The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1782: There is no life and death in the ring.


A dragon is mixed with tyrannical power and comes from the air.

"Good magical power, although the dragon's gas is not as strong as the dragons, but there are also six points, it is a must." Twilight caressed and praised.

"Garbage, in the later part of a district, dare to scatter in front of the young."

"The dragon is unscrupulous!"

Cao Junjie’s palms rose, and a black dragon roared out and greeted Xiaolong.

One dragon and one slammed in the void, the black dragon almost smashed in a blink of an eye, and once caught a roll, it became a cloud.

"A good and strong, overbearing dragon, this kid's repair has actually reached the true period, it is not allowed."

The brothers and sisters of the letter are all frowning and have an unpredictable feeling.

"Made, dare to pick me up, no one wants to grab the princess with me."

"I am going out!"

"The dragon rises to heaven."

The dragon family has always had a madness, and Kun Kun has eaten it, his face is sweeping, his body is full of anger, his eyes are red and bloody, his power is rising rapidly, his hand is a big knife, and he is following Cao Junjie. Come.

But seeing him mad is like a reincarnation, the knife is violent, the hurricane rolled up, and the spar floor will be dismantled.


You Kun screamed, all the spar floors were connected into a line, and densely smashed to Cao Junjie. At the same time, You Kun hid his sword and chased it.

"Good knife method, this is the mad magic knife method, not endless, this is still our ancestors taught to the Xiaolong family."

Twilight pointed at the knife-knowled tour Kun, greatly liked.

"Yeah, this kid can make a crazy knife method. It is indeed a good seedling. By madness, even if Cao Junjie is in the early days, there is also a battle."

Yan Zhong nodded and nodded.

Cao Junjie saw the knife rushing like a flood of beasts, and there was a sneer in his mouth. "Garbage is rubbish, you are destined to be a clown under my feet."

During the speech, his hand's folding fan opened and flew out three white qis. The qi was like a long rainbow. It ran through the entire platform, and it was like a long-shouldered Kun Kun.

"Damn, what is this?"

You Kun knives a group of knives, as if you are in nothing, the strength can not be touched, but the white gas is like a ghost, and he will even bring a knife to the wound.

You Kun struggled desperately, but like falling into the swamp mire, where he got rid of it.

"Go down!"

Cao Junjie folded a fan, white cloak waving, no arrogance.


You Kun's squatting on the ground, smashed his muscles and bones, vomiting blood.

More annoying is that the white qi is getting tighter and tighter, grinding his bones a little bit, drying his blood, making him unable to make a sigh of relief, only to bow to death.


Yu Xin suddenly got up and stood up.

"This is the smell of the mixed yuan."

Gongsun Mo and others were shocked at the same time.

"Haha, it seems that you are still a bit of a eye-catching thing. That's right. This is the three mixed elements that my mixed-age sects and sages have taught me. It can break all the power of the world!"

Cao Junjie’s nostrils are going to go to heaven, and his face is pressing.

"The trough, Cao Junjie turned out to be one of the three hidden sects of the mixed Yuan Zong disciples."

"Yeah, the mixed Yuanzong, the Dizongzong, the Ghost Valley are also known as the three hidden sects of the world, and there are very few doormen. It is no wonder that Cao’s family can go smoothly in the capital of the city, and the original mountain is actually a mixed yuan."

There are a lot of arguments around the audience.

Yuxin and Gongsun Mo and others have a kind of vomiting blood that does not erode the chicken. Cao Junjie is so big, this marriage can not be retired. If he let him know the truth of Dragon Ball, he will make an idea for the Dragon God to go out to sea. It has undoubtedly broken the big event.

"Cao Shao, I am not arrogant, arrogant and ignorant, but also ask you to spare me a life, my Yi people will definitely remember your great grace."

You Kun can't stand the pain of the blood and blood, and vomiting blood and pleading.

"Oh, you don't inquire about it, but whoever provoked me Cao Junjie, who has lived?"

"It seems that the great grace of your Yi people can't be seen. Really, your Yi people are rubbish, I don't care."

"So, there is only one in your end... die!"

When the death word is exported, Cao Junjie folds the fan and smashes it, hehe! The gas of the mixed yuan slammed into a whirl, and the life was swept into a mud.


Yuxin stood up and gave a loud cry.

"Cao Gongzi, are you over-extended? He has already prayed for you, why not give him a way to live."

"Today is a good day for the princess to recruit, how can I kill people at will?"

Twilight shouted.

"Oh, the fight between Taiwan and Taiwan, this is the game of life and death, not that you are born to me, Imagine if I don't have the ambition of the teacher, just the one he wants is Cao's head."

"Furthermore, you have no rules to say that you are not allowed to kill?"

"You have to have opinions, okay, Cao returned to the 酆 to tell the world of the four islands dragon king's jokes."

Cao Junjie did not smile.

He originally wanted to take this opportunity to understand the inside story of Dragon Ball. How can he know that the power of the stock is like a flood?

To know that he is not forced to wear a day, all the uncomfortable people, in the shackles, in the second prison is even more lawless, so hard, even the four islands Dragon King are not in the eyes.


I believe that there is nothing to say, but there is nothing to help. After all, people have Cao Daren and the mixed Yuanzong support. What can they do? At the moment, only the broken teeth are swallowed in the stomach.

"Is there anyone else? Nobody, I have to be beautiful."

Cao Junjie took the hand to go to the princess and couldn’t wait to see the princess’s true face.

When he reached out and wanted to take off the veil, he heard a little old and hoarse voice under the ring: "Cao It’s too much, and the old is still dead."


A shadow flashed, and an old man in rags suddenly appeared in front of Cao Junjie.

But see the old man’s hunchback like a bow, licking his body, his hair is sparse and pale, like a hay-like glare hanging on his head, brooming his eyebrows, a big mouth, a mouth full of jagged rhubarb teeth, his face is pale and pale, as if The dead man exudes a strong dead air.

Cao Junjie suddenly saw such an ugly guy, and he was shocked. He jumped back unconsciously and snorted his nose. "Where is it, dare to marry, not to give Ben is going down."

"This brother, I have not yet asked for a high name."

Yu Yi’s face was asked by dignity.

"Oh, the old man has forgotten his name, but the people in **** are used to calling the Montenegro old demon, the Montenegro camel, which one do you like, which one can call you."

The hunchback screamed and laughed.

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