The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1781: Cao's son

The ceremony was held in hot pursuit.

Almost half of the six hundred people selected this time are other hells, and all of them are combined. This is a force that cannot be ignored.

I can sit there, although the face is wearing a veil, but only from her pair of gem-like eyes, white skin and hot body, is enough to make those candidates crazy, and then add the dragon The blood is extremely precious and attracts people.

Everyone who passes through the sea elections is holding her heart-warming attitude. There are some old men and some demon and evil monsters in the mountains.

However, for Yuxin, this does not matter. As long as it is an individual, it can light the lamp. It is the person he needs in his plan, and the happiness of his daughter is a ball.

"Everyone, let's take the second pass of the recruiting, and let the dragon light."

"This is the ancient instrument of the sacred dragon family. But anyone who can light the dragon lamp is my family, and it is also the son of the dragon **** blessing. No matter who you are, no matter how old you are, light this lamp. The four islands and our beautiful princess will belong to you."

"Everyone, please light up one by one."

In front of Gongsun Mo, he bowed to more than one hundred contestants.

Someone immediately lifted the dragon lamp. The lamp is more than one meter high. The whole is like a big lantern. The bottom is a black stone. The face is engraved with a dragon flying pattern. The dark stone wall makes it impossible to see the inner Xuan.

The wick is a one-foot-long wick that extends from the dragon's mouth.

This wick is not simple. It is made of the ribs at the neck of the dragon. It is inherently sensitive to the dragon. Unless it is an unusual dragon vein, it can be ignited. Otherwise, 甭The management is high and low, and they all want to make it shine.

Before the crowd lined up, they began to light up.

Obviously, the power of this lamp has completely exceeded their imagination. Almost all kinds of fire methods are flying around, and all kinds of means have been made. Those contestants finally shook their heads and went.

Six hundred people, less than two hours, at noon, have already eliminated most of them, only a few people have stayed.

To be precise, it is three people.

The three were the first-round double-horned monster, a bad old man, and a young man with a pan-green peach eye.

I don’t see what is good.

"Four Dragon Kings, great news, a total of three decided, it seems that we are still talented in the West Island."

Gongsun ink is happy.

"Great, cocoa, you heard it, there are three sages to pass, and the next rule is still up to you."

Yu Xin looked at his daughter and asked with a smile.

"Father, if you leave the strongest one, let's try it with your daughter."

I can’t help you.

"Well, reason, I can't let my daughter fight with them one by one, Mr. Gongsun, as the princess said, let them decide the winner."

Yu Xin said.

"Three, the princess has a decree, only the strongest is worthy to marry her, so three of you, who can win the beauty, look at your skills."

Gongsun ink told the three men.

"I will come first!"

"Hey, my Royal Highness, my name is You Kun. I am a descendant of the Dragon Gods in Tongtianhe. I have been the ancestor of the Dragon God. I have been protecting the Dragon God. I have a dragon **** reward. Today, you can marry the Princess and the Princess. It is a perfect match."

"You Kun is willing to protect the princess for thousands of years."

The double-horned blame, when the first jumped into the ring, proudly preached the family.

"It turned out to be the descendant of the dragon god. The congenital period is indeed a family. It is not an excuse for you to be a sage."

"Hyun, look at you."

Yuxin and Twilight three looked at each other and smiled.

Obviously, they are extremely satisfied with the descendants of this ancestor's family of law-protection families. Infernal hell, some monsters also have famous names, and their status is extremely high. Everyone is equal, and marriage is also very common.

Therefore, no one is surprised by the strange looks of You Kun.

"Thank you for the four uncles, and you can't live up to it."

You Kun said great joy.

She couldn't even look at the tour Kun, she didn't like the aliens, and the utilitarianism of Kun Kun was apparently to use the power of the family.

"Oh, brother, you are too early to be happy, there is Cao Junjie here, but it is not your ugly person to lie in front of the princess."

With a cold drink, the peach-eye youth holding the folding fan jumped into the ring.

"Oh, is this son a Cao Junjie who is a passionate son of Cao Wei?"

Gongsun ink eyes brightened, and asked with great joy.

Everyone heard the words, they all changed their faces.

Cao Junjie is known as a passionate son. He is a famous Cao family in Hell. The ancestor of Cao was the royal family of Cao Wei. The ancestor Cao Yu abolished Han Xiandi and gave birth to the dragon. Although the dragon was weak, it was not enough to support Cao Wei. However, Cao’s family also left a solid wealth. Since then, Cao’s family has had a lot of dragons.

After the death of Cao’s family, he was blessed by this dragon, and he did not die in hell. He established the Cao family today.

Although the Cao family could not be compared with the four major families in Hell, the lords of the past dynasties in the capital of the capital of the capital of the capital, the three generals, the generals, can be regarded as the famous family.

As the only son of Cao’s family, Cao Junjie’s status is self-evident.

Because of his wealth and his status, Cao Junjie is a well-known **** in hell. He is the most authoritative of the list of flowers and beauty, food list, and hell.

Any woman who can list his beauty is not the best in the world.

Now the four beautiful people in **** are selected by a group of playboys in the capital city of Bengbu.

This time I came to the West Island in addition to spying on the truth of the Dragon Ball, but also for the beauty of the children.

Because he also has a hint of dragon in his so he can light the dragon lamp and get it.

"Is there a second person who dares to call Cao Junjie?"

Cao Junjie gently swayed the fan, and the sword eyebrows picked it up, proudly.

"Yes, Cao Gongzi is naturally the only one in the world." Gongsun ink did not dare to provoke this rich family.

"Since it is the son of Cao Daren, it is as good as my family, and Yin Xian, let's start."

In the case of You Kun, the family has no good feelings for Cao Junjie. Cao Junjie does not care if they don’t care. The key is whether they repair the dragon light or choose a low-key, honest person.

To make the Cao family close to the secret, it is undoubtedly a fire.

"The surname of Cao, you are just a **** with a false name. Look at my dragon god."

After swimming and angering, the golden light skyrocketed, and a piece of dragon scales was like a battle armor, covering his strong body, and then, Kun Kun punched out a punch.

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