The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1791: Daqin Army into **** plan

"Right, Hou Ye, there is good news. Zhao Hou asks you not to worry about Ji Yanran. He came out from the reincarnation tunnel that day, and coincides with Ji Yunran. It happened to be in the Yunyunzong. Ji Yanran had a musical aspect. I got a kiss from the Qu Feiyan disciple who accidentally broke into the world, and then the song master listened to her with you, so I personally accepted her as a disciple, and Hou Ye could rest assured."

Zhang Daling Road.

"Too good, just as I wish, but there is no news of the rain so far, I don't know where it fell." Qin Yu was overjoyed, and he thought of Sun Fengyu.

His demeanour is inseparable from the five elements of pure life, and he has true feelings for Sun Piaoyu. Every time he reads this, he is also seriously hurt.

"As for the family, everything is fine. After the Qinren couple practiced, they were healthy. Wen Jie re-entered the principal, Gu Laojun, Daqinjun Township, Yin Zhuoran for the political Qingming, Qin Gang is also on the right track, and Di Fengyun is in charge of the matter. The two young masters are still young, and Qin Ji will not fight if he leaves his master."

Zhang Daling opened his voice and came one by one.

"I hope so."

Qin Hao silently said.

The time of **** is different from that of the mortal. How to push the algorithm, Qin Hao can not get a specific value for a time, even if it is from now on, the **** is in line with the time of the mortal, Qin Hao still pursues the longevity avenue, the days There is no time in the future, I am afraid that when the two children grow up and fight, they will turn over the ground.

"Of course, bad news is also there. In addition to the news of losing Sun Sister, the eighteen prisons have been shocked."

Zhang Daling Road.

"what happened?"

Qin Hao asked.

"Luo Xiang was in the same period of time, combined with other three parties, and launched a mutiny in the north. Che Ming was killed and Xu Yi was copied. This big family is rich and enemies. Now Luo Xiang recruits everywhere and summons the ghosts. Formed the Wuwei Alliance, and broke the Nether City, the scorpion to make the princes, claiming to be the King of Wuwei."

"So, Luo Xiang unified Hou 18 prison after Hou Hou."

"According to reliable information, Princess Yuyue led the remnant to escape from the prison of 18, and is currently pinned on the 17th prison. But Luo Xiang has been exerting pressure on the Linyiwang of the 17th prison, and he is going to fight the enemy. It is still unclear whether Xu Fang can withstand the pressure."

"Zhao Cheng's Dongyang Army also rebelled. He once returned to Dongyang House, and he was almost killed by his own brother, Huang Qiu. If there were a few people in the past, he died in the 18 prisons."

"At the moment, he also has a family that is difficult to return. He travels around in **** and raises funds to prepare for Hou Ye to return to the 18 prisons."

"Oh, when we didn't come to hell, our opponents were Duan Jia and Yan Jiu. I learned from Lin Prison that it is not a river or lake, but a real battlefield."

"The tens of thousands of iron armor of the Daqin army who hate us can't get into hell, otherwise the iron rides sweep, and who fights."

Zhang Da was inspired.

Hell was impermanent, and even Qin Xiao did not expect that he had just killed the younger brother of Che Ming before the count. A blink of an eye, Che Ming also landed, and Luo Xiang took control of the power.

What Qin Xiao didn't think was that Luo Xiangzhi was cruel, far away from Che Mingzhi. At the time, this guy was calm and loyal and was appreciated by himself. He did not expect that he would be confused by this guy's fake and false meaning.

"Da Ling, what are you just?" Qin Hao suddenly returned to God and asked.

"I, if Liu Guozhong, Yan Liang, Huang Yaodong, their 30,000-strong Qin army can enter hell, how good."

Zhang Daling Road.

"Good advice, Daling, your suggestion is very good."

After Qin smashed his hands and took a serious meditation, he made a case call.

"Hou, you, you mean that Yaodong, they are 30,000 people, can they go to hell?" Zhang Daling glanced at him and asked for surprise.

"Yes, as far as I know, Qin Guangwang has the decree of conquering the sinister soldiers. When the crisis is in danger, the ghosts can be collected into the **** in the mortal world. Yaodong’s souls can be withdrawn and forced to be transferred to hell."

"Of course, this news is not certain, because Qin Guangwang never really recruited the Yin soldiers, only to see Guangwang Ben talent know."

Qin Yudao.

"Great, if Yaodong enters hell, we have our own people. Under the practice of Hou Ye, the Da Qin army has the norms of modern military discipline. In hell, it is sure to really exert their explosive power."

"It’s just that Yaodong’s cultivation is too weak. It’s a hell, and I’m afraid I can’t stand the impact of the monsters here.”

Zhang Daling has some crimes.

Can't you call Huang Yaodong to **** to die?

"You don't have to worry about this. As long as they can come in, I am sure that they will at least reach the end of the illusion, so that they can fight with any army in hell."

Qin Yudao.

"Great, if Yaodong came, they can build their own dynasty in hell."

Zhang Daling thought of the horses galloping, at the end of the bonfire, the blood can not help but burst into a boil.

"Great spirit, time is not early, hurry to rest."

"The situation of mortal struggle in **** is even worse and more dangerous. You must pay attention to safety. Be careful when acting and be careful."

Qin Yudao.

"Yes, Hou Ye!"

Zhang Daling is pleased to take the lead.

After Qin Zhen was stable here, he flashed back to the embassy.

He walked back to the back door, and when he returned to the building, Xie Bin and Mi Xue saw him coming back and finally sighed.

Bed, silver hair Qin Hou is sitting cross-legged.

When Qin Hao suddenly opened his eyes, he jumped down and said: "Hou, you are finally back. You have come to several people, and it is estimated that you are coming to explore the wind."

Today's Qin Hou ~ ~ is a squat body, with the inside is the fine seventeen.

Jingkui follows the Qin dynasty for a long time, and knows the words and habits of Qin dynasty. The control of the body is also very different. There are not many people who really know Qin dynasty here, so it is enough to cross the sea.

"Well, I have stabilized. I can't stay here for too long. I estimate that these two grandsons and inks will inevitably come to temptation. Seventeen, Xie Bin, you must hold on."

Qin Yudao.

Xie Bin and 17 nod to praise, after the two went out, Michelle's beautiful face showed a trace of unhappiness: "Master, you are married to the princess, will you not come back later?"

Qin Hao pinched her nose and smiled and said: "Stupid girl, how can Master really live with her for a lifetime? I mainly come to see you, I am afraid that you are jealous, and my heart is confused."

"Who is jealous, you are my master, not my man."

Mi Xue saw the care of Qin Yan's face, and his heart was warm, and he snorted and shy.

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