The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1821: Yuxin’s killer

Yu Xin really can't swallow four dragon beads. The energy of Dragon Ball is not as big as anyone can imagine. In addition to Qin Guangwang, there is no one in the world who can swallow four dragon **** in a short time. Risk!

However, Hailong is so powerful that the beast is under the eyelids, and believes that there is no reason to give up.

He has another plan, that is the killer at the bottom of his box, which is why Qin Hao can stand here with him.

"Dragon, you need to let go, after I am a dragon god, can you surrender you? Since you are obsessed with it, you can't blame the king."

"Ice Dragon Ball, swallow!"

Yu Xin grabbed the dragon ball that was re-refined by the three brothers. He swallowed it and screamed, showing the dragon body.

Like the other three dragon kings that Qin Qin met in the hall, it was also a sparse scale, with a double-headed head. The difference is that he is white and bigger.

Yu Xinben has swallowed up his own heart of the Dragon Ball, and now swallows the Dragon Ball, which is divided by the Three Kings. The power has become a powerful and terrible realm.


The letter screamed and vacated, and Hailong was killed in the air.

One is the dragon god, the other is the real dragon, the two fight into a group, the dragon's character, flying in the air, when the whole sea wave anger, roaring again and again.

However, despite the blessing of Dragon Ball, Yuxin is still far from enough. The two men have no match for ten rounds. Hailong slammed into the chest of Yuxin, and the letter vomited blood and fell back to the French. on.

"Is this family member just doing this? Just just playing with you, just your strength, I can easily kill you, and then you will be swallowed up by people, and then the second prison is me. It’s up."

Hailong looked at his pale face and was proud of it.

In his eyes, the letter is just a generation to be dead, and it is simply not enough to worry about it. This kind of provocation is very boring for him.

"is it?"

"You have to be proud of it. Since I dare to call you out to sea, there is a way to clean up you."

I believe that my eyes are red and bloody. I took a medicinal medicine from my pocket and stuffed it into my mouth. I was absolutely undecided: "Dragon veins, keel, dragon blood burn!"

His whole body suddenly vacated a blood-red flame, and the flame slammed into a strong high temperature. He believed that the skeleton and the meridians of the body were screaming. He had just served the dragon jingdan left by his ancestors and could burn. The body of the dragon in the body, for a short period of forced promotion of physical fitness.

This was originally the dragon gods worried about the poor qualifications of the descendants, in case they could not devour the dragons and left the medicine.

Now is the time, after the dragon blood wash, the meridians, bones, and dragon souls are quickly strengthened. Under the ridicule of Hailong, he once again grabbed the four beads, and the blue dragon ball belonging to the North Island Dragon King’s Yiyi once again Swallowed down.

Dragon Ball entered the body, and the half-human and half-dragon body of Yuxin quickly rose to 30 feet. The dragon's horn and dragon claws stretched and became more and more sharp.

“It’s a bit interesting. Let me see how much energy can be achieved by the fusion of two Dragon Balls.”

The sea dragon is still a careless look, and there is not much desire to do it.



I believe that the palm of the hand is domineering, and a red sword is in the air. The strength of the two dragons that gather the limit, his current cultivation is not what ordinary people can look up to.

Yu Xin had a ghost king who was in the late stage of the reign and even the robbery period. After swallowing the Dragon Ball, he is now at least a master of the middle of the robbery.

Burning the strength of the Dragon Yuan, looking at hell, it is almost impossible to have rivals.

Jianguang flies out!

This is a sword that has been arrogant and arrogant. It has already used 70% of its strength.


The Jianguang is as smooth as the tide, like the dawn of the early morning, wearing a thick sea fog, and squatting on the head of Hailong.


Wherever Jianfeng went, Hailong’s eyebrow scales broke a big slap in the mouth, and the blue blood burst into tears.

"Oh, you actually hurt me."

Hailong’s huge longan was full of anger, and his body was swaying, raising his claws and taking a lot of pictures.

"The squatting animal, not only hurts you, dare not surrender to the king, it is a death."

I believe that the sword is one, and the dragon is in the middle of the dragon.

As the saying goes, as a dragon god, Yu Xin has a more accurate understanding of the dragon than the ordinary people. Although Hailong is overbearing, he is not allowed for a time.

But seeing the letter flying to the back of Hailong, aiming at a piece of counter-scale of Hailong’s neck, stabbed it with a sword.

Are you still not dead?

I believe that the best way to kill the dragon is to start from the scales. Now that he has fallen into the back of the sea dragon, can he give him another way to live?


The dragon sword is slamming into the dragon's back.

At this moment, Hailong’s eyes showed a strange smile.

"Ice the Dragon."

Hailong Dragon has a very strong body, and his body suddenly has a blue light. He believes that only a strange cold is coming from the body. The dragon sword falls like a gold and iron, and the dragon sword is broken into two. cut.

Then, the height of the body of the sea dragon was distorted, and then violently bounced. The immeasurable powerful force, such as dozens of Mount Tai, succumbed to the letter.

Yuxin believes that he can withstand this powerful force. He flies on the back of the dragon on the back of the dragon and vomits blood.

"I have been too junk, why do you have to be so self-sufficient?"

"Is it true that the blood of the Dragon God has been passed down to your generation, not only has it lost its arrogant dignity, the supernatural powers, and even the most basic IQ?"

"It's up to you, two dragon beads would like to dragon, isn't it a dream?"

Hailong shook his body and smugly soared in the air, extremely ridiculous.

Yu Xin also realized that he was too real. If it was so easy, the ancestors did not have to leave four dragon balls, and did not use his four brothers to work together.

It is he who is too eager to prove himself, too wants to succeed, and this is a risk.

"Do you think I lost?"

" All this is just the beginning. I still have the two most overbearing dragon balls, which is enough for your life."

He said that his mouth was full of blood and he laughed.

"Yeah, you still have two dragon beads. How about it? It's hard that you can't swallow it. Yes, I don't mind seeing you commit suicide."

After Hailong deliberately humiliated the Dragon God, he was not in a hurry to kill the letter.

"You are wrong, these two dragon **** are not for me, but for him."

Yu Xin pointed to Qin Hao, who was proud of it.


Hailong only noticed the existence of Qin Yu, and the longan was more weighty.

If you can barely let him take a look at it, then the weak one in front of you, the guy who has no temperament on his body, is even less sure.

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