The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1818: The next product

"Broom, Danzi?"

Qin Yudao.

"Hou Ye, you are fine, you have been stunned for four, which forgets the truth, can you forget the dizzy?" The broom star is puzzled.

"True law, what is the truth?"

Qin Lan was somewhat puzzled. At this point, he tried hard to think about it. In his mind, he could remember some grand scenes when the gods fought, but it was the law of the gods, and it was wonderful. Besides, what is the real law in hell? He is completely forgotten selectively.

"I rely on, forget too much zero?"

"watch out!"

The broom star screamed and kicked the leg to the head of Qin.

Qin Lan is really a time to remember how to block, the place has been stunned, and the broom star has to catch up and continue to test. It was slap in the palm of Dan’s slap: "I almost got it, you are still addicted." right."

"I don't want to test my father."

The broom star laughed.

"What to test, I see that Hou Ye has forgotten everything, and it is even cleaner than I thought."

Danzizi is not very airy.

At the end, he bowed to Qin Yu and said: "Congratulations to Hou Ye, I have passed the most difficult one. I have a good Dan here, which is harmless to the body and can recast your body, meridians and purify the infuriating. And this "the next product, Xianyu", you take it to practice, although the repair can not be a fairy, but the fairy, the fairy is still hopeful."

"After the day, your physical carrying capacity is stronger, and when the Seven Stars Cave is opened, Hou Ye can go in and choose the best products that suit him."

Danzizi looked at the broomstick star next to him and quickly explained it.

"Next product..."

"It’s not rare for me to clean and see the door."

The broom is squatting in the mouth of the star.

There are two kinds of fairy products, but their use is a thousand miles. The top grade is a rare treasure collection. For example, Sun Wukong relies on this magical power.

The lower products are specially designed for those who are mixed, or cultivated by the disciples outside the mountain gates. If they are high, they may become a party, a land, a low land, and they can only be used as firewood. Chicken ribs.

Qin Xiao smiled and took over the treasure, but it was very calm.

Although it is the next product, but this is the square inch of the law, once the cultivation is successful, in **** is also the general existence of killing.

He is a very pragmatic person and will not think about stepping into these unrealistic things.

"Hou, there is something, you must pay attention. Once you have used the Dan, you have all the innocence, and then take this hundred times of strengthening the mad **** Dan, although you can keep it from being exploded, but the premise is Can you not die?"

"So, you have to find the best time to get the shot, otherwise you are like a porcelain bottle, you will break when you touch it. You understand what I mean."

Danzizi dangled and stalked.

The Qin dynasty is going to die, and the Guangfu Fangshen Mountain and the Divine Realm become empty talk, so no one is more tight than him.

"Well, time is not early, I should go."

Qin Lan collected good things and left Fang Cunshan under the **** of Danzizi and the broomstick.

The spirit of the spirit, his knowledge returned to the flesh.

Zhang Daling and Qi Keer are waiting anxiously in the room. Seeing that he is waking up, Zhang Daling screamed in a hurry: "Hou, the king has sent 12 messengers to urge you into the palace. You have to wake up again. ......"

The voice did not fall, and the voice of the cold and arrogant came from outside the door: "Is the disease good?"

"Qin Lang, I am sick with my father, don't wear it later." He Keer quickly reminded.


The leader who couldn’t wait to wait for him broke into the bedroom of Qin Yu.

Qin Lan, but the person who knows the secret of Hailong, was ill at this time. Yuxin had to worry that he would raise a moth. He had been urging no more results, and he could not hold it.

If Qin Yu really has two hearts, Yu Xin does not mind destroying all the people in Qin.

No one can destroy his plan.

"Father, how come you?" Hey, greeted the past.

"Great king."

Zhang Daling quickly went to worship.

Qin Lan stood up from the bed and lost his infuriating. Under the huge awkward field of Hell, his face was so ugly that he was so weak that he seemed to be seriously ill.

"Yin, what's the matter? When I left the palace last night, it was still fine. How can I get sick?"

"Chong Tai doctor, give a look at the horse."

Yu Xin said.

The doctor next to him immediately went forward, and regardless of whether Qin Lan promised or not, he buckled his wrist and took the pulse. He took a slight temptation. The doctor retracted his hand and said: "The king, the prince, the qi and blood are weak, weak, and indeed sick. And it doesn't look too light."

Just probed the veins, he can clearly feel that Qin Qin's physique is cold, there is no gas, and the blood is weak and weak, which is the case of serious illness.

"Da Wang, I came back yesterday, suddenly on the road for a myriad of souls, it is estimated that it was washed, and when I came back, people were imaginary, and they have cultivated one. Nowadays, it is very uncomfortable."

Qin Hao's face was pale and weak.

"Oh, is there such a thing?" Yu believes frowning.

"Da Wang, recently the outer city is indeed a gathering of souls. There were too many people who died last time. Before they could get too much, it was possible to marry him."

The doctor attached a sentence to the side.

I believe that I am a little relieved. The doctor is his person, and naturally he will not help Qin. In addition, Qin Yu opened the water in the Yanzi Dock, the so-called 冤 has a head debt, and the soul is wrapped around him.

However, the repair of Qin Yu can be smashed into such a appearance by the ghost, it seems that the catastrophe of this time is quite serious.

"Returning to the king to seek the law from the king, please ask the sorghum of the Tibetan sect to overtake it. Hummer, can you still enter the palace tonight?"

What I believe most worried about is my own plan.

"of course."

"Whether the disease is heavy, the king has orders, and he dare not follow." Qin rubbed his chest and coughed.

"Good, so, please."

I am very happy.

He didn't care that Qin Xiao was sick at all. Anyway, this evening, he did not intend to let Qin Hao come back alive.

He wants Qin Yu’s purpose to be only one...

A covered luxury carriage stopped outside the敖信和秦羿 got on the carriage, and the sergeant driving the car screamed coldly: "Depart."

The sergeant hit the horse, and the vehicle ran wildly on the road. When he was about to enter the palace, he turned into a remote road.

Da da!

The carriage was galloping fast.

Yuxin personally poured the wine and put on a kindly kindness: "Qin Hao, after the night, the king will become the real dragon king under the king, and you can compete with Guangwang, and you can not only be successful. The master of the Navy in the second prison, with the support of the king's sea cargo, your Qin family can completely replace the home and become the first commercial god. Moreover, the king promises you, and in the future, you will be my own. Commander and commander."

"As a result, you and I will join hands, and there will be no one in the next. Great events can be expected."

I believe that the light is like a torch, and it is already in the hand.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

(End of this chapter)

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