The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1820: Dragon's dignity

Seeing that the vortex is about to dissipate, once the sea dragons are gone, the next time they call again, they don’t know that they will wait until the Year of the Monkey.

Just then, a cloud of blood suddenly came out of the air.

The blood cloud is like a dog, and the crazy hair is running wild, but only a moment, the black cloud is swallowed, and the whole sky becomes bloody. At the same time, the dog goes to the moonlight that looms in the air.

The dimly lit moon was soon covered by half of the face!

The **** of the original haze, suddenly the temperature dropped sharply, the suffocating suffocation from each of the air oozing out, the whole sea area full of suffocating breath can smell a **** smell.

The dark sea surface has also turned into a **** sea, and the thunder and thunder are in the **** atmosphere, a little bit of transpiration, and the power is greatly reduced.

The nearly disappearing vortex has expanded a little bit again, and the sound of dragons and sorrows from the bottom is endless.

Apparently, Hailong sensed the collapse of the thunder and thundered again.

"The thief is old, do you want to stop the king from leading the world? Haha, late, no one wants to stop me now."

"Blood Day, come on, come on."

The letter is like a madman, and he looks at him with anger.

"The four beads are connected, the real dragon is in the world!"

In addition to the roar of the roar, the long sleeves waved, the four dragon beads rushed up, and they became a line. In an instant, the glory of the glory, the kind of glory, even the Qin dynasty felt like a dust.

Although separated by thousands of years, the dragons left by the ancestors of these dragons are still extremely tyrannical, especially for the one on the seabed.


Four pearls with the same, the giant dragon on the bottom of the sea can not take into account the already weakened thunder, even though the sea came out.


The sea surface is like a thunderous thunder, a hundred-foot dragon with a blue and black mixture leaping from the bottom of the sea, straight into the sky, the blue scales, each piece is as big as a wheel, flashing cold cold light, five fingers The claws are as sharp as a knife, and they can tear all the defenses. The huge blue eyes are blooming with the fierce light under the arm.

This is indeed an evolutionary near-complete true dragon, five claws, double dragon horns, and long lengths, these are the signs of true dragons.

The only flaw is that the scales on his body are blue-black, which makes it clear that the true dragon that gave birth to him is not the most orthodox dragon blood.

Because neither the blue dragon nor the black dragon is the purest.

The true purest race is gold and white.

The golden color is the color of the dragon ancestors, and the white color is the color of the white dragon horse of the eight dragons. The latter is not as good as the golden dragon, but because of the aura of Buddhism, the Xihai Bailong is also orthodox.

This is also why, even their descendants, believe in the reasons for dissatisfaction with the dawn, because his West Island family can also be the most orthodox, and naturally he is not satisfied with his older brother.

When I saw the real dragon, Qin Lan was also extremely shocking. He used to be in the sky above the capital of the capital, and he saw the black dragon **** of Qin Guangwang. It was the true dragon left by the ancients, and the length of the dragon was twice as long. The gas field that is emitted is also a hundred times stronger than this dragon, full of explosive power.

However, it can be seen that this dragon has just evolved. It is just a mature adult, and it will not be converted to Black Dragon God in the future.

Hey, Hailong Chongxiu finished his posture, and made a shock, once again plunged into the sea, rushing past those low-level pirates, **** mouth, sharp claws like a meat grinder, in the Kraken The shuttle in the group is just a blink of an eye, and countless Krakens are forcibly swallowed by him.

The rest of the Kraken wants to escape. The sea dragon opens his mouth and spits out a blue chill. When the sea is frozen, the whole sea is frozen. The seaman is condensed into an ice sculpture. The sea dragon bursts and screams. All the ice sculptures are broken. All turned into ice.

One trick is to kill thousands of Krakens, and there are still some old demons who have returned to the real world.

The heart of the Qin dynasty is more and more happy. Only this dragon can kill the hero. If it can be used for its own use, the next product will be completed again. It is really not a joke.

"Dragon, true dragon, is a real dragon."

Excited wow wow sword

"Da Wang, don't lie on it, and quickly surrender it is the topic." Qin Hao reminded him.

I believe this is the reaction, controlling the four beads around the four sides.

"Hailong, after I was the Dragon King of the West Sea, the dragons of the four seas were all the sons of my family. Now you are surrendering to me. I am offering day and night, how?"

I believe in the four-bead body, and I look down on it.

Originally thought to move out of the ancestor's name and four dragons, Hailong has to give a few points, who knows that Hailong狰狞 laughed and gave a loud roar: "After the dragon, dare to show your body? Now you guys A person who is not a person or a dragon is not a dragon. He has already lost the Dragon King's bloodline. Just because of your inferior generation, I want to surrender to me. Isn't that a joke?"


The sea dragon came out of the air, and the huge faucet looked at the letter and looked at it. It was extremely contemptuous and violently screamed at the conviction. The strong gas field and the hurricane’s conviction were awkward and almost fell to the ground. .

This is the case, his crown is scattered, his hair is messy, and he looks like a wolf.

"I have four dragons in hand, are you afraid that the dragon will break your bones?"

Yu Xin suppressed the fear of the heart, set the god, and scolded.

"Dragon Ball is in the hand?"

"That must be to see who's hand, yes, with four dragons, can really suppress me, but you can't, you are too weak, it is impossible to bear four dragon beads, and with your physique, even if Swallowing four dragon beads, it is impossible to fuse the energy of the dragon ball."

"So, four dragon beads are on your hands, it's waste, that's it."

"It is me. If you swallow up these four dragon beads, you can further evolve into a dragon, a dragon ball, a rainy cloud, and a fairyland."

"So, poor man, this king wants to thank you."

Hailong mouth spit out people, and laughed very proudly.

After thousands of years, he was It’s hard to be born now, how can he be subordinate to the dragon’s proud attitude?

At least in this water, he believes that he is under him, and no one can fight with him.

敖 敖 敖 神 神 神 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖

He underestimated the arrogance and self-esteem of Hailong.

The original ancestor's legacy was that the four sea dragons were not able to tamer the dragon, but one person swallowed the Dragon Ball of this branch. The four people combined with the power of the four beads could surrender the sea dragon.

Yu Xin killed three brothers and gambled on his mind. Now it seems that this plan is afraid of being difficult to produce.

He wanted to use the power of the four dragon **** of the ancestors to intimidate the dragons and take advantage of the glory of the ancestors to gamble on luck. If the sea dragons were afraid of surrender, they would do their best.

Now that the threat is not met, it is a trick that Hailong has worn through his heart. It is awkward.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

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