The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1813: ?N 瑟的显显

"Get rid of it, no problem, honestly, I don't have any good for him."

"And he is dead, it is good for me, you can lose a candidate for the big governor, why not?"

Qin Hao cold laughed and said.

"Very well, I will give you a hundred guards to help you kill the thief and revenge for Mr. Gongsun."

I am very happy.

He is really annoyed, and Gong Gong Mo is so important. At this time, killing the omniscience of the grandson, it is more than abolishing his arms, it is abolished his brain and eyes.

In addition to the obvious, let the old Yi people know who this is.

"One hundred people are a bit too much, not very good, just give me three people enough."

Qin Yudao.

"Three people, will not be a little risky, but the show is a master of the first-class one." Yu Xin thick eyebrows a cluster, do not dare to channel.

"Three people, enough."

"The king waited to collect the others."

Qin Hao is cold and proud of the channel.

"Okay, then I will assign you three people, chilling, you personally repaired the best guardian of the three, and accompanied the horse to perform the murder mission."

Yu Xin said.

"Following the order." Next to it, a young officer’s face showed a hint of joy, and he promised.

Today, Qin Lan has become a newcomer in the West Island, and his personality is extremely attractive. Anyone in the younger generation wants to partner with him.

"Hey Ma, my name is 敖寒, these are our children of the Yi people. We are only loyal to the king. You can rest assured that my brothers are masters of one hundred and one hundred. Don’t look young, every Rao repair has reached the beginning of the road. As long as you are ordered by the horse, I will wait for the brothers to fight and win the dog head."

It’s quite proud to walk out of the hall and follow the side of Qin.

"No, let the three of you follow, the only purpose is to collect the dead!"

"At ten o'clock in the evening, I am waiting in the backyard of my house."

Qin Xiao smiled lightly and went away.

"Let me go, just to collect the corpse? He won't want to kill it alone. How is this possible?"

"That is the ruling army commander of the true period."

The cold face looked wrong, and at the same time became more and more curious about this horse.

In the evening, Yan Han waited with his two brothers in the backyard. Qin Lan was not out of the door, and a blue robes, extravagant and refined, did not seem to be assassinated.

"Hey, don't you need to prepare?"

Asked coldly.

"No, I am going to drink, killing is a secondary thing, you all go in and change your clothes."

Qin Lan looked at the three men in a black night dress, and the clouds were light and windy.


The three people were so mysterious, but they didn't ask much. The three went into the house, and they changed their clothes and followed the Qin dynasty.

Qin Lan went to a flower house in the inner city.

Hualou is the place where flowers and wines of Yange Yan Dance are. The merchants from the **** and the rich children like to play in such places, but at the same time, the flower building is also a perfect place to spy on intelligence.

Almost half of the information transactions between the prisons were completed in the flower building. Even the ghost kings sent special envoys to enter them, and traded with the messengers and scouts from the prisons to obtain favorable information.

Qin Lan led the three people into the flower building, and sang the Yan dance inside. Many people immediately recognized him, and they greeted each other with enthusiasm. Qin Hao responded with one hand.

"Hey, you are here, you have already prepared a good wine in the elegant room, waiting for you."

The owner of the flower building smiled and walked over and said hello.

"lead the way."

"You three are here to have some fun."

Qin Hao told the road.

The three cold men led the lives, each looking for a beautiful woman to drink flowers and wine.

Waiting for the boss to lead into the backyard, there is a female Raojiao laughter and silk bamboo music inside, Qin Hao entered the door, Yan Xian is holding a girl, playing is not happy.

"Hey, you are coming, you are going back."

"Without my instructions, no one should be close to one step."

Yan Xian released the beautiful woman in his arms, and looked like a suicide.

The beautiful women and the musicians retired. Qin Lan sat down on the wine table and smiled and said: "Congratulations to the leader, I removed the Gongsun ink, you are now the first authority of the West Island."

"Haha, don't dare to be afraid, don't dare to do it. This is all thanks to the grandfather of the horse. If you don't have to kill the ailments first, and with me, I don't have the courage."

Yan Xian toasted with the congratulations, the eyebrows are full of spring breeze.

"When I heard that Gongsun was dead, I immediately rushed back. I went to see the king today. He seems to be in a bad mood and complained to the princess."

"But the words are not mentioned in the adults, it is obvious that the king is likely to know that you are the hand, but dare not speak."

"So, isn't the adult being the first power?"

Qin Yudao.

"The tricks are all on the boat. I don't know the grandfather. The people in the city know that Gongsun ink is killing me. What about it? I am the old family, behind the entire Yu family. After the death of Yan Yalong, Most of the generals in the army are my Yi people. I am a thief guarding the Tao. The king is a bit complained at the moment, but he will understand the pains of the old man sooner or later."

It seems that the words are beautiful, but the meaning of boasting is extremely obvious.

"Hey adults, now the overall situation is already obvious, Qin is a foreigner after all, and I will look forward to the care of adults."

"I intend to be close to the clan clan. Can the adult give me a list of strengths, so that I can make friends, and everyone is close, I am also relieved."

Qin Xiao smiled.

"Ye Maye is a smart person. From the current point of view, the king is likely to let you sit in the position of Yalong. When the two prisoners are the governors of the water army, they are also a big governor of the West Island. Not the old man is arrogant, there is no support for my clan. Even if the king gives you this position, you can only be a polished commander."

"You can think of this layer and make it clear to me that you really have a good heart."

"In this case, I will give you a list. If you have to make a good deal with these people, you will be well appointed."

Yan Xian proudly smiled got up and took a pen and paper, wrote six names and handed it to Qin.

"Thank you for being an adult."

Qin Xiao smiled.

"It’s hard to be happy today. I don’t want to be a big lack of outsiders. Let’s talk a few words.”

"Adult, have you ever thought about how you will die?"

Qin Lan gently swayed the glass, quite curiously asked.

"What do you mean?" Yan Xian obviously is more jealous of this topic, look tight, ask.

"Without being nervous, people are inherently dead, even if they are sages who are flying up and flying, there are times when they are annihilated."

"It’s not a fear of heroes like the adults. Of course, I’m just chatting. If adults don’t like it, let’s change the subject.”

Qin Haosen smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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