The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1803: Wang Zhizhi

Qin Lan sent the seventeenth and waited for the ferry, and said to the guards around him: "Hou Ye is leaving, I have two private words with him, you all retreat."

After waiting for the boat, seventeen and Mi Xue and Xie Bin were all puzzled and asked: "Hou, why is this?"

"Oh, the handsome man is dead, and you have taken it away. Now we have to leave. Is it out of control?"

Xie Bin asked.

"No, everything is going in the right direction. I will take care of you. If he follows you, it is not safe. And I have gained trust and trust, and it is of little significance to stay here."

"It’s safer to leave, you go to the capital city and wait for me to return."

Qin Yudao.

"But Hou Ye, you are here alone. If anything happens, we can't..."

Seventeen are somewhat worried.

"Don't worry, everything is under my control. I see things here, and so on. Let's go."

Qin Lan patted the chest of seventeen and smiled.

Xie Bin took a bite and nodded. Mi Xue was standing on the side with a lost face. She had never been separated from Qin Qin, although she was a short parting, but her heart was still uncomfortable.

"Apprentice, can't bear Master?"

Qin Lan walked to her side, caressing the soft blue silk, and smiled lightly.

"Who can't bear you, knows the smell."

"Master, you won't be really good with that princess, don't you go anymore?"

Mi Xue asked with a grin.

"No, if you are willing to give Master, I can't bear you, where are you going to find you so beautiful and well-behaved?"

"Farewell, don't you have a special farewell ceremony with Master?"

Qin Lan raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Farewell, you, what do you want?"

"Which Master has asked Master to ask for a gift, and it should be a Master."

Mi Xue from the Qin dynasty hot, affectionate eyes, as if to know his needs, but she is a girl after all, and Xie Bin two people are present, it is inevitable to be shy.

"Well, then Master will give it to the disciples."

Qin Lan gently hugged her, bowed down and kissed Michelle's beautiful red lips greedy. Both of them knew that this parting seemed to be light and light, but it is very likely that they were born and died. After all, Qin Lan is to be alone. Force to fight against the entire second prison, as well as the four dragon kings who are repaired.

It is very likely that after this kiss, there will be no more time to gather.

Mi Xue responded with deep affection, and fully integrated the love of Qin Yu, and bloomed at this moment.

Even if there is no such thing, she will enjoy the time of the two.

After a hot kiss, Qin Yu and Mi Xue were difficult to separate each other. "Master, I am waiting for you to come back. First, if you want to come, I can find someone to be a master. When you don't blame, you are new and tired." ""

Michelle was blushing, and the playfulness eased the sadness of parting.

"You have to dare to find a lack of Master, and I am playing your ass."

"Well, I am waiting for me, don't go over."

Qin Hao was afraid of being in the boat for a long time and got into trouble. He scraped the Qiong nose of the rice snow, and left the cabin without going back. He crossed the mouth and went to the horse.

Going back to the palace, I haven't had time to take a break. I can't wait to call Qin Qin into it.

The meeting was in a secret room, surrounded by various enchantments. Qin Lan knew that the old fox had finally got to the bottom.

In the secret room, Yuxin and Gongsun Mo had already prepared a banquet. When Qin Yi was present, Yu Xin first praised the "feats" of Qin Yu, and immediately smiled and said: "Listen to you today to send Qinhou personally? Get up, you have a good personal relationship."

Qin Lan knows nothing but the old fox, and immediately laughs: "The king is right, Qin Hou is one of the few people I admire, although he is now lost, this time it is defeated by the big king, but this Does not affect my respect for him."

"He has to go, and I am driving away, so I want to send him, that's all."

"Well, I have gone and gone. Like this kind of person, it is a speculator. Whenever I go, I want to be self-centered and treat myself as a savior. I will not give up a **** wind and swear."

"You don't have much contact with him in the future, it's not good for you."

"Okay, let's get down to business."

"Now you and I are a family, it is time for you to bear the burden."

The letter of dissatisfaction was cold, and Qin’s answer was very reasonable. There was nothing wrong with it, but it really made him very unhappy.

"Great King please."

Qin Yudao.

"Mr. Gongsun, still come with you."

Gongsun ink points to zero: "Hey, this is the case, you know that Dragon Ball has been lost. Actually, this bead is still there, but the dragon inside is gone."

"There is a dragon light for you to see that there is a real dragon in your body. Dawang wants you to do something."

"After the late kings will serve the other three dragon kings to lend the dragon beads, and then take some out and even into the waste beads that have lost the dragon. As a result, although the power of the four dragon beads is discounted, it is still able to use."

Qin Lan thought about frowning. "These things, the four dragon kings can do it themselves. Why do you want to call me? For this reason, I will not hesitate to take the princess's lifelong happiness. Is this a little expensive?"

The Qin dynasty is very straight and very fluent. I believe that it is extremely uncomfortable to listen to, but I also know that this is the nature of Qin dynasty, and I can’t be infuriating. I immediately said: "This has to be the fourth of our ancestors." The dragon gods, the four people are all according to the world, although they are brothers, but they are wary of each other. When they pass the beads to the later generations, they personally explained them. Once the dragons want to merge, they must pass the fifth person’s hand, and this People must be personally recognized by the four Dragon Kings before they can blend Dragon Ball or use it."

"Today, Big Brothers are more satisfied with you, so you have the qualification to fill my dragon for my Dragon Ball."

敖Channel This is the case, I can do it. "Qin Wei points to zero.

"Don't rush to promise, this is a risk, you have to bear the three Dragon King's while transmitting the Dragon, and then inject your Dragon Ball through your Dantian."

"Although you have a hidden dragon blood, but after all, it is not as pure and overbearing as our family orthodox. If you can't bear it, you will be in danger of exploding."

"I want to be clear and answer me again. I don't want my daughter just married to become a widow. I can see that this girl really likes you, we can't make him sad, isn't it?"

敖 channel.

"But if you want to be a big thing, you have to suffer a bit, but I also have a request."

"Dawang knows that although it is a family, our old Qin family is a businessman after all. I hope that the sea cargo of the second prison will be the sole agent of my Qin family. Of course, the price is the same as the present. How to collect it, I will collect it. Just want to proxy."

Qin Hao touched the nose and made a request.

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