The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1795: Hidden door 1 sword

Qin Lan rushed to the embassy at the fastest speed. He came in from the window. At this time, the royal doctor sent by the West Island Palace had already left. Xie Bin and Mi Xue were waiting at the bedside.

Seventeen lying in the bed, blood in the chest is constantly bleeding, blood along the bed, dripping a large beach.

"Who is the poisonous hand?"

Qin Lan walked to the bed and asked Sen.

Seventeen is still in a coma, Xie Bin hates: "Mad, we just got out of the palace and soon came out, a black-handed killer, that Rao Jian is too fast, definitely the top killer, seventeen gone no ten The trick was to be stabbed under the horse."

"Just right after the doctor checked, the wound was a little bit off the heart and almost killed, but the trouble is that it has been bleeding."

Mi Xue followed.

"This is the sword of the hidden killer organization. It seems that I believe this game is quite big."

When Qin Qin saw the wound cut, it was accurate, and it was as smooth as a mirror. It was not irritating from the three circles of stone to pour out a chaotic gas, meditation on the law, covering the wound of seventeen, only a moment, cursing the wound It also healed.

"What **** the royal doctor, but seventeen have not been cured, Master's spell has been solved, hey, I think they are murderers."

Michelle whispered.

"You are right, this time the hidden door killer appeared in the West Island, if not for the sake of dealing with the father and son of Yan Yalong, do not have a picture."

"And my identity is that they dare not move at will, otherwise the seventeenth is already dead."

Qin Yu meditated.

Seventeen have always been known for their speed, and they are the highest of them. The other side can assassinate him in ten strokes, which is the top killer of the hidden door.

Such people appeared in the West Island and had to be wary of Qin.

"Hou, I don't think they will come to assassinate the handsome."

"These handsome men have been in the outer city. If the killer wants to start, there is a lot of time. Moreover, with the prestige of the handsome man, it is absolutely the best policy to assassinate him. I believe that I can't do this stupid thing."

Xie Bin analyzed.

"You make sense, this is what I really worry about."

Qin Lan walked to the window and looked at the more and more water evil spirits in the distant sea.

There are still three, he may be able to really get in touch with the plans of the father and son, and then everything will come out.


Three times, such as the white gap, blink of an eye.

For the wedding, Yu Xin’s blood was born. The whole city was lit up with lights, and every family had a happy event in front of them, congratulating the princess.

From the gate of Qinfu to the avenue of the palace, the red carpet was laid and the ban was imposed. In addition to the guards of the palace, ordinary people are not allowed to step into the half step.

However, for the people to come, this is not a matter worth celebrating, because the outer sea monsters are more troublesome, and the seawall escaping on the northwestern shore of the outer city begins to seep, which is a sign of rupture of the enchantment.

Yan Yalong’s hair is white, and every day he recruits troops to repair it. He is not afraid to lose his head, but the enchantment collapses, and the people in the city will face a shock.

The Qin dynasty prepared a nine-headed deer horse early in the morning, and took advantage of the generous banquet. The drummers even blew and beat, only to wait for the time to enter the palace.

"Hou Ye, I am handsome, I am still missing."

Zhang Daling walked into the inner room and said to the bridegroom wearing a red dress.

"He found this? It seems that our plan is not perfect, at least 娄 Yalong can see it."

"Let him come in."

Qin Yudao.

Yan Yalong was wearing the clothes of the Royal Guardian, apparently mixed in, in order to protect the Qin dynasty.

When I met Qin Lan, Yan Yalong frowned and locked: "Hou, the big thing is not good."

"What are you looking for?"

Qin Hao raised his hand.

"There is a rift in the Haiphong squad. Although it can still support one or two at the moment, if the Dragon King does not personally repair it, I am afraid that there will be problems."

Yan Yalong frowned.

"Isn't the Mirror been involved in the design of Haiphong? He should know how to fix it."

Qin Yudao.

"It’s useless. The mirror has already left. I sent people to search the whole city. I didn’t see anyone else. It seems that he is really like Hou’s office. It’s not really helping me, but not taking pictures.”

"And, the Haiphong array has already changed its eyes. The only person who can really handle the true law can only be the Dragon King."

Yan Yalong sighed.

"Don't you go see the letter?" Qin Hao thought for a moment, and said again.

"I can't see, I have entered the palace several times, and the 100,000 people are in a hurry. The grandson and grandson are all blocked by the king in preparation for your wedding too busy."

"I really don't want to understand what the king is thinking about. Once the break is broken, the people are flooded. Isn't that a self-destructive cause?"

Yan Yalong's brow wrinkled more tightly.

Qin Lan looked at the **** master, and in a few days, his hair had already spent more than half of his hair.

He has the people in his heart, but he believes in hiding other evils. Hey, believe this person, he is destroying the Great Wall.

"Is it handsome to think that I am going to the palace to report to the king?"

Qin Yu faint.

"Yes, you tell the king, you are not enough to die, but he can't cold down the hearts of the people."

"Hou, please."

Yu Yalong looked like a suicide, and bowed to Qin Yu.

Finish, he has to turn and leave.

"Slow, handsome, I can ask, how do you know that I will be here, not the embassy?"

Qin Hao asked.

"Hou Ye rest assured that your disguise is very successful, I am just relying on intuition."

"Because I know that Hou Ye is like me, there is a heart for the public."

Yan Yalong turned and shook his chest with a fist, smiled and turned away.

Looking at his back, Qin Hao shook his head and sighed: "Hey handsome, I am afraid to let you down, Qin is a vulgar after all."

In comparison to Hailong, the others are secondary.

Qin Lan knows that even before he has mastered the absolute power, even if he slogans and screams, it is futile. Only like the secular world, the highest is not qualified to be qualified for the people.

"Hou, the messenger of the palace has arrived, it is time to set off."

Zhang Daling came in and urged good. ”

Qin Lan packed his mood and took a big step and went out.

Gongsun Ink led the gorgeous royal palace to guard, and had already waited outside the door. When he met Qin Hao, he couldn’t help but say: "Yu Maye is really a dragon of humanity. It’s no wonder that the princess will fall in love with you."

"Thank you for your appreciation, let's go."

Qin Lan hangs a red silk ball on his chest, and together with the drums, the group goes to the palace.

In the palace, the first four dragon kings were seated, and Wu Baiguan was on the left and right. The child was wearing a red robe, wearing a phoenix crown and sitting beside him.

As the guards sang a long drink: "Hey, come to Ma!"

Wang Cheng’s drummers also played the joy of Wang Gong. Qin Lan slowly dismounted, stepped on the red carpet and walked to the hall with a smile.

Yu Xin and others saw him arrogant and even more joyful.

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