The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1812: Gongsun ink died

Looking at you so happy, so happy, sweet, Qin Xin heart is inexplicably warm, no matter what, he is his first wife in hell, although they may turn against the enemy, but he decided, As long as he is willing to go with him, he will treat her as much as possible.

"What are you talking about, so happy."

Qin Lan took off his black robe and turned his hand into a gray scorpion. He strode into the yard and asked with aloud.


"Qin Lang!"

Zhang Daling and Qi Keer both rose to meet each other.

"Kel, let me go, let's leave the West Island now." Qin said.


Both of them can't be caught off guard.

"Dragon King just called me to the palace to do something big, and the matter has been done. He ordered the old man to let me go to honeymoon and start immediately."

Qin Xiao explained with a smile.

Zhang Daling’s thick eyebrows sank and looked at him with a look: “Kel, I’m alone with two sentences.”

When he was able to retreat, Zhang Daling said urgently: "Hou, what happened? Why are you eager to leave this time?"

"I believe that I have killed the three dragon kings of Shuguang. Now I have four dragon balls. If I don't expect it, he will summon Hailong. It is estimated that I am going to beware of me. He will let me leave the prison immediately."

"But you can rest assured that there will be no accidents. After three times, he will call me back. Don't go anywhere, close the gate, don't ask anything, don't ask, wait for me to come back."

Qin Hao is calm.

"Know it, then you have to pay attention to safety."

"Hou, I have nothing in hell, only you are such a relative, no matter what, save your life first."

Zhang Daling arched his hand.


Qin Hao points a little and turns away.

He was wearing a white cloak. He had already been a men’s costume, and he was waiting for Qin Yu at the ferry.

"Qin Lang."

Qi Keer met the Qin dynasty ship, carrying the cut fruit, and smiled and handed over, Wen Wei said.

"You don't want to ask, what happened?" Qin asked.

"Don't ask, some things are not something I can change. If I know that there is nothing to make up, it is better not to see it as a net."

Hey, he bowed his head and smiled.

"This is right. Today, there are only two of us in this place. It is rare to be clean and enjoy it."

Qin Hao gratified her scented shoulders, and she could rest in his arms. They didn’t talk much. They just snuggled up and watched the tides and tides.

After the three Qin dynasty, he just walked out of the border of the prison. He planned to turn into the Nether River and go to the Three Prisons to find the Three Prison Ghosts and Yao Guang to have a drink. In order to express his gratitude in Shazi City, he did not enter the city. The fast horse messenger intercepted the person.


"Hey, marry, princess and slow into the city."

The messenger came too fast, and directly pulled the horse's carriage.

"Who is going to disturb the princess and the grandmother?"

The driver of the car, with a long shot, stunned.

"I am the messenger of the palace. I have to see the princess and the grandfather."

The messenger showed the token and called.

"Well, I am afraid that our journey is over." Qin Xiao smiled bitterly.

Everything is in his expectation, and it is really a sultry person. If he didn't guess the Gongsun ink, he was afraid that he had already met the prince.

"What is it?"

Qin Yu opened the curtain and asked the probe.

"The king is eager to pass the horse and the princess back to the palace. As for what happened, he did not know, just let me pass the message." The messenger said.

"Since it is the order of the father, let's go back to the palace."

I can say a little.

Third, she spent the happiest time with her life, and she was satisfied with her. Qin Lan is a man who has done great things. Now that the palace has something to happen, she has to delay, and that is not sensible.

The two immediately speeded up the return journey.

As soon as I stepped into the city, I was able to feel the guards of the city more. The feeling of depression and the feeling of depression was pervading the inner city.

Qin Lan and Zhai Ke did not have time to return home, went directly to the palace.

In the hall, Yu Xin is irritating and restless.

The guards around him all changed a group of strange faces, which further confirmed Qin's speculation that Gongsun died.

"Dragon King."


The two met with the letter.

"Kel, these three are still happy, but unfortunately, the father has a big deal to find a horse, and can only grieve you."

Yuxin is patient, and a smile of apologizing to her daughter.

"Nothing, Father, you talk about business, my daughter is a little tired, go ahead and rest."

You can say goodbye.

"Well, take a rest, want to eat, and tell the royal chef to do it for you."

敖 channel.

Waiting for the child to retreat, Yu Xin sat down in the first place, fearing that he was uneasy: "Hummer, something big."

"The big king is now four beads, there is no worry, there is something big."

Qin Lan sat down and drank tea without any trouble.

"Mr. Gongsun is dead."

I believe that the voice is low.


Qin Yu’s pretense was terrified.

"How is it possible that Mr. Gongsun is a generation of machines, smart and peerless, and there is a great king who blesses, how can he die?"

Qin Hao did not understand, but his heart was ecstasy. From the expression of Yu Xin, this should be a matter of nailing.

Without the Gongsun ink, the only person who believes in relying on him is him, and he can get closer to the sea dragon. This is a big event.

"Hey, Mr. Gongsun is also a big idea. He was poisoned."

I believe that I have a long sigh.

"Who is such a courage, knowing that Mr. Gong Sun is the red man of the King, and dare to make this poisonous hand."

Qin Yu frowned.


"I have a secret report. Before the death of Mr. Gong Sun, I had a secret drink with him. I didn't know what they said, but when Mr. Gong Sun came back, he was talking to me, and he died in seven holes."

"Oh, I also blame me. I used Mr. Gongsun too much. He is too swaying, which makes me a lot of complaints. In fact, Mr. Gongsun will leave after he has done it. Many people have passed me to control him. He wants to capture power."

"As a result, Yan Xian and others will start with him."

"Mad, this idiot, killing the grandson, no doubt abolished my two arms."

Yu Xin believes in sorrow.

"Da Wang, since he knows why he is not arresting him, Ming Zheng is sentenced."

Qin Lan cold and cold road They are my brothers of the same family after all, the old Yi people are huge, even if I don't dare to easily repeal, and now, now Yalong is no longer, more than half of the Navy is The generals of the family. ”

"Zhu Xian is the head of the old Yi people. I want to kill him. It will definitely cause dissatisfaction among the people."

I believe that there is nothing to help.

"So, the king called me back..."

Qin Yudao.

"Yes, I can't kill it, but you can."

"I have given you the king's escorts to you, and you have disguised yourself as a navy against the party to avenge the martial arts against the party."

"As a result, no one will be suspicious, and if they are suspicious, they will never find evidence."

I asked.

Ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

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