The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1794: Long Street Assassination

I believe that the three people are all face-to-face. Everyone knows that the Four Islands Dragon King is a brother. Although Dawn is the Lord of the Second Prison, it is actually a unified party. There is no direct affiliation. The four are equal.

Teach the sentence of the seventeenth, and believe that the three people feel low and the heart is not happy.

"Haha, Hou Ye’s words are as sharp as the King’s dinner in the past. Since everyone is there, let’s talk about business.”

"Second brother, you."

Twilight made a haha, and the tension was relieved.

敖信点零头: "Yesterday, Qin dynasty won the recruitment ceremony, and the woman also loved Mr. Qin. Since this is the case, we would like to ask Qin Hou to be a witness. Three days later, my sister princess and Mr. Qin Wei Marry, become this story."

"Qin Hou adults, are you willing to be this witness?"

"Of course, with your fame, you can refuse it. We will never dare to force it."

I believe in the seventeenth.

"I just met with the Qin brothers outside. Others don't know the Qin family of Yulongshan. The prince is aware of one or two. He can give Qin Gongzi the witness, and Qin Yiyi is obliged."

Seventeen Hao is cool.

"Qin Wei, three married, early morning, you can be willing?" Yu Xin asked Qin.

"I can't help it, I can't wait to hold the beauty tonight."

Qin Lan spread the stalls and couldn’t help.

"Well, you can have this thought, and you can see your love for women. The king is very pleased. This is so decided."

I am very happy with the letter, and I am more and more satisfied with Qin.

Only Qin Lan officially became a family member, he can dare to let him participate in the plan, Qin Yiyi promised, and the success of the plan is no doubt a step closer.

After the banquet was opened, everyone had a bit of drunkenness. They believed that they would leave the table with the words of invincible, and everyone would know, knowing that the wine was almost drunk, and it was time to leave.

Yu Shiji replaced the letter, sent Qin Yu and XVII, Xie Bin and his party went out of the palace.

"Qin brother, Hou Ye, this prince sent to this, and will meet again in three days." Yu Shiji vowed to say goodbye.

Others are gone, but they have left dozens of guards. They are divided into two teams, riding the big horses and following the Qin and the 17th. They obviously want to monitor them.

After Yu Shiji left, Qin Hao told the seventeen and Xie Bin Lang: "Hou Ye, Xie Daren, today I am fortunate to know you, there is something that needs Qin to serve in the future, but please tell, Qin family must go to the fire, in the office Do not leave."

"Qin Gongzi is polite, who does not know that you are the red man under the glory of Guangwang, and he will definitely have more exchanges and support in the future."

"If you have time, you can come to the embassy to have a few drinks and you will meet again."

Seventeen, Xie Bin and Qin Yu farewell, two people one east and one west, and went along the street.


"Mr. Gongsun, Mr. Jing, they have already started separately and can do it."

Ruan Shiji returned to the inner city, and was on the side of the black cloak veil that was on standby.

"Mr. Jing, you have been repaired as an old man, to deal with Qin Hou, I am going to deal with Qin."

Gongsun ink road.

Although it is rumored that Qin Hou has been repaired as before, but it is a famous master of hell, Gongsun ink will never take this risk.


"I thought about the Qin Xing's sacred fire, see if his fire is powerful, or my sword is faster."

Jing disease is cold and cold.

"Wait, Mr. Jing Ji, the father of the king, just measuring the move, can not live and die, feed hi..."

The words of Shishiji have not finished yet. Jingji has turned into a shadow and disappeared into the Baizhang.

"A quick body."

"Prince, you go back to the palace and other news."

"The old man is coming."

Gongsun ink shuddered and chased Qin Qin.

Qin Lan walked very slowly. When Gong Sun Mo appeared, he was already keenly aware of the breath.

"Gongsun ink, the atmosphere of your ghost valley door, I am familiar with it."

"What are you doing, kill me, or do you have a picture?"

Qin Lan smiled coldly and his heart was dark.


The Gongsun ink moved, and the two yin and yang gossips came across the air, and there was no match, at least the strength of the initial stage.

The powerful gossip of Yin and Yang is like a hurricane crossing. The pedestrians in the street are not the ones who have been rolled up. The following guards have also fallen a large piece. They are screaming and screaming: "Protect Qin Gongzi."

Qin Lan is now a joint period, and the strength is still not as good as Gongsun.

It is definitely not possible to use the magic axe at this moment. The fire of the red lotus cannot be made, and it will sell directly seventeen.

However, he did not have the slightest fear.

The whole body of the hidden dragon has been upgraded to the extreme, hehe! The two black dragons came out from the palm of their hands. The hidden dragon blood of the Sima family has been cultivated for such a long time. When the light is turned on, it proves that he has a dragon, so he can make it out without fear.


Ssangyong smashed the yin and yang palm, and Gongsun ink stagnate slightly, and Qin dynasty flew directly from the horse to vomit blood, and the unicorn under his arm was shocked.

"Who are you, why should you assassinate me?"

Qin Hao did not know, shouted.

"Being dead."

Gongsun ink attacked again, but this second palm hit, but the strength was reduced by a few points.

Qin Hao suddenly understood, Gongsun ink is still exploring his relationship with Qinhou. As a result, there will be another person who will attack the seventeen at this time.

However, in this way, Gongsun ink can not kill him.

Therefore, Qin Hao took out a prepared poison from his pocket, and swung his legs to the house, and shouted at the same time, "Calling people, catching assassins, catching assassins."

Now he is the Qin family son of Yulongshan. This is not a top master. It is normal to fight Gongsun.

If you don't run, you have a problem.

At this time, the escorts that had been arranged by Shi Shiji had just rushed out, and Gongsun ink was pretending to be fearful, and his body shape flashed and vacated.

He didn't want to kill the Qin dynasty. The first palm was played. He probably had an understanding of the depth of the Qin dynasty, which was similar to his own speculation.

"The old fox is really enough to toss."

Qin Hao secretly slammed a back to the house, Zhang Daling nervously said: "You are injured, I heard you encounter an assassin."

"I'm fine, just a little hurt. You are going to go and see the situation of Xie Bin and Xie Bin."

Qin Lan wiped off the blood of the corner of his mouth.

For a moment, Zhang Daling returned and looked back and worried. "The big thing is not good. I just received the news. Seventeen were stabbed. At present, the royal doctor of the court is treating the disease in the hall. The specific situation, our spies can't get in. , no news."

"This group of madmen, they tried to test me, actually smashed their hands."

"You quickly close the gate and use my healing as an excuse. No one can see."

"I am going to the hall."

Qin Lan got up.

Ps: Today's card, these two chapters tonight, good night, friends.

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