The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1792: Congenital spirit

In fact, I saw Qin Xi holding the princess under the stands. However, the vinegar jar in Mi Xue’s heart turned over. It was sour and painful. It was the roots of this ghost master who hated it.

I don't know what the princess was drinking, even if Master changed a face that was not so handsome, she still had a thief boat.

The charm of the stinky master is too great.

However, at the moment, Qin Yi explained that she was much more happy. It turned out that Master did not really like the woman.

All he did was to win the sea dragon, but he was jealous and he was too ignorant.

"Apprentice, would you like to give Master a massage?" Qin Hao pinched her pink face and smiled.

"Don't press, go find your princess."

"Master, time is not early, you should go back quickly, in case you want to let the people who are convinced catch the horse is not good."

Mi Xue is quite worried.

"Master has worked hard to come here to see you. Are you sending me away?"

Qin Yu’s heart is self-confident and looks unwilling.

Mi Xue thought for a moment and said with a grin: "Smelly Master, look at the part of Cher in your heart, I will reward you a little, you close your eyes."

Qin Hao closed his eyes, and Michelle raised his toes. He gently tapped his forehead.

Wet lips, warm and pleasant, although only a little back, but the kind of electric current is generally soft, still enough for the Qin dynasty body to boil.

Mi Xue is a cold ice, Qin Hao has to raise a lifetime, he does not want to simply use, use her as a tool, but want to really develop a relationship with Mi Xue, so that the two feelings are happy, can get the ice The benefits will also be maximized.

"Apprentice, is it rewarded?"

Qin Lan’s predecessor did not know.

"You, what do you mean?"

Michelle asked shyly.

"I waited halfway with my eyes closed, and I didn't get anything. I used to lie to Master to play with Master. I have to implement the family law." Qin Xiao smiled.

Michelle snorted and screamed: "Master, you are a rogue, people are clear... Hey, I have already compensated you anyway, you have to implement family law, I don't recognize it."

"Since you don't admit it, then Master can only claim compensation for himself."

Qin Lan suddenly took Mi Xue's cheek and bowed his head down.

Mi Xue was still struggling at first, but when the lips touched each other, especially when Qin Qin’s tongue opened her teeth, Michelle, who had never kissed her tongue, was conquered by the explosive refreshment.

She was so weak that she could only let the Qin dynasty eat.

Damn, why is my body resisting, but my heart wants it?

So shame, how can Master's big bad guy be like this?

But this feeling is really wonderful.

Mi Xue was soft in the arms of Qin Yu and gradually gave up the struggle.

After a five-minute French kiss, the pure girl of Mi Xue was soft and muddy, almost fainting.

"Well, the reward has been taken, and the Master has to leave."

Qin slammed his mouth and stood up and walked toward the window.

"Master, you are a big bad guy, I hate you." Michelle squinted, shy and could not wait to find a hole to sneak into it.

"Apprentice, get used to it, will meet again."

Qin smiled and jumped out of the window and broke into the darkness.

"Smelly Master, it's too bad, but people are the first kiss..."

Michelle's face appeared a red glow.


Inside the West Island Hall.

Yu Xin looked at the information in his hand and immediately looked up at Gongsun Mo and Qi Shiji. "You are sure that it is the original trace of Zhang Zidao. Even Fan Fang has personally visited him?"

"Yes, this is the cargo list of the Qin family in our two prisons. The family is doing business in the dark. They are closely related to the Guangwang House of Government. It is probably the private help of Guangwang."

"It seems that this Qin and his father, indeed from Yulong Mountain, has a great background."

"He won't be Qinhou."

Yu Shiji analyzed.

"Unfortunately, the people we sent to Yulongshan, it is difficult to get more private information about Qin Yu, but for the current analysis, I agree with the Prince's point of view, he can not be Qin Hou."

Gongsun ink road.

The Qin family has been operating for two years at the second prison. The Qin family is also a big family of the hidden family. Qin Hou is a famous civilian. Therefore, from this point of view, the two men and the eight blinds can not hit one.

"Since both Shiji and Mr. think that he is reliable, he invited him to the palace, and invited the real Qinhou around Xie Bin to let them meet."

"If the two are the same person, whether they use the avatar or the like, you can see at a glance."

敖 channel.

"Well, this is only one. When they return home, I and Jing Ji will kill them separately. If they are separated, they will definitely lose their strength. Then he is looking for death."

Gongsun ink agreed.


Qin Lan returned to the Qin government and entered the Fangcheng Mountain at the fastest speed.

Fang inch mountain can be described as a big change.

The broom star lie in the cane chair and laze in the sun, next to the beautiful sand jasmine and pour the tea. Before that day, Han Qing’s helper was a few hundred times more comfortable.

When I met Qin Lan, Sha Moer’s face sank and he wanted to kill the machine: “The dog thief, you actually came, and you will take your life today.”

"Why, why? Niang, no long eyes, this uncle, is the uncle of this uncle, understand?"

The broom star stunned and shouted, then smiled and ran to Qin Lan: "Grandfather, it’s the time for you to come. Since you got more than one hundred and seventy people, our seven-star view of Danfang has already been built. Once, once it is built, the first disciple in the Dan furnace room is visible, it is probably Danzizi. We can start alchemy."

Qin Lan looked around and saw Han Qingzheng lead more than 100 people to create a style of Dan furnace room in the mountains.

The Dan furnace room is the original site of the original Dan furnace house. The materials used are also the stone spirits produced by Fang Int. Once built, the broom star can summon the full-time undead of the early Samsung disciples according to the method left by the Bodhi ancestors. Reopen the Dan furnace room.

"Great, Dan furnace room refining, with Dan's ability can certainly refine a kind of remedy without side effects, used to improve the strength of Huang Yaodong, when I Can call the Daqin army to enter the **** to fight."

Qin Yu heart is dark and happy.

"This is some of the seeds of **** medicine that I asked people to ask from Qin Guangwang's house of government. What is the use of it? I haven't asked it, but the soil and aura of **** are no longer able to be cultivated."

"Don't you have the magic of blowing Lingtian? This task is handed over to you, do it well."

Qin Lan took a picture of the shoulder of the broom and slammed the road.

The broom star took over the seed, and the two eyes were straightforward: "Good guy, I know that the guy of Guangwang is not the master who stayed in the first place. Grandpa, most of these are the seeds of the early stage. You can only grow it if you can grow it." ”

"However, it’s impossible to find out about our mountain. You have a few more, wait and see."

The broom star is very happy.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

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