The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1796: Vicious plan

"Qin Xi saw the Four Kingdoms Dragon King, Prince Sidd, and Princess Royal Highness."

Qin Hao Lang channel.

"Qin Hao, from now on, you are the dragon of my West Island. After that, everyone is a family."

"Big brother, since Qin Hou can't be a witness, please ask a few more words."

敖 channel.

Twilight just had to stand up, but he heard a long drink at the door guard. "Qin Hou arrived."

Everyone knows that Qin Hou was assassinated, seriously injured, bedridden, and other people originally had a headache for this. I did not expect him to come.

The seventeen gods came in and came in. He used the appearance of the Qin dynasty. The original is beautiful and unparalleled. At this moment, it is even more aggressive.

"Qin Hou adults, don't come innocent."

I believe that I am up.

He is really afraid that Qin Yu is dead. Who can think of the so-called heavy hand of Jing Ji? The grandson will die in the second prison, which will undoubtedly be a big trouble.

"Take a few blessings, I am not dead, today is the day of Mr. Qin's wedding, how can I be absent from this marriage?"

Qin Lan took the time to go to the place where the marriage was married.

"Dragon King, he must be Qin Hou not fake."

"I asked about the past visits yesterday. I was actually wearing a sword, bleeding, and almost died. I didn't expect that there was nothing at all. It was very strange."

Gongsun ink has come together, the channel, the meaning of the words, since Qin Hou is true, then this family may not be him, this is undoubtedly good news.


Yu Xin is also a bit of joy.

"Qin Hou, since you are here, this witness is still coming from you, please."

敖 channel.

Seventeen stations stood up and said: "Benhou witnessed here, the Qin family of the Qin Dynasty, the three sons of the Qin Dynasty, lit up the dragon lamp and became attached to the family. Today, the Princess of the Princess, the Cang, the thick soil, I am here, witness Your marriage is willing to be old and never separated."

"Thank you for the marriage of Hou Ye."

Qin Lan got up and took the hand of Qi Ke, and both of them thanked him at the same time.

The next step is to hold a wedding. Don’t look at the outside, but because of the extra ambition, and eager to carry out the next step, the marriage has not been done, just opened a few tables, eat and drink, and do something. .

After the black, according to the rules, Qin Yu and Yu Keer entered the marriage room.

In the wedding room, the red candle swayed, and a piece of joy.

敖Ker children sat on the edge of the bed, and there was no warmth and satisfaction in her heart. She couldn’t dream of it. The things she had hoped for in her life, from seeing Qin dynasty, determined the right person, and then to the cave, in such a short period of time. Actually, this dream came true.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but sobbing.

"Well, why are you crying when you are newly married?"

Qin Lan came over with a glass of wine and sat down with her.

"I was wondering why the old was so fond of me and let me meet you."

"Qin, you know? You are the best gift for me."

He could raise his head and look at Qin Xiao, full of gratitude and joy.

Qin Xiao smiled and his heart was bitter.

Encounter me, not the old favor, but punishment.

Once the sea dragon appears, there will be a life-and-death battle between me and the four dragon kings, and even subvert the entire family dynasty, princess, when will you still think so?

Of course, this can not be exported.

He only makes himself more human, trying to care for this kind girl seriously, is his current wife.

" Wipe off tears and drink."

Qin Hao raised his arm and smiled warmly.

"Well, today is a big day, don't cry, let's laugh and drink."

He could hook up Qin Qin’s arm, and the two looked at Peters’s eyes and finished the wine without piety.

"Kel, from now on, you are my wife."

"There is a sentence, I want to tell you, if you find that I am not the Qin Qin you know, will you still love me?"

Qin Hao asked seriously.

"Do not love, that is, die."

"My heart is already here, even if I can only be together, I can only love one. It is perfect. If you really change, it is no longer my Qin Lang, then I am born with no love." ”

"This is my attitude towards our feelings and the only answer."

敖Ker's red lips trembled slightly, no firm decision.

In fact, she knows very well that her father’s lighting will be a trick, and Qin Lan may love himself, perhaps not, but whether he is the power of Tujia’s family, or do not have a picture, he is very clear. I know that Qin Lan is at least not for her sake.

This is a marriage that is mixed with political color from the beginning. She loves Qin Qin. Therefore, in her eyes, the other is not important. As long as Qin can love her, she earns one.

"Thank you!"

Qin Lan leaned down, a deep sentence, and then, kissed the red lips of the child.

The flames of the red lips quickly ignited two youthful bodies.

When the two men removed the clothes of each other and thoroughly blended together, they felt the enthusiasm of the child and the call of love. Qin Zhen suddenly felt that he might not be so cruel.

Thinking of this, he decided to pamper the girl.

Even if it is only this night, it is good for her.

When the last strength and essence were thoroughly bloomed in the body of the child, the Qin dynasty was in the body of the child, and the two men hugged tightly, for fear of separating for a minute.

"Qin Lang, do you know? I have never been so happy, so happy."

"Thank you, gave me a perfect life, no regrets in my life."

You can point your fingertips on the chest of Qin Qin, gentle.

"Kel, life can't be smooth, but I hope you know, I hope that you are all smiling, happy."

Qin Lan kissed her Qiong nose and said seriously.

"Thank you."

"You and I are all in the air, do you have your own dragon and grandson?"

He could feel the hotness in his body and asked with pleasure.

Qin Xiaogang had to answer, and the voice of the maid came from outside the door: "Princess, Ma Ma, Dawang Chuan, please marry Ma Ma immediately into the palace."

"Why is the father king calling you so late?"

I am quite puzzled.

"No problem, I am going to come, wait for me to come back, let's fight for another hundred rounds."

Qin Hao pinched her to lubricate, fascinated her face, dressed and got out of the door.

He estimated that the good things are coming, and he will soon be able to really get in touch with the core plan of the family.

Indeed, as he thought, Yu Xin and Gong Sun Mo after repeated consideration, it is time to let Qin Yu participate in the plan, because the two seas are shaking frequently, the Kraken is stunned, this is a sign that the dragon is about to go out to sea.

"The king, the last test of the night tonight, if Qin can pass, we can join hands to discuss major events."

Gongsun ink caressed, quite excited.


"It’s all right now, it’s all here."

Yu Xin sighed.

Just as Qin Lan walked in, he rushed to the letter and said: "Dragon King, you call me."

I believe that the point is a fraction, and I stand up and say: "Let's have a family now, you still call my father."

"This time you are calling for something You only need to do one thing. The maritime defense southwestern swallow dock has cracked the enchantment. I hope that you can add fire, you understand. What do I mean?"

I wrote a letter to the table and said bluntly.

"Please forgive me for being dull. I don't understand why Dawang is?"

The heart of the Qin dynasty has a huge earthquake, but the surface is very calm.

"It's very simple. The king's meaning is to let you smash the mouth and let the sea and the demon enter the outer city. In this way, you can use the wrath of the people to kill the 娄亚龙, and prepare for the future to join the West Island power."

"You have to do this well. It is a great achievement. It can even replace Yan Yalong and become the governor of the four seas."

"This is a good thing to do in one step. You should understand the good intentions of the King."

Gongsun ink cold and cold.

Ps: Recently, the card is very powerful, and I have to go back to my hometown. Therefore, I have to slap the manuscript during this time. For the time being, I can only make two more. Please thank my old friends, thank you!

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