The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1808: In the name of the father

"The King congratulated, successfully reported the insults of the first king, and there are four Dragon Balls in hand, summoning Hailong just around the corner."

When Qin Hao left, Gong Sun ink quickly congratulated him.

"This king can do his best. After all, the king is shocked. After the incident, the king sits on the whole prison. You can choose one of these four islands for a reward."

"Gongsun thanked Dawang for his reward."

"Now I am only waiting for the sea dragon to be in the world. I don't know if the king has eyebrows?"

When the public grandson was overjoyed, he asked.

He is actually not interested in what he rewards. He is purely fond of playing a plot. After he has helped the unification of the four islands, he will leave, go to other hells to seek military positions, establish a dynasty, and enjoy it.

"I heard the tone from the Kraken. The sea dragon is still lurking somewhere in the sea. There is no sign of the sea. However, you can rest assured that when I have four dragon beads, it will naturally appear."

敖 channel.

"Daddy can't imagine that once the king gets the real dragon and then combines the power of four ancient dragons, it will be the existence of a tyrant. I am afraid that Guangwang may not be your opponent."

Gongsun ink road.

"Dou Guangwang, I still don't have this ambition. Guangwang has the guardianship of the Black Dragon God. It is the first master in the first place. It is the only **** left in the early stage. I am still awesome to him, but what are the other four masters? Yu injury, the flow of Yang Wei, can still be one."

Yuxin said with no confidence.

This is undoubtedly the first person under the Guangwang.

"However, at the moment, you still can't care. Mr. Gongsun, you and Yu Xian have to increase the monitoring of the four islands, especially the three islands. For the time being, it is necessary to prevent the news that the three dragon kings are dead."

"When the king got the sea dragon, he combined the dragon ball and made another hand to clean up those guys who dare not obey."

敖 channel.


Qin Lan came out of the palace and did not rush back to the government, but went to the prison of Wang Cheng.

The imprisonment of the prison and the royal palace were all responsible, but Yan Xian did not want to confront this beggar-ridden horse. When Qin Hao proposed to look at it, he did not even ask.

Everyone knows that this Ma Ma is a very assertive person, a waste of waste, regardless of whether Ma Ma is caring for him, or getting Wang Ling to get rid of him, it is not worthy of faith to spend energy

"Hey, I’m here, I’m not here. I’m going outside to prepare the wine. I’m going to have a trial at the end of the trial. I’m still looking for a cup of coffee.” Yan Xian personally sent Qin to the cell door and opened the door. Very polite.

“Thank you for your leadership and drink it later.”

Qin Hao's polite response.

When he showed up, Qin Hao pushed the door open and went inside.

I did not suffer any grievances. Indeed, as Qin Qin thought, as a waste, Yu Xin did not want to kill him. After all, it was publicly arrested by Qin Lan. If he died in prison, Some paradoxes.

Therefore, there is no doubt that there is no life risk.

However, the spirit of the mining is very poor, the face is sallow, the body curled up in the corner, a pair of unbearable look.

"It's you!"

Suddenly, he was shocked and innocent. Like the same wolf, he had to fight with Qin.

When the light was on, his father had been a person who was probably Qinhou.

However, his father did not have full control. At that time, he also agreed, but what happened next completely overturned the idea.

The man first arrested him from the embassy and then sentenced his father to the terrible torture.

How could such a person be a Qin Hou, a benevolent and unparalleled person, how could he be his master.

"Catch, calm, it is me."

Qin Hao held his shoulder and said.

"You, who are you, who are you?" asked, shaking his head.

"it's me."

Qin Hao repeated these two words again.


The painful squatting on the ground, almost desperate tears asked: "Why kill my father, why should I catch me? Master, when you received me at the government that day, I personally taught me to be a righteous, not Forget the original heart. But why, you have to do this, you really make me sad."

"I would rather you are not that person, but why are you?"

There was no pain in the sputum, and the nails broke into the flesh, and an urgent need for an answer.

"It’s a lot of things in this world that have no results."

"The next person thought that I killed your father. However, I gave him the opportunity. When the big burst broke, I let him immediately reverse, or escape, but he chose to stay."

"The next three thousand seven hundred and sixty-six knives are also his own requirements. One person has a life. When he leaves, he is free and safe."

"Catch, you are still young, and there are too few things to go through. However, I hope that this jail time will make you grow."

“Sometimes it’s not difficult to make a choice. It’s important to have the courage to take on the results.”

"Your father is an amazing hero, so don't let him down."

Qin Hao helped him, his eyes were stunned and he was firmly convinced.

I plucked into the Qin dynasty and burst into tears. "Master, do you know? I really regret it. I regret that I always give him trouble. Every teaching is a slap in the face. I regret that I am too true. I always think that if I am there, I can do nothing.

"I regret it. I didn't make a final screening with him. I made a final hug and told him that I really admire and be proud of having such a great and upright father. I regret it..."

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He regretted it, he realized it, but the man could never return.

Qin Lan can understand the pain of picking.

At the beginning, he was also a **** in Wu County. He also disappointed many parents, such as his parents, Xue Yu, and so on. He was fortunate enough to return to life and have them again.

However, it has always lost the fatherly love of the not even a farewell, this is undoubtedly a regret for life.

"Taking, the road to life always has to go by yourself. Your father is gone, he exchanged his life for your growth. From now on, you are a new self, listen to Master's words, and live well."

Qin Hao pinched his shoulders, just as it was.

"Yes, Master." I used to wipe out the tears, and there was no firmness in the eyebrows.

"Okay, I should go."

"You will not stay in the prison for a long time. I am afraid that you will not want to open it, and you will endure it. I will let you regain your freedom soon."

Qin Xiao smiled and turned away.

"Master, from now on, it will be in the name of the Father, diligent and hard-working, and will be a useful person."

Look at Master's sword, which is generally cold, and swear by his fist.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

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