The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1784: Moving bomb

"Hey, when Qin Hou chased me, I fled into the mountains. He was very powerful. He burned the mountain directly with a fire and almost burned me alive."

"It’s a pity that the old man is very difficult to die. Instead, I absorbed this flame and sealed the flame with my life's blood."

"There are not many flames, and it is more than enough to burn your West Island Dragon Palace."

"Of course, you can kill me too, but I remind you that as long as my body is seriously threatened, it will detonate the hump. At that time, the Nether God from the 18th prison Qinhou will turn into a flame of the sky, floating in the flames. The entire West Island."

"Wow, that scene must be beautiful."

"The old man thinks that you must not want to see such a beautiful view."


Tong Wanqian smirked and laughed.

He humiliated and took the burden. It took thousands of years to completely blend the quiet flames of the mountain. Now it is like a moving bomb. Whoever touches the dead, not to mention the small West Island, but also in the capital Still dare to be arrogant.

No way, who makes Qinhou calf?

"Oops, I have heard Qin Houxiu for a long time, especially the Nether God fire, passed down from ancient times, Huang Quanshui is not destroyed, and the law is not lost."

"This old man made it clear that he is a cocoa, big brother, what can I do?"

I believe that there is some panic.

With his four people joining hands, it is not the two children who are not in the eyes, but no one dares to touch, this is a headache.

Now is the next dilemma, but did not give the letter to death.

"Cao Shao, this test is not over yet. Is there any other way to use the magical power of you?"

I asked.

Cao Junjie has a heart that wants to die at this moment. His housekeeping magic weapons are broken. Hearing and biliary are breaking down. Wherever he dares to fight, he immediately laughed and said: "Children are invincible, Cao is willing Admit defeat, childhood, the princess is yours, leave."

The person who knows the time is Junjie, but he still can’t run, it’s stupid, and Cao Junjie is also unconcerned, and slips away.

I haven’t taken a few steps yet, and Tong Wanqian’s voice of human life has come over: “Cao Shao, have I said let you go?”

After that, a majestic murder, instantly locked Cao Junjie.

Cao Junjie turned his head on the black line and slowly turned around and bowed his hand: "What else is there for the predecessors?"

"The old man wants to ask you to bring a sentence to your family, Cao Daren." Tong Wanqian.

"Well, let's say that the predecessors have something to say but it doesn't matter."

When Cao Junjie heard that he actually knew his father, he estimated that he had to sell a few faces. Today, he is afraid of being innocent and can’t help but be happy.

"You tell the old man, I have a few more sons, otherwise I am not enough for my child to kill, haha."

Tong Wanqian sullenly laughed.

That smile is like a devil, making Cao Junjie desperate.


Tong Wanqian slaps a fan in Cao Junjie's face and loses three mixed yuan locks. He is not an opponent of Tong Wanqian at all.


The slap in the face was so strong, Cao Junjie and others flew out, the handsome face was beaten into a pig's head, and the mouth was full of flies, squatting on the ground and vomiting blood.

"Children, my men, I blinked and offended you."

"You give me a way to live, please."

Cao Junjie begged for mercy like a dog.

What dignity, all become shit, the Cao family has always been able to bend and stretch, as long as they can survive, the rest are clouds.

"Forgive you, don't you say that the old man is rubbish?"

Tong Wanqian has been squatting in the old forests of the mountains for so many years, making himself a ghost, not a ghost, a stomach fire, I want to find a place to send out, but Cao Junjie dared to pretend in front of him, but also stimulated His anger, can spare him to blame.


Tong Wanqian twisted Cao Junjie's arms to the back of his head, followed by his legs and smashed his head. As a result, Cao Junjie's limbs were all in the head. The whole portrait was like Wang Ba, and his chest was sticking to the ground. call.

"Tong Wanqian, my father and my master will not let you go."

Cao Junjie spurted his mouth and screamed in pain.

"The old man wants someone to kill me, who kills me, who I burned, anyway, I earn more than one day."

Tong Wanqian looked at the first four brothers of the family without any complaints.

This is the master of the four ghost kings, but what about it, is that Qin Guangwang is here, and he will also vote for the rat.

"You, you are a madman, a letter, a dawn, my father is the prime minister, my uncle is a general, if I die here, you can't escape, you still can't shoot, what are you waiting for?"

Cao Junjie shouted at the first four people.

Twilight is also a helpless face. If you can do it, you can still use Cao Junjie here. The four people started to kill, but the problem is that they can’t move.

"Children, why bother with young people, the battle for the downfall, he has already conceded defeat, and please leave your hand."

Twilight raises the road.

"It’s his life that he said that there is only a struggle between life and death in the ring. How is the life of Kun Kun not a life?"

"You are afraid of Cao Daren and Cao General. The old man is not afraid."


Tong Wanqian raised his hand as a palm, and even the person took a slap in the face of the gods and took a smash.

It’s ridiculous that Cao Junjie was still in the prestige of the prestige, and it’s bullish, but it’s a dead soul.


When he saw him, he did not give face, and he got up and walked up: "Second brother, I can't stand this ritual, I will take the first step."

"Big brother, you, don't go."

It’s also a panic when I believe that I’m going to be the tallest brother.

Zhai Zhong and Zhai Yi saw that the older brother had to go, and he quickly got up and said: "Second brother, you will slowly recruit, I have a few pieces of the hand to handle the military affairs, take a step first, let's see you in the palace."

The two, regardless of the retention of the letter, quickly chased after the dawn.

You must know that couples are in trouble, and they still have to divide things, not to mention brothers.

The three people of Twilight know that they are staying, but they can’t help but use Tong Wanqian. Instead, they will only lose face. It’s better to sneak away. In case Wan Wanqian really wants to burn up, he will escape.

After all, the Qinhou's Nether God is not a joke.

"Now it is quiet, no one should grab the princess with me."

"Dragon prince, princess, if there is no opinion, in the face of the people of the world."

Tong Wanqian blinked and said coldly.

"Father, I want to fight him."

How can you let such a wicked demon insult Suddenly gave birth to death, the flower is angry.

"Cocoa, no noisy, you are not an opponent of a child."

"The so-called Qingshan is staying, not afraid of not burning wood, let the old child enter the palace first, I will meet with Mr. Gongsun, your uncle, to find a way to deal with him."

Yu Xin pulled his daughter aside and lowered his voice.

The tears of ruthlessness flowed out, but when I thought that it was really anxious, the old man exploded, and the people in the city had nowhere to escape. All of them had to be buried with her, and now they only have to endure this. The mouth is bad.

"I am now announcing that Tong Wanqian is the ultimate winner of this recruitment meeting. He will become the dragon of the West Island Dragon King..."

Gongsun ink has no choice but to declare.

He also said that the crowd sent a clear drink: "Sorry, everyone let it, it’s late, it’s late."

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

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