a plain coat and came to the outer city with a veil.

She is tired of the ruthlessness of the palace, but rather the envy of the ordinary people.

I came to a small restaurant The business inside was very bleak. Now everyone is sincere and fearful, and the ear screams through the screams of the water demon. All of them are shrinking at home, and whoever has the mood to get drunk.

"The boss, come to two home-cooked dishes, the wine is the best, the most powerful."

Hey, his finger flicked, and a money ticket fell on the counter, and he told me coldly.

When the store owner saw it, the good guy was a thousand coins, and the Hawker, suddenly came to the spirit, and screamed: "Home-made side dishes, the most powerful wine, table."

When the guys inside heard the business, they all got busy, and after a while, a few delicious side dishes, a table of wine and wine.

He could open the seal, put the bowl, and drank it in one bite. The wine was extremely strong, and the spicy throat of his nose, a few mouthfuls, and the tears of the wine that had never been drunk had flowed down.

"It’s even more awkward to drink alcohol, Miss, this is a hundred years of drunkenness. Are you not so bad when you drink this?"

A figure in the corner stood up and laughed loudly.

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