The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1779: Let me teach you to eliminate

"How do you drink what you want, go away."

I don’t have a good air.

"I don't drink alcohol like this, or I will teach you a way to really drink and drink."

The man came over.

It is the black hair, the body is tall and straight, the air is imposing, although it is not handsome and unparalleled, but the dark bottom of the bottomless pupil, but has a cold arrogance different from ordinary people.

The coming person is Qin Lan, but his current appearance has been restored to the appearance of Wuxian when he debuted. The big handsome guy with the silver-haired shawl still has a world of difference, and it will never be too eye-catching in the heap.

"How do you talk about it?"

She could have a little eyebrows and a little interest. At the same time, she explored the gas field of Qin Yu. It was also the late stage of the stagnation and the beginning of the road. It was really necessary to play tricks. Packed up.

"I will drink with you, drink a cup and talk about one thing. After drinking it, my heart will be fully solved."

"This way, I will come first."

Qin Xiao smiled, first took a cup of belly, and immediately turned his eyes to the distance: "Have you ever been loved by a sword?"

When the topic came out, I could feel the bitter bitterness of this young girl's eyebrows in front of me. Rao was a inexplicable heartache of her onlookers.

It is a pain to be deeply loved by a person who is deeply loved. I am afraid that it will be painful and painful for 10,000 times.

"I don't have it. I don't have a loved one. I don't know who to love."

"Is it painful?"

Hey, the child asked quietly.

"It hurts, countless nights, the pain will be like a ghost, and it will linger on you."

"That sword is enough to kill the strongest will of this world, the most stubborn belief."

"Even if it is dead once, it will still not let you go, never stop."

Qin Yu Jian Mei Shen, Shen cold road.

He didn't lie, but he appeared here today, and it was the sorrowful sword of Fu Yuqing who woke up, and this came out to drink alcohol.

He is a king, ambition in the world, and aspiration to live forever.

However, this scar has always plagued him, even if his mind is how to cultivate, can not be expelled.

This is his demon, like Buddha and Mo Luo, he can not have the same nirvana as the Buddha, so can not give up this demons.

When the heart starts to rise, he will be vulnerable and hurt.

When Fu Lanqing jumped, she was relieved, but Qin Lan was riddled with the heart and suffering.

"So, love is painful, fortunately I have no love."

You can laugh at the child.

"No, you are wrong, the beauty of love is precisely because of its unpredictable, ups and downs, joys and sorrows."

"Bitterness and pain are just a way to carry it. You only know how beautiful and sweet it is if you have personally experienced it."

Qin Lan raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"If you give me another chance, knowing that the sword will come, will you still believe in love?"

I can look at this man and ask.

"Yes, even if she knows she will stab me, but I will still choose her."

"Because she gave me the beauty, it is painful and impossible to draw."

"So, I believe in love."

Qin Hao did not hesitate.

The eyes of Zhu Ke’s eyes flashed instantly, and a gap in her heart seemed to be opened. She never heard of such a wonderful theory. The sons and daughters of the princes and nobles always talk about the power and wealth. Who is this? I am pursuing the answer to my heart.

"I will accompany you for a drink and a toast to love."

She was moved, and she felt that she finally touched what she wanted, and toasted Qin Qin.

Since she was so big, she never had a heart with a man other than the father. Qin was the first.

"Miss, look, this wine is drinking, you have a smile on your face, spirits, bitter wine to smile, this is the right way to drink."

"Next, it's up to you."

Qin Yudao.

I can feel that my heart is not so uncomfortable. "I am going to marry tomorrow. I am married to someone who I don't know who is it. Is it very sad?"

"Are you sure you won't like that person?"

Qin Hao asked.

"Never will."

"I know myself very well. As long as I reject it, I will not like it."

"And, God knows if that person is a bad old man in the mountains and forests?"

"For my father, big brother, I am just a tool to use. They don't care who the person is. It is enough to light the lamp."

There is no loss in the children.

"Don't be so disheartened, maybe things won't be as bad as you think."

Qin Xiao smiled.

"You really will comfort people, but this lady listens to my heart and knows you, I am very happy, to do this for our acquaintance."

You can be happy.

The two of them chatted happily, until the middle of the night, the whole altar of wine drank the light, and each other was happy, with a three-point drunken farewell, each returned home.

Qin Lan became a silver-haired appearance. When he arrived at the embassy building, he saw many elite guards at the entrance. Xie Bin waited anxiously at the door. He met Qin Hao and greeted him: "Hou, you are back, Yu Yalong is here." Waiting to see you inside."

"I want to be quick."

Qin Yudao.

When I got inside, Yan Yalong and Yan Cai and his father were busy getting up and welcoming them. Because the embassy people were so mixed, they didn’t dare to match each other. They just met with their fists: "Mr. Qin!"

"Shu Shuai will not come to me to settle accounts?" Qin Xiao smiled.

"Don't dare, my dog ​​has always been stubborn, and the monks are busy with military affairs. The teachings are not square. It is rare for someone to teach him on my behalf. Thank you for being too late. This is here to thank Mr. Qin. In addition, the children are coming. Mr. apologizes."

Yan Yalong laughed loudly.

Qin Hao carefully looked at Yan Yalong, his eyes stunned, and he was righteous, and it was indeed a well-deserved reputation.

It’s just such a capable minister, but it’s been hated by the faint princes.

"Long time, handsome, fair and wise, Today is an insight."

Qin Xiao smiled.

"Reverse, still do not apologize to Mr. Qin?" Yan Yalong angered.

"I rudely smacked Mr., and I hope Mr. Haihan." He was a willing apology, and he was willing to admire him. It is just one of Qinhou.

"The prodigal son will not change the gold, let's talk about it."

Qin Yudao.

When I arrived at the building, Qin Hao displayed anti-lapping enchantment, letting Mi Xue soaked the fragrant tea, and sat down and said: "Why didn't you come with the coach?"

"Mr. He has been busy with private affairs these days. He is not good at asking, I must be busy at the moment."

Yan Yalong Road.

Qin Xiao smiled slightly, and as expected, the Mirror refused to convince Yan Yalong to rebel, and lost confidence in Yan Yalong. That point of grace also only a few words, really help Yalong, that is impossible.

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