The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1802: Passenger order

The people robbed the heroes and flesh and blood, and the scene made Qin Qin heart like a knife.

The hero is always alone, and the general manager can understand you. You can send you the last trip, and only me.

Yan Yalong bit his teeth, his face is stunned, but his eyes are gentle and happy.

He knew that there would be such a thing. He was glad that he did not die under the knives and poisonous wines of Yuxin, but he was finally able to melt with thousands of people, even though they hated him at the moment.

And there is another person who knows him to see off, and the old man has been kind enough to him, and he has no hate.

On several occasions, he almost fainted because of excessive blood loss and severe pain, but he showed that he would keep him awake in various ways.

In this way, Yan Yalong was in the madness of the people, watching the flesh and blood of his body fade away, and finally only the bones of the forest and the heart still still beating.

"Report, completed on the 133,000 roads, only the last one." The executioner reported to Qin.

"The last knife, let me come in person, how, I am picking him up, wouldn't the adults not mind?"

Qin Lan got up and took a hand and smiled and asked Yan Xian.

"Hey, please, please."

Yan Xian blinked.

Qin Lan went to the dying, the consciousness was close to the emptiness of Yan Yalong, holding up the knife, cold and cold: "Hey adults, the next, the rivers and lakes forget me, all the way."

Finished, his knife did not enter the heart of Yan Yalong.

Yan Yalong’s face showed a smile, his head hanged and he died.

"Come, the body is dragged back to the prison, waiting for the king to fall, and the field."

Qin Lan threw away the sharp knife, and the head did not return, cheering in the crowd, and hurried away.

Returning to the palace, Yu Xin was praised and rewarded. At the same time, Yan Xian hanged the body of Yan Yalong at the gate of the outer city, and informed the whole hell. Yu Ya was incompetent and was sentenced to death.

After Qin Lan and this group of people and the snakes, they also lazy back to the Princess House and the children, and directly rushed back to their Qin.

As soon as he entered the door, he went to the well and hit a bucket of water and plunged into the cold well water.

The icy water of the cold can not dilute the anger of his heart.

He does not resent his incompetence. In Hell, even if it is as strong as Guangwang, he is often elusive and difficult to move. Unless it is the power of the courageous challenge like the one in the world, some people in the earth can rise and fall. .

He just hates that there are too many things about this injustice, and there is no real pure land for the people to live and work in peace.

This is destined to wash the sin with blood only. Only in this way is it possible to open the flower of hope and peace.


After the well water was soaked, Qin Hao slammed his head and took a long sigh of relief. The pressure on the heart was finally reduced.

"take it."

The gentle voice of the child rang behind him.

Qin Hao looked back, she was holding a towel, looking at her quietly, her makeup was very light, and her look was very light. It didn't look like she was coming to ask her to sin.

"I killed Yan Yalong, don't you hate me?"

Qin Hao wiped off the water stains on his face and asked.

"People are in the rivers and lakes, they are involuntarily. My father just talked to me. I don't want to ask you about this purpose, but I still believe in my instincts. You are not a bad person."

"At least, you are not malicious to me."

"Your right, no matter if I am worried or happy, it will still follow its own path."

"I just want you to be good, this is enough."

Hey, Wen Wei said.

"Kel, thank you."

Qin Lan did not expect her to be so open-minded, so she saved a lot of heart, and immediately took a nap, wild kisses.

"You are not going back to the palace?"

After the kiss, Qin Hao took her to walk in the yard and walked along.

"Don't go back, the father does not care about me anyway, there is you here, it is my real home."

You can have a happy face.

Then she raised her head and asked, "I am quarreling with you today, you will not be in your heart?"

"Of course, I have not blamed you. On the contrary, your kindness makes me feel ashamed. Your confrontation is a hero, but a hero may not be able to get it."

Qin Yan sighed.

"Will you go?"

"They are coming, I know that the second prison will soon have a big event. If you go, can you take me?"

I asked a child.

"You are my wife, of course I want to take you."

"But before that, I want to know, do you really care about your father?"

"To tell me the truth, this is very important to me."

Qin Hao helped her shoulders, no serious.

"I don't want to lie to you. My father used to be very fond of me. My mother walked early, as the head of the party, he was never married, and he poured all his love for his mother into my body. I did everything possible. I."

"The father of the time was a Mingjun and a good father."

"Although he has changed now, I don't want to lie to you. I care about him, just like you."

She is a very real girl. She doesn't have to pretend, and she doesn't want to deliberately please Qin.

She can feel that Qin Hao’s plot may be unfavorable to his father.

According to the character of his father, she can infer that Qin Qin’s bones are a person of integrity, and how a person of integrity can merge with his current father.

She is also telling Qin Hao in a change of direction. No matter what happens, she hopes that both men can be good.

"I know."

"I still have something to do. Take a step first. You have to be bored. You can go out and go on your own."

"Although you are my wife, you still have the right to do it."

Qin Xiao smiled and turned away.

The words of Zhai Keer are already very clear, but it is difficult for him to have a perfect relationship with Yu Xin. He is still unaware that he is almost a plan to destroy the family.

Once she believes that she is dead, can she still go with her?

Can you still be your own wife?

Qin Hao is not sure.

He went straight to the inner city to find Yan Xian, transferred hundreds of people and went straight to the embassy.

Seventeen and Xie Bin several people also went to see the sentence today, and the death of Yan Yalong, let them completely stunned, do not understand what is Qin Qi’s strategy?

But he will soon know砰!

The door was kicked openly by the soldiers. Qin Qin came in. Sen Ran smiled: "Qin Hou adults, Xie Daren, because you had previously concealed the sinner, the son of Yalong, for the second prison, this is extremely unfriendly behavior. Long Wang has Order, Qin Hou, Xie Bin and others immediately left the prison and could not stay."

"This, is this going to drive us away?" Xie Bin asked with a frown.

"Xie Bin, everyone has gone down the order, and it doesn't make sense to stay. Let's go."

"Du Qin Hou Zhimou, I think so, at least in the second prison, you can't play."

"Hou, Qin will send you a ride."

Qin Xiao smiled.

"it is good."

Seventeen should answer.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

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