The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1801: Heroic song

Yuxin arranged the people and constantly spread the false paradox that Yan Yalong deliberately opened the water. Four thousand people thought about it and spread all the hatred in the former guardian.

Who is Zhai Yalong and what he has done, it is no longer important at this time.

The people only know that it is his incompetence, his negligence, and they have lost their loved ones and their homes.

Yan Yalong was the chief culprit of this disaster, and it was so devastating.

At noon, as the city guns rang, the guards took the prison cars and slowly drove out from the prison in Wangcheng. The people inside and outside the city heard the news, all of them flocked to the market, waiting for them on both sides of the market.

Everyone has only one idea, witnessing this sin thief, suffering from death.


Heavy noise, spreading in the street.

Yan Yalong sat in the prisoner's car with enchantment. It was unkempt and full of injuries. So he was still straight and straight, looking at the people in the city, his eyes filled with calm.

The oncoming stone broke his nose and cracked his eye. His cheeks were bloody, but he didn't have the slightest grievance.

He is indeed a sinner.

He shouldn't be the big governor. He shouldn't be a high-ranking official. In the end, it hurts the people in the city.

"Yu Yalong, you are an incompetent scum, you are displaced, we are displaced, and the family is broken. You should be ruined, cut bones and dig your heart."

"Yes, there is no faith, you will keep us safe. How do you explain it now?"

The resentment of the people was endless, and Yan Yalong closed his eyes and shed two lines of blood and tears.

The prisoner stopped at the execution ground of the Caishikou. With a snoring sound, the sergeant left and left the crowd.

"Qin Yu Ma arrived!"

Qin Yan was surrounded by the soldiers, wearing the dragon's official uniform, and walked calmly to the execution desk.

When the people saw that he was so arrogant, there was a lot of discussion.

"Listening to this time is Qin Yuma's grasp of the father and son who are at large, and it is a good thing to marry him."

"It’s just a good skill. The sea defense of the city is not a big gap. It’s also that he presided over the rebuilding. The lord is not the second prisoner. He is damned to death, and he sent us a horse.”

Everyone is stunned and praised.

This is of course the news that Gongsun Mo in return for the Qin dynasty, the deliberate dissemination of the people, to give him popularity, it is also a retribution.

Qin Yu listened to the ear, but there was no irony. The real hero was suffering, and those so-called evil skirts became heroes. Indeed, as he is, the human heart is sometimes a salvation medicine, a cornerstone of the river, and sometimes it can be a flood of beasts, living and engulfing people.


Qin Lanyi raised his robes, and glanced coldly at those who were deceived by the people. The Malaysian Golden Knife sat down and took a shot and shouted: "Bring the inmates to Yalong!"

Immediately, the sergeant will be covered with injuries, and the five-flowered tied Yan Yalong will be taken to Taiwan.

Qin Yu and Yan Yalong looked at each other. Peterz's eyes were very calm. He was surrounded by secret agents. Qin Lan wanted to show his tribute to him, even if he could not look at it.

This is a very sad thing.

He thought of Chen Song, who was helplessly sentenced at the beginning. He did not expect this painful scene to be repeated in hell.

"Your Majesty!"

The sergeant lifted his leg and kicked it in the knee bend of Yan Yalong. Yan Yalong snorted and slammed in front of Qin.

"Give him loose."

Qin Hao raised his hand.

Everyone of the sergeants moved to look at the black man who was watching the punishment. He was the sergeant sent by Yu Xin, named Yu Xian, who is a native of the family and the garrison of the royal palace. These sergeants I have to listen to him, even if Qin Xiaotou has a halo.

"Give him loose, can't you hear me?"

"He is a person who has been picked up by your bones and destroyed by Dan Tian. Can you still fly with your wings?"

"Hey adults, are you right?"

Qin Hao screamed and screamed, and his eyes looked like a knife.

"Hey Ma is the chief judge, everything is listening to you."

It is humming and humming.

He knows that this Ma Ma is wise and has his own opinion. When he is fierce, he doesn't even look at it. He doesn't have to go to Qin to fight for such a thing.

The guard immediately released the rope of the dragon body, and Yalong shook his body and had no words.

"Yu Yalong, I ask you, seven before, did you pick up the imperial decree of the king and set up a military order, which will calm the sea and protect the people?" Qin said.


Yan Yalong's weak response.

"Very good. Nowadays, the sea defense collapses, the 10,000 people are killed, the spirits are smeared, and the people are angry. Are you guilty in the first place, do you still recognize it?"

Qin Hao asked.

"Someone pleaded guilty, sin should die."

Yan Yalong Road.

In fact, no matter who is going to defend, he can't shout, because even if he is dead, he can't make up for those who are dead. He has no reason to argue.

"Since you plead guilty, don't blame the law."

"Come on, come to Yan Yalong to execute the lingering death, this time a total of 13 769 people died, I punish you 13 769 knives, do you still refuse?"

Qin Lan asked.


"Thirteen thousand seven hundred and ninety-six knives?"

Aside from the side, it was also a shock.

You must know that the most extreme in the **** is only 8,000 knives. This number is absolutely shocking and unimaginable.

When Yan Yalong heard the penalty, his heart was comfortable, and one person and one knife were used to redeem sin. There is no such more appropriate way to die.

"Hey confession."

Yan Yalong was relieved and laughed.


Qin Hao threw the token and shouted.

Immediately before the executioner who had prepared the plates and knives, there were too many knives, and even the experienced executioners were a little panicked. Three people gathered around to discuss the knife and the method, and the half-baked tea was set.

This is too late to pay attention to that is to ensure that the prisoner does not die, but also to ensure that the meat under the knife, more than 13,000 knife, is definitely a "grand project."

The people are even more cheering and shouting the name of Qin Yu.

Qin Lan is crying, tears, heart pain, but still has to pretend to be calm, with the most cruel way to bid farewell to Yan Yalong.

Yan Yalong was smeared with clothes, placed on wooden stakes, tied with hands and feet, and iron plugs at the mouth to prevent him from biting his tongue.

In the cheers of the people, the executioner began to cautiously cut the knife, such as a piece of raw fish, began to cut the skin of Yalong.

A knife and a knife, blood sprinkled, dripping in the basin.

The meat pieces piled up a little bit, and soon they were filled with a pot. Immediately, the sergeant sold the flesh and blood of Yan Yalong. Although the price was not expensive, the people who were stunned by hatred still madly grabbed the money.

It is often a pot of meat, a pot of blood just coming down, being robbed of light, those who hate it, so in front of their great hero, eat his flesh and blood.

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