The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1810: Moon Soul

Qin Lan can feel that it is indeed a joint effort to get rid of Gongsun Mo. Since it is sincere, he will naturally fulfill his promise and kill Jing Ji before he leaves.

He looked at the time, when the night was deep and the time was just right.

He recently broke through two realms in a row, reached the joint period, and after the baptism of the mad **** Dan, the meridians greatly improved the strength and resilience, and the nine yin yin cultivating to the neighbors.

Jiuyin Changsheng, the first layer is Jingyuehua, the second layer is Wanwusheng, the third layer is Qiuxiao, and the fourth layer is the moon soul.

The Moon Soul is a method of attacking the Yuanshen. The first three layers are the method of the Wushu. This is a kind of soul force method. It is used to guard against and kill the other gods.

The soul of the moon is strictly a kind of sorrowful and arrogant sorcerer. When the law of Yinyuehua suddenly rises, it will make the other party fall into the magical territory and can't extricate themselves, and it will fall into the past.

The feelings here do not necessarily mean love, humiliation, and the feeling of leaving home. The thought of the dead includes various negative mental states.

Underneath, to the great powers of the world, down to the ordinary people, as long as it is within the Three Realms, unless it is like a Buddha, six completely decisive people, otherwise everyone will have a feeling of their own.

As a result, this move can be described as unmanned.

Of course, if the other party's cultivation has reached the robbery period, such as the master of the Four Islands Dragon King, it is likely to be difficult to work, not the method is not working, but the repair of Qin Yu is too big.

However, he believes that Jingji is far from reaching the robbery period. The top is also a period of return to the true period. He is a big realm. With his tyrannical foundation, he can complete the leapfrog.

With an idea, Qin Hao went straight to the outer city.

There are no people he can't find in this world!

Just in the inner city, his gods were outside for ten miles. He had not explored the strong atmosphere of the four dragon kings, Yan Xian, and Gongsun ink, and he was not in the inner city.

Outer town, hotel.

Every time Jing Jing comes here to have a drink, without a follower, he is alone.

With his skill, he can't kill anyone, but asks himself that he can not kill one by one except the one, four, seven, and seven ghost kings, but no one wants his life.

This is his confidence as a big disciple of the hidden door.

As usual, Jingji walked into the familiar hotel, asked for a glass of wine, a plate of beef, and looked at the waves that rushed outside the enchantment.

He enjoys this quiet life. He is a quiet man when he does not kill.

"Good wine, can you have a drink?"

A man walked straight and when he was looking up, the man was already sitting opposite him.

It was the 驸马爷秦羿, although he was covered in a black robes, only those eyes, Jing Ji once seen, will not forget.

Jing was shocked, and with his vigilance, he could not notice the Qin dynasty until the other party sat back. This is undoubtedly a taboo for a killer.

At the same time he was oversighted, he had to re-examine the prince, and it seems that he had underestimated him before. This person is not as simple as he thought.

"This wine custom, if you don't disappoint you, you can't ask for it."

Although Jing Ji did not face the Qin dynasty, but the other party came to the door, there is nothing to hide.

"It’s a top killer, and you’ve seen it at a glance.”


Qin Lan built a cup and slowly drank, not to mention.

Jing Ji can't guess what he thinks in his heart. Besides, he is not a person with more words. The two sit together and do nothing.

For a long time, Qin Hao pointed to the Mingyue Road: "Haisheng Mingyue, how many heroes have gone with this tide, life is too short, Jing brother's life is bloody, but there have been no sleep at night."

Jing disease follows the fingers of Qin Yu, the moon tonight is like a jade plate hanging high, quietly sprinkled in the world, is like a cold, as if never pity that this city has just died more than 13,000 lives.

This made him think that when he entered the division, he had a total of 500 people who worked with him to cultivate the killer kendo. On the day of the assessment, the division drove himself into the dark forest, and each group could only allow one person to live. Leave the forest.

So these brothers who grew up together, practiced swords together, and grew up together, had to destroy humanity and start killing each other in order to survive.

Deception, cruelty, and deceitfulness completely replaced the brotherhood of the past, and what happened to life and death was a cloud.

Only living is the most important thing.

Jing disease survived.

Because he has a brother, the brothers teamed up to kill the other eight people in the same group.

Jing Ji will never forget. When there are only two brothers left in the end, the swords of the two men’s hands are so cold, so cold.

He wants to live, and his older brother wants to live.

But there is no way, the teacher's iron law is in front, there must be one person between them to die.

In the end, his eldest brother came up with a way to tear off two sleeves and wrote a dead letter on the piece. Whoever got it, he had to die.

Jing Ji wants to live, he suspects that the big brother will be swindling, want to smoke first, but the big brother is still as usual, the overbearing takes the lead.

It was only this time that good luck did not stand in good luck and no longer care for him.

Big brother took a dead word.

He still remembers that when he got the dead word, the big brother did not fear as he imagined, but he calmly sealed the sword, sorted out the clothes, and worshipped the dead parents under Jiuquan like a place, but sat cross-legged. Let him start.

Jingji knows that the big brother is far from him, whether he is a resourceful or a martial art. He is even the most optimistic disciple of Master.

Fear of the big brother's remorse, Jing Ji fast sword cut off the big brother's head.

When he thought he was lucky, when his eldest brother was a bad luck, he took another piece of blood cloth under the stone, and the same face also wrote a "dead".

Jing Bian suddenly understood, not the big brother stupid, not his bad luck, but he intended to give himself the opportunity to survive.

Ridiculously killing his own eyes, he only thought that he was bad luck, still beware of his big brother to start with him.

This is a brother.

This is myself!

An inhuman animal!

In the end, took the big brother and the other eight brothers out of the forest and officially became a hidden disciple.

With the wishes of his eldest brother, he worked hard and practiced hard every day. He finally broke his head and became the master of the hidden door. He also achieved the return to the truth.

In these years, he did not know how many people he took. Only when he was quiet at night, he always thought of the calm face of his eldest brother, which was as uncomfortable as a thousand.

If he remembers correctly, that night, the moon in the forest is so bleak, such a circle.

"Your heart is already dead. Living is just a walking dead. It is time to see him."

The Qinjing wine glass is filled with silver luster. As he gently shakes, Jing’s eyes gradually become blurred. Qin’s voice is like a reminder, and Jing’s unconsciously clenches the sword that has been stained with countless people’s blood. .

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends

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