The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1819: Summon Sea Dragon

"Thank you for the king!" Qin Hao drinking, not much.

"How can you be so ill, can you still make a little effort now?" I was worried.

"Da Wang, I used to be a repairing period. In front of Hailong, this is useless. This time I went, that is, seeing the needles, what is the use of the king, even if it is greeting."

Qin Hao humbly said.

"Hey, Qin Hao, it’s rare to have your filial piety, but unfortunately the king has the reason to kill you, but it’s a pity."

"Very good, this king is more and more optimistic about you, your son is a big man."

I believe it.

Qin Xin’s heart was a sneer, and he believed that he would not know how this guy could start with his own family and brothers. What did he and his son-in-law have?

Only this time, whoever is dead, who will be the final winner, I am afraid that only the master knows.

The carriage ran for an hour. Because of the enchantment of the carriage, the Qin dynasty could not penetrate. He could smother the smell of pine nuts and the scent of various woods, and he was supposed to drive in a dense and remote jungle.

Sure enough, about a little more tea, the carriage stopped.

When you get off the bus, the scene in front of you can be described as vast.

But seeing that he is now on the edge of a mountain cliff, the cliff has a hundred square meters of boulder stretched forward, looks like the tongue of the dragon spit.

Under the bottom of the cliff, the waves are raging, the sea is raging, and countless sea monsters are listening underneath. The water waves rolled up are dozens of feet high. The scalp is numb, the pirates do not have any sound, silently. Silent, thousands of pairs of blue, green and enchanting, looking at the high cliffs.

The stone platform has already set up a drying platform. The first one is dedicated to the four sea dragon gods. The three animals are in the case. The incense sticks, the incense sticks, and the futon paper should be ready. The doctors who had given Qin Qin to see the doctor have already been present.

In addition to this royal doctor, there is no guard, and it is clear that he is cautious about calling this sea dragon.

Yu Xin got out of the car and looked at the squad on the stone platform. Looking at the tides and tides in the distance, he sighed: "The original is all supported by the grandson and grandchildren. I hate to show this idiot, bad. I am planning. Now I can only rely on the doctor."

"This is the squad that summons the sea dragon? Is such a large squad, one person afraid that it is difficult to move?" Qin Hao pretend not to explain.

"It was originally driven by four of my brothers, but they didn't have this chance. Dragon Ball is in my hand, and one person is enough."

Yu Xin smiled coldly.

It is not difficult to launch Qin Yu, and he is willing to participate in it. It must be related to sending death. The cluster is extremely concealed, not even a guard. What kind of protection is it for him to be a waste person?

I want him to fill his eyes, or anything else is true.

"come here."

I believe that the driver has opened his hand.

It was a very young, very handsome guard. He walked over almost without thinking, standing on the side of Shitai.

"You are standing here, without my orders, you can't move one step."

Yu Xin roughly looked at the location and shouted at the man.

"It is the king." The soldiers listened to the order.

"The king, already ready, can start." Zhong Tai medical reminded.

Yu Xin went to the battle, first to worship the Four Seas Dragon King. Although he killed the other three brothers, he summoned the dragon and worshipped the four dragons.

I believe in the worship of the ancestors, and worshipped a lot, then went to the stone platform and said: "After the dragon ancestor, I asked the sea dragon to appear today, the real dragon appeared, the next minister, now more than the dragon The incense, the three animals, the head of the sacrifice, the real sense of the dragon, and help the dragons settle down."

At the time of the encounter, the bottom of the Krakens squatted on the blue waves, devoutly facing the depths of the sea, and chanting the curse of the dragon.

The head of the sacrifice?

Qin Lan was on the side and was quite surprised.

At this moment, Yu Xin suddenly got up, his eyes were cold, his hand knife waved, and a white light blade crossed the guard head that was standing by.


The guard did not understand what was going on, even the expression did not have time to change, the head has already flown into Haizheng.

The head sacrifice is over!

Qin Xiao believes that this person is indeed already mad. In fact, what three sacrifices and head sacrifices are virtual, can only lead to the sea dragon, but only four dragon beads.

Even more ridiculous, the thousands of Krakens are the real sacrifices, but they are completely enchanted by the letter, and they are still worshipping the sea dragons, and they don’t know the big disaster.

After the sacrifice of the human head, the conviction of the more and more solemn and solemn, slowly removed the four dragon beads from the space ring, and placed them on the table.

Dragon Ball is full of aura, and the four beads are connected to the radiance. I look around, and then I bite my fingertips and drop the blood in the silver bowl in front of me. Then I take a piece of paper full of strange runes. A spell has been made.

He is reading the ancient sayings of the dragons, even if Qin Qin can not understand.

After the spell was completed, the wind was even more on the cliff, and the people who blow it couldn’t even open their eyes. The original sea was tumbling, and the center began to have a whirlwind of at least ten football fields.

The vortex turned more and more urgent, and the bigger and bigger, the surrounding Kraken was not stabilized by this giant force. The repaired to a slightly low point was suddenly caught in the vortex and torn into pieces.


There was a looming dragon in the whirlpool, and the surrounding Kraken instinctively stopped the pace of the run, and scared again on the water, and did not dare to move again.

"True dragon, after the letter to the dragon god, summon you, the four beads for the card, the million sea monsters for the sacrifice, please ask the real dragon to appear quickly."

I believe that the whirlpool is strange, and there are dragons. It is also true that the notes left by the ancestors are correct. There is a shaped dragon in the sea.

Unexpectedly, he believes that there is such a good luck catch up with these great things.


At this moment, the beginning began to scream a thunder.

The thunder is like a sword, and it is densely packed in the vortex. Obviously, in the later stage, the road does not allow the dragon to be a metamorphosis.

The thunder and lightning, the sea dragon roaring in the vortex, standing in the position of the Qin dynasty, it is difficult to see the body of the true dragon hidden in the sea, but from the water column bursting from the sea, it can be seen that the sea dragon can not wait I want to devour Dragon Ball.

However, the jets of those water columns only attracted the anger of Ray.

The thick thunder of the bucket began to madly into the vortex Zheng


For a time, the entire sea surface was completely erected into the net of antelope, and half of the air was illuminated.

Eventually, the vortex became more and more. Obviously, in front of the road, Hailong chose to retreat, preferring to continue to crouch on the bottom of the sea, and did not dare to risk the body and bones.

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