The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1811: Don't hate

"Your right, I am damn. In that year I annihilated humanity. At that time, it should be me, not my big brother."

Jing's eyes are blurred.

As he muttered to himself, the long sword of the hand slowly entered the sheath and was wiped off the neck.

"Hey, guest officer, what are you doing, don't you think about it?"

At the time when Jing Ji was about to squander, the shop owner, who was on the sidelines, saw it and made a big bow.

Jing Ji is like a dream, and suddenly slammed his head back to the gods, his face was sweating and said: "Hey, you are killing me?"


The sword of his hand stabbed straight to Qin's chest. No one can ask for his life. Who wants his life, who wants him to die.

"Are you sure you want to kill me?"

Qin Xiao smiled slightly, the wine glass was bright, and the wine inside was flooded in, and a glare of white light broke out. This is the real soul of the moon. It was just the fascination of the nine-turned gloom.

Jing Jing has never seen such a dazzling white, white light like snow, his eyes can not open, and at this time, Qin Hao body urging to the extreme, the body shape quickly moved to the side by an inch.

If Jing Jing is in full bloom, such a close distance, with his killer deadly sword, Qin Yu is only 30% to avoid.

To know that the seventeen is the best at speed, hidden, assassinated by Jing disease, still can not escape a sword.

Over the years, **** does not know how many ghosts, ghosts will be masters of the level, died under the sword.

However, now, Jing Jing is shocked by the soul, and is blinded by the moonlight. The skill is greatly discounted, and Qin Hao easily hides in the past.

One inch is enough for the master to come.

For the killer, a sword does not hit, the probability that the second sword wants to assassinate will be reduced by half. Jing disease obviously understands this truth. The sword is not old, and in the palm of his hand, the instinct pierces the neighboring two swords.

Between the masters, the opportunity is fleeting, how can Qin Hao give him this opportunity.

"Month of the Moon!"

But seeing his face revealing a mysterious smile, a silver light flew out of the eyebrows and penetrated into the hall of Jingji.

Jing Ji unconsciously shuddered, and when he opened his eyes, he found himself back in the Black Forest. The same moonlight, the same gloomy, the scene is familiar.

His sword is bleeding!

Everyone is dead, only the big brother who sits under the tree and smiles at him.

Big brother?

Big brother?

is it you?

Is that you?

Jing Ji slammed his head and tried to tell himself that this was just an illusion. However, no matter how he licked himself, how to think of various ways to remind him, the pain, the body temperature of the big brother is so real.

Big brother is still alive!

"Dise, there are two left, only one can live alive, let's draw lots."

"No matter who is born or who dies, all look at it, no matter who is dead, don't want to hate each other, okay?"

Big Brother pulled off his clothes and bit his fingers. He quickly wrote a dead word and pressed the cloth to the stone. As a result, the two boulders were spinning at the scene.

After I stopped and the position was completely disordered, my brother said: "Don't you remember what the mother had before he died?"

"Remember." Jing Ji’s throat whimpered, he wanted to tell himself that it was just an illusion. However, no matter how hard he tried to get rid of this idea, every expression of Big Brother, every expression is so real. .

This is the night!

"Mother, my eldest brother is like a father, let you take care of me." Jing disease eyes red, tears in the eye socket.

"Yes, I have let you live forever, but now I have to be selfish for the sake of my life. This time I will smoke first."

When the older brother changed his past peace, he looked up and raised his hand to pick up a stone.

Do not!

Jing disease knows under the stone, waiting only for death.

Big brother's jealousy and selfishness are disguised. His purpose is to preserve himself. Jingji can't let this tragedy repeat itself.

Even if it is in the illusion, even if all this is illusory, he will never let his eldest brother die again.

"No, you are my big brother, mother, you have to let me, this time is no exception!"

He rushed to the front of his eldest brother at the fastest speed and opened the stone.

When taking out the piece of cloth that says the dead word, Jing is not relaxed and quiet, but there is a illusion of relief.

"Big brother, it looks like, I am unlucky!"

"Okay, we don't want to hate each other. This is life. I don't hate you."

"This is what I owe you, take care, big brother."

Jing disease with tears, said goodbye to the big brother.

Without hesitation, he smacked his sword to his neck. When the throat broke open, blood rushed out like spring water. The **** and hot temperature made Jing Jing a little clear, the moonlight was scattered, the forest was The violent shaking, the big brother's face seems to be getting more and more blurred.

Big Brother, Big Brother!

Jing Ji’s whole body’s strength was quickly lost. The handsome face of Big Brother began to distort, perhaps it was an illusion. He seemed to see the face covered with a gloomy, strange smile.

The forest disappeared, and Jing Jing gradually recovered to the Qingming.

No big brother, no black forest.

Sitting in front of him was a cold-faced grandma, who was smiling at himself.

The moonlight outside the house and his **** blood are so shocking, the store owner’s horrible look, the diners fled.

Jing Ji painfully licked his neck and tried to breathe.

"Don't hate!"

His mind echoed the words of his eldest brother.

He knew that he had lost, but he did not have the wrath of death.

"Thank you!"

Jing Jing’s eyes are round and round, and when the last breath is dropped, these two words are forced out.

Big Brother’s affairs have plagued him for a lifetime. Although Qin Hao killed him with a fantasy scene, he gave him a chance to make a decision again. Even if it is illusory, he can finally let go of his obsession with his life. Finally, I can sleep well in peace of mind.


Jing Ji leaned on the **** sword, his face was smiling, and he went.

The outside has become a mess, and the hoof of the city defense army sounded.

Qin Hao tightened the black robe and strode out of the hotel. The waves were still the same, the moonlight was gorgeous, and Qin Hao looked up and looked at the sea and smiled.

The moonlight tonight is so good!

Back to the Qin government, Zhang Daling is talking to him, and both of them have laughs. They all have things about Qin Qiang’s past. However, in the eyes of Zhu Keer, every bit of his husband’s every drop is so Interesting.

Through Zhang Daling's conversation, she became more and more aware that she could meet such a harmonious family, and she could meet the blessings of the Qin dynasty.

This is the life she dreamed of. There is no such thing as a sin in the palace. There are no complicated rituals.

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