The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1790: I want to check my bottom, no way.

"Da Shang dare not dare to be, our family is in the Yulong Mountain in the north of Suidu City. The generations also do a little business. The family business is not too big, but it is based on the foundations of the ancestors of the past dynasties. There are some resources in Hell, and occasionally Under the slogan of Guangwang and the prisons, the giants who are famous for the Shangshen and Lijiatian are incomparable."

Zhang Daling is humble.

He said that the two people in the world are also a bit of a bottom, Qin family may be the kind of hidden family.

What is a hidden family? It is a big family with strong strength in the court and in hell, but rarely exposed to the facade.

In addition to the few people who can contact these families, outsiders are generally rare.

Reminiscent of Qin Hao’s previous arrogance, and Zhang Daling’s boldness today, Yu Shiji and Gongsun Mo believe that the eighty-nine is not separated.

Of course, they don't dare to fully trust. After all, this is the word of Zhang Daling.

"Mr. Qin is too humble. Now we are a family. I am rich in West Island. I hope that Mr. Qin and Qin Xiong can help with the shipment in the future."

Yu Shiji smiled.

"No problem, it should be, it should be." Zhang Daling is a polite way.

As I said, the voice of the concierge came from outside the door: "Yu Du Fan is a great man."

"Fan Daren? Could it be that Fan Fang is an outsider in the capital?"

Ruan Shiji is quite surprised.

As he said, a year-old official with a beautiful and well-dressed, walked in with two people talking and laughing.

"Old Qin, Lao Qin, Congratulations, Congratulations to Shi Zi Xi Cheng Long, we have a few old friends to come and celebrate."

Fan Fang called into the door.

I want to see the two people sitting in the main hall, and they look forward to it: "Hey, Mr. Prince, Mr. Gongsun is also there? Then the three of us are afraid of harassment, Qin Daren, then we change the day. Come again."

"Don't, don't, let's come back to pick up the princess and go back. Fan Daren stayed."

The two people who saw Shi Shiji were indeed Fan Fang, and they also got up and set aside.

"Fan Daren, it seems that you are an old man with Qin Daren." Gongsun ink caressed, squinted and asked.

"I have been trading with Mr. Qin for many years. It is also an old friend."

Fan Fang nodded.

"The old man and the prince do not bother you, leave."

Gongsun Mo and Yu Shiji were a few polite words, and they went with a slap.

"Fan Daren, thank you for your rescue, or else I really can't cope with these two foxes." Zhang Daling wiped his sweat on his forehead and thanked him.

"Mr. Zhang is very polite, and Guangwang and the Shenda people of the House of Government gave me an order to cooperate with you at all costs."

"Mr. Qin, the time limit is limited, please forgive Fan three people can not give you a big gift."

Fan Fang turned and bowed to Qin Yu, who was sitting at the head.

"Fan Daren, what do you have to say about Guangwang?"

Qin Hao nodded and asked faintly.

"No, Guang Wang only squats down the government, everything is self-determined by Qin Hou, and I only have full cooperation."

"What do you need us to help, just open your mouth."

"Yes, Yulongshan will also cooperate with you, even if it is a letter to check the family tree, it will never reveal its feet. Moreover, with the status of the old Qin family in Yulongshan, Yuxin will not be able to reach them."

Fan Fangdao.

"Fan Daren, I ask you, is there any accident in Hedu and Hell?" Qin Hao asked quietly.

Fan Fang’s face changed slightly, and immediately said: “Mr., you also know that I am an outsider. I can’t touch the secrets. But since Xie’s life and death, Guangwang’s jurisdiction over the 18th Hell has been weak. Mr. is the pillar of my king's country, so Guangwang has a great hope for Mr.."

Qin Hao did not ask again. Some things are really not a fan of Fan Fang. But the intuition tells him that **** is going to change. When you get the dragon, you have to find a way to go to the city.

"Okay, time is not early, Mr. Qin, then we are leaving."

Fan Fang three politely bid farewell.

Waiting for the three people to be sent away, Qin Yuguan House smashed the door, Chang Shu sighed, tonight is finally to deal with the customs, Zhang Daling simply came too timely, otherwise Qin Hao did not know how to deal with it.

He really wants to use the concealment of identity, get the reuse of faith, and get in touch with their plans, so that they can truly become their people, which is more conducive to getting the sea dragon.

"Great, how come you? How come, how is the family, talk to me quickly."

Qin Lan took Zhang Daling's hand into the inner room, and used the enchantment to shield the surrounding area, and asked excitedly.

"Hou Ye, Da Ling finally found you, nine dead and a lifetime, nine dead forever."

"Do you know? I thought I would never see you again in my life..."

Zhang Daling’s long-lost emotions bloomed at this moment, and it was a nose that burst into tears.

It turned out that the lord Sun Zongsun was unexpectedly given a treasure of the Taoist sect. It was a mirror. The millennium could lead to a revolving vortex. Sun Tianqi originally wanted to use it himself, but after thinking about it again, in order to thank Qin Qin for the celestial sect. Da En, decided to give this opportunity to Zhang Daling.

The reincarnation vortex is a matter of nine deaths, especially for Zhang Daling who has not yet reached the realm of the Great Master.

However, due to his eagerness, Zhang Daling almost did not hesitate to agree.

After saying goodbye to Qin Ren and his wife and Mrs. Zhang, Zhang Daling smashed into the reincarnation tunnel. It was also a good life. Sun Tianyi’s mirror was very powerful, and the light could shine like nine, so he guarded him and drifted in the reincarnation tunnel. For a long time, after all, it was safe to come to hell.

After coming to hell, Zhang Daling fell on the thirteenth floor of Hell. There was a chaos in the army, and the big ghosts and heroes fought in battle. Zhang Daling was unrecognizable and unfamiliar. It can be said that it has suffered a lot. Finally, it was forcibly removed by the sergeant and became the hard work of the military camp.

During this period, Zhang Daling suffered from shame and torture. On several occasions, he wanted to commit suicide and died. But when he thought that he had come to hell, he couldn’t even see the face of Qin Lan.

Therefore, it is hard for the dog's eyes to breathe.

It is also a coincidence. There was a 13-prison ghost who had a VIP and was a VIP. It was the former Kunlun Supreme Zhao Cheng.

When Zhao Cheng flew back to **** with Qin Yu, Zhang Daling saw him off the side and was a little impressed with him. He immediately called for a question to determine Zhang Daling’s identity.

Immediately found the ghost handsome to Zhang Zhangling's deeds, brought to the capital city.

It happened that Xie Bin passed the innocent king dance and asked Qin Guangwang for help. Guangwang secretly met with Zhao Cheng, and even called the old Qin family and Shen Lingxing to hold a secret meeting, with special passages to make Zhang Daling and so on. The man came to the prison and rescued the field in time.

Fortunately, everything is still too late, otherwise the savvy of Gongsun Mo, the Qin dynasty is definitely difficult to pass.

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