The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1785: You are not as good as shit

The crowd consciously let go of a road.

It’s not just that you don’t want to see your daughter marry Tong Wanqian’s wicked person. It’s the West Island people who are also unwilling to know that the princess’s ordinary people in the city are pure and good. Incarnation.

At this time, there are still people who dare to stand up. How much is a little hope. It is undoubtedly a great opportunity.

Everyone looked at the same people at the same time, only to see a black-haired teenager.

The juvenile's gas field is generally the beginning of the joint road. When Xin Xin and others look at it, they can't help but shake their heads. This is far worse than Cao Junjie. It is also sent to death.

Moreover, Tong Wanqian is a gunpowder barrel. It is counted that this boy can beat him, and he is not willing to go to trouble again.

Only the eyes of the child were flashing. "I was the one who accompanied me to drink last night? How did he come?"

"Dragon King, isn't the end of the recruitment?"

Qin Lan ran, and asked with a smile.

"How about after not finishing?"

"Not finished, I want to try." Qin smashed his hand and smiled.

"Try what to try, the battle between Taiwan and Taiwan is a matter of life and death. Are you dying, is Cao Junjie still powerful?"

The brother of the child stood up and yelled.

"Yeah, this little brother, there is no eye for fighting against the law. Let's do it."

Yan Yalong stood up and was also comforting.

"An old man, for the sake of beauty, rushed over from the mountains and forests. I am a **** young man, and I have to do my best."

Qin Lan put his hand on his hand, and he smashed his eyes and blinked. Without saying anything, his fingers touched the eyebrows and shouted at the dragon lamp: "Here!"


The dragon lights flashed and the audience was shocked. No one thought that this boy who looked ordinary would be a dragon.

"Since you can light the dragon light, you have this qualification."

"First, let's say that the old boy is a high-minded person. You don't have to find a way to die. Now I regret it."

I believe that in the presence of so many people, it is not easy to repent, and a sleeve is impatient.

"Nothing, a bad old man, I haven't put it in my eyes."

Qin Hao looked relaxed.

He didn't seem to be tempted to talk, and no one was taken seriously. More people were scorning the boy. How to see it, he is not like Tong Wanqian's opponent.

"This gentleman, I don't know your high name."

Qi Keer grew up and asked, Ying Ying Shi Li.

Everyone is a bit strange, what a ghost? To know that when Cao Junjie was just in the field, then the big guy, the princess didn't even lift his eyelids. Nowadays, such a nameless boy, dressed in disguise, is also generally worthy of being politely treated by the princess.

They know, this is a mess that will be touched by my heart.

Qin Lan was comfortable for her last night. At this time, she did not count the fate of life and death to protect her. This kind of kindness is enough for her to remember for a lifetime.

"My name is Qin Hao."

"The princess is relieved, there is me, he will never be your last day."

"Laugh one, girls love to laugh, luck will be good."

Qin Lan walked to the front of the child, and yelled at her and smiled.


You can smile at the heart, the original desperate heart, suddenly bright.

Qin Xi’s evil and warm smile has an inexplicable force that melts the warmth of the child.

Yu Xin and Gong Sun Mo and others are all a slap in the face. Which is this, how did the princess get so close to this kid, what happened?

"Kid, you, Qing, I am finished?"

Tong Wanqian saw that Qin Hao had no objection to him, and he shouted uncomfortably.

"do you have any opinion?"

Qin Lan walked to Tong Wanqian and hugged his arms.

"Just you said that you didn't put the old man in your eyes? Are you sure?" Tong Wanqian was cold as ice, cold and cold.

"Not sure, I am wrong."

Qin Lan shrugged.

"Haha, since you think it, let's go down." Tong Wanqian looked loose and laughed.

"No, I mean, I can put you in my eyes, but in my eyes, you are just a stinking stinky dog."

Qin Hao shook his fingers and smiled.


"You dare to treat the old man as a glimpse..."

"Bad boy, congratulations, you have already angered the old man and died."

Tong Wanqian's mouth twitching straight, the palms of the sacred sacred fires, according to the Qin dynasty eighty palms, flat push.

The fire palm is a masterpiece, and there is no sense of enthusiasm for the fire. But the cold sense of death makes the invisible people have an inexplicable fear.

There is no doubt that whoever is going to be photographed is afraid that even the bones will remain.

"I am wrong again. You are not a shit, but a **** is not as good."

Qin Yu’s mouth was raised, and he was sneer and sneered.


Tong Wanqian suddenly felt a cold and chilly moment, and instantly penetrated the sacred fire, and penetrated his meridians. Under the force, he played like a broken ball and slammed into the walls of the square. Wow A mouth spurted out an old blood.

Damn, how can this be?

His strength is obviously not as good as fire. I have been practicing for thousands of years. How can the sacred magical work done by the Qinhou **** fire be as ugly as paper?

Tong Wanqian can't understand it.

It is reasonable to say that there is a blessing of the fire, want to break his defense, and he must be repaired to be strong. At least 30% of him is possible.

What is even more frightening is that his Nether God fires such a strong palm, playing in the Qin body, like a stream into the sea, completely absorbed.

How can there be such a terrible person in the world, such a terrible freak?

He cultivated the Qin Hun's sacred fire.

Tong Wanqian wants to die.

It’s just that he, Yu Xin and others are also standing up at the same time.

"Mr. Gongsun, I didn't look at it?"

"This, this kid broke the secluded fire of Qinhou?"

I was surprised by the incredible surprise.

Gongsun ink caressed, the eyes are filled with deep and deep Dawang, this person is not allowed, he is full of dragons, and can restrain the fire of Qin Hou, looking at the world like this person Few, if this person can use it for me, it is the best, if not, I am afraid to become the scourge of our plan. ”

"Mr. Gongsun said it is reasonable. If he is willing to marry the princess, I can entrust the grand plan with him. If he does not, I will kill him."

"There is a big disrespect on the spot, killing!"

I believe that it is a railroad.

"No hurry, don't forget that the hidden dangers of Tong Wanqian and Hump are still there, and we are still far from being taken lightly."

Gongsun ink condensed.

"Great, Qin, you are my amulet."

You can have a face full of joy, looking at the handsome and graceful posture of Qin Yu, full of sweethearts.

What is love, maybe this is it.

The sudden marriage ceremony that she suddenly felt may be the beginning of her true love.

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