The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1817: forget


Qin Lan is quite surprised.

"Yes, just forget, forget everything you learned!"

"When I forgot to clean up, I will practice the magical power of Bodhi, and use the true method of immortality to cross the world."

"At that time, I will supplement the Dan, re-wash your Dantian, and empty all your cultivation. As a result, you will have the opportunity to carry the power of the Four Dragon Balls."

"After passing through Dantian, the dragon gas will be converted into yin and yang, so it may be permitted."

Danzizi's look is dignified.

"I only have one time, can I have time?"

Qin Xiao is somewhat embarrassed.

Dan's method is indeed very good, but in fact it is extremely difficult. This requires the courage of the Qin dynasty to have a strong man's broken wrist. Since the death of the gods, this is a nine-death life, from nothing, once again to today's Qin dynasty, no doubt A huge challenge.

Moreover, there is still a big trouble, forget.

Forgetting words seems simple, but it is difficult to do it.

He will summon the sea dragon tomorrow night. It is almost impossible to forget all the lessons learned at this time.

"The time of Fang Congshan is different from the outside world. I can do it to the best of my ability. I will divide it into seven, that is, you have a maximum of seven hours."

"After seven, if you can't forget to clean, we can only think of other ways."

Dan Bozi is quite helpless.

With his father's life, he is full of joy and wants to help the Qin dynasty to reproduce the first three realms. The difference between the first and the last is too big. He is powerless, and now he only has to look at Qin.

"Seven, just seven."

Qin Haoran said.

He didn't know how to experience a lot of ups and downs in his life. He had lost his memory. Nothing can't be forgotten.

If you want to forget the exercises, this selective forgetting is not easy.

The next seven, Qin Yu breathed the spirit, sitting in the pavilion, feeling the most primitive power of the earth, choose to forget in that chaos.

When he realized a certain realm, he felt like a newborn baby, bathed in the murmur, no desire, no thoughts.

This sitting is three.

When he opened his eyes, a black light suddenly came, Qin Qin instinctively raised a hand, caught the flying things, while sliding down the foot.

"Working hard, it seems to be almost forgotten, but your pace is still traceable, not thorough enough."

Danzizi came out from the dark and smiled.

Three times, at the time of the crisis, it is only instinctive to grasp the killer, instead of using the subtle truth. This is indeed great for a living person, but it is still far behind to meet the requirements. .

"It seems that it is not enough to forget."

Qin Hao opened his hand and his palm was a stone.

He did have forgotten those exercises, so that he did not know what tricks to use to resist, what nine turns to Nether, and Jiuyin Changsheng, all forgotten.

I didn’t even have the impression that I had learned it, but the pace at my feet was moving consciously. Qin Lan tried his best to think of it. This was when he first came to **** when he was in a big aristocrat’s house. Although the pace of stealing is a very common pace, it has been drilled out of memory at this time.

This is enough to prove that his forgotten this time is quite effective. What you need to do now is to forget all the fragments about the true law that were 10,000 years ago.

"Hou, there are still four times."

"After four, I will come again."

Dan's son.

"it is good!"

Qin Lan got up, drank a cup of tea, ate some cakes and added some energy. He continued to sit cross-legged, and his mind and body merged into one, free to scatter, and seek opportunities for people to feel.

I don't know how long it took, Qin Qin felt like he was breaking into a splendid galaxy, and countless people were squatting on the banks of the Milky Way.

Gods gather!

Those people did not have a familiar face, they were roaring with each other, empty Kowloon biting each other, the waves above the Milky Way, one side wearing a crown, the black robes flying in the black robe, there is a beside him The sly faceless man sits on the black lotus flower, and the black fierce light blooms on his head. Behind him, there is also a god, and one by one.

On the other side, it is the emperor who wears Wang Shuo and looks solemn and majestic. He is surrounded by Buddhas who are full of Buddha's light, and there are all the ancestors of the Daomen, the majestic Tota King and so on.

On both sides, facing the Milky Way, all kinds of powerful and unmatched energy flew in the void, and occasionally the extraterrestrial planets flew, and they were suddenly crushed.

This beating is dark and the universe is dark!

The scene of the broken planet, the flying stars, and the degenerate gods are all unimaginable.

However, this is all happening!

The gods fight, never die!

Finally, under this powerful force, the river cracked the whole void and swayed, and the light of the road was incomparably bright. From the vast expanse of the sky, where the light shines, all the gods and palaces on both sides of the river are like paper, a little bit. Broken, force majeure for nothing.

The gods were shocked and wanted to resist the light outside the domain.

However, no matter what kind of cultivation they have, it is hard to resist, regret in despair, and accept the fallen fact in despair.

Just as the gods were desperate, in the flash of thousands of lights, a white robe **** came from thousands of miles outside the field, holding a mirror, thinking of moving a spell, with the gods and gods of the gods Was admitted to the mirror

Finally, the white robe gods and mana exhausted, throwing the mirror to the sky outside the sky, and leaning on something.

It’s a pity that Qin Hao couldn’t see the face and couldn’t hear what he was. Everything about him was like a phantom. It’s just a flash, and there’s no chance to relive it.


Qin Lan is white in front!

The brain is empty, and the lingering light is like a thunder in his soul. Qin Yutou fell down on Lin, and passed out.

When he woke up, it was already seven.

His brain is blank, his eyes are straight, as if everything in the earth is nothing, only endless white.

After a long time, his eyes began to have some images. Two people stood anxiously in front of him. The voice seemed to be separated by a hundred thousand and eight thousand miles.

who am I?

where is this?

After a long time, Qin Yu was only slightly aware that he was a god, he was a person.

When his thoughts began to rise, the pain in his mind fell, and the fragments of countless memories flew.

Then he remembered who he was.

Who are the two people in front of you?

(End of this chapter)

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