The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1809: Complicate

Qin Lan walked out of the dungeon, and Xian Xian had already waited. He met the Qin dynasty and went to his room on duty. The wine was already prepared.

"Hey, I’m gonna take this useless waste, and it’s worth your while to take a trip. You are now the red eye of the King’s Eye.”

Yan Xian personally gave Qin Hao a drink, and smiled.

"I am very polite, and my grandfather is also a bad man to the king. This is not just coming back from the palace. The king arranged for me and the princess to leave the island to spend the honeymoon."

"As for your picking, I came here for one thing and let him live. His father died, I am afraid that he will not be able to pass it. If he wants to commit suicide, he will not be able to influence the king."

Qin Biao raised his brow and laughed at himself, explaining immediately.

He is an explanation, but also implies that you must not let you die, otherwise you will be at your own risk.

"You can rest assured that I will look for someone to stare at this twenty-four, he wants to die, no way."

"But it’s a bit unusual for the King to let the horses go to the island to spend the honeymoon at this time."

"Hey Ma, is there any change in this palace, can you give the old man some wind?"

Yan Xian quietly asked.

"I understand, I am afraid that the grandson is afraid of Gong Sun ink to grab your limelight?"

Qin Xiao smiled and said bluntly.

Yan Xian’s coughing and a laugh, said: "What is really nothing to marry, Ma, honestly, since the arrival of the grandson and grandson, the king has not taken care of me before, or fear that it must be fake."

"Just now, the King does not follow me. I am the same family as the King. I want to solve problems for him and have no chance."

"It’s just a matter of nothing to do with the work. Oh, let’s go on like this. I see Gongsun’s right to go all over the island.”

The cockroach showed a sip of alcohol, no depression.

"No, not the right to the whole island, but the right to plunge the whole prison, and even the entire West Island may become his private product."

"When you get married, you can't sit still with the guards of the garrison. It's not good."

"The only thing I can do is that you need to understand it yourself."

Qin Xiaosen smiled, no more.


"You, you mean..."

It’s stunned and close, and it’s something he can’t imagine. If it happens, it’s only a king’s madness.

"There is nothing about the great conspiracy of Gongsun." What is impossible."

"I just came back from the palace, this is not going on vacation. I am an adult, the wine is good, I don't stay too much. At the moment, there are too many ears in the palace. It is not good for anyone to go too close."

"Of course, you can also take my words as alarmist and leave."

Qin Hao drank a drink and got up.

"Don't, don't, 驸马爷, a little more, a moment, and there is something to ask for." Yan Xian quickly got up and stayed.

"But." Qin Hao stopped his footsteps. The reason why he was so hung is that this guy is very useful.

"Hey Ma, the Ming people are not confusing, and he does not like this Gongsun ink. Is there any way to get rid of him?"

"I know that you are a big family, you have a lot of energy, and you have a plan. If you have a martial arts, your brain is not good, but in other respects, you still have a bit of energy."

There is a murderous path in the face.

"To be honest, I am like you, and I don't like Gongsunmo very much. This person is too clever. As long as he is there, there will be hidden worries in the king."

"Just now, my Hummer is just entering the palace, and Gongsun ink is the favorite of the king. It can only be endured by the bird."

Qin Xiao smiled bitterly.

This is the shortcoming of Gongsun Mo. This person has a plan, but he often swears and swears. He likes to instruct people and give orders. As a result, the West Island Wuzhi is extremely dissatisfied with his outsiders, but he has a strong support. People dare to say anything.

When Qin Lan ignited this fire, Yan Xian suddenly burst: "It’s rare that Hummer and I are at the same heart. It’s not awkward. The old man looks at this guy early and is not pleasing to the eye. You don’t want to be vague, you have any good ideas, just say hello, old man. Everything is willing to do it."

"Are you sure you dare to do anything?"

Qin Hao asked.

"Of course, in order to keep the king of the king, I don't dare to do anything. I can't be ruined by this person."

Yan Xian slaps the chest.

"Well, it is impossible to drive him away, but there is a way for him to disappear from the king forever."

"Get rid of him."

Qin Lan is cold and cold.

He can see that it is really annoying to Gongsun, and he is not afraid of it. He believes that since he intentionally raised him, if Gongsun ink stayed, he would not be able to check the Gongsun ink. So it won’t really be true to Qin.

For the art of the emperor, Qin has already studied a clear understanding, really want to play, he may not lose to Zhimou Tong, the emotional intelligence of the low Gongsun ink.

It’s obvious that Qin Hao’s idea came to him, and he looked around and said: “Hey Ma, Zou, etc. is your sentence. I thought that you had a very good relationship with Gongsun’s old thief, afraid of killing. This old thief has brought you and the king's dissatisfaction."

"There is a sentence for you now, I am relieved, this old thief will die."

"Well, I didn't ask you any more. I went to vacation first. When I heard the death of the grandson and the old thief, it was when I returned."

Qin Hao smiled in a toast.

"Hey, it’s not difficult to kill Gongsun, but there is a killer around him called Jingji. I want to ask Ma Ma to get rid of him."

"So, we can really have no worries, are you right?"

Yan Xianxiao asked Qin Hao understood, Yan Xian is not assured of him.

"Well, I am dying of Jing Ji, you kill Gongsun, one person, one life, very fair."

"Tonight, you will receive the head of Jingji and leave."

Qin Hao was very happy to agree.

"Great, then I wish you a happy honeymoon, and then I will."

Being able to pull such a strong backing to Qin Lan is a blessing to him.

Moreover, it is instinctive to regard Qin Qin as his own family, and Gongsun Mo is an outsider. The relationship is clear, and there is no gap in cooperation with each other.

Qin Lan left the palace, and his mood suddenly changed.

Everything he imagined would be smooth, and suddenly there was a sudden appearance. If this guy could really get rid of the Gongsun ink, he would undoubtedly cut off one of the arms of Yuxin. At that time, the brain with the letter would definitely not play. of.

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