The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1830: Flow cloud alliance

Qin Hao had dealt with Zhao Wuyou. He has always opposed this kind of inaction. Hell is eating the place of rest, and Zhao Wuyou’s idea of ​​creating a place of prosperity and ritual, seems to be very Good, but in reality it is not feasible.

Because people have desires, as long as ambition exists, there is no absolute peace.

He also persuaded Qu Feiyan to talk to people on the Chaotang Hall. Unfortunately, Qu Feiyan was very sympathetic to Zhao Wuyou's idea. He wanted to create the pure land of **** with ritual music and give the people a peaceful place.

As a result, as reported by Qin Yu, Liu Yunzong still had an accident.

Zhao Wu’s dynasty was eventually stolen by his nephew and nephew.

When Liang Shuo entered the city of worry-free, Zhao Wushou was leading thousands of guests, drunk and drunk, facing the sudden coup, no worries, and ruthlessly sent his life.

In order to establish the majesty of the army, Liang Shuming ordered the abandonment of all rituals and music, destroyed all rituals and music, and carried out a crazy massacre of those doormen and ya.

So that the blood of the most elegant and worry-free city in the once in the world, the corpse is full of land, can be described as a tragedy in the coup of hell.

After Liang Shuo took the post, he changed the policy of Wuyoucheng. He took military and political affairs first, abolished the inaction, put all the money into the private government, madly equipped the army, and changed the city of worry-free city to the iron city, claiming to be iron and blood. Dashuai, Megatron.

Liang Shuzheng’s administration will not give good fruit to Liu Yunzong. First, Liang Shuming ordered all Liu Yunzong female disciples to marry his important generals. At the same time, all Liu Yunzong disciples served in the military, only Can play military music, for the sacrifices, marching to boost morale, can not play the music and so on.

Qu Feiyan has a high degree of temperament. In the past, even Qin Guangwang’s ceremony was held, and he had to ask for three invitations, and even invited him to come out.

Liang Shuyi, a martial artist, kills rituals and music, and wants to slap on her door to occupy her door. Naturally, it is hard to give in.

Since then, Liu Yunzong and the Iron Age dynasty began a tug of war.

In the face of the general army of beasts, Liu Yunzong is finally difficult to resist, and he has to ask for help from the eight parties. However, the strength of Liang Shushi’s division is huge, and there is a blockade of the army. The prison kings will naturally not send heavy troops and easily provoke war.

Instead, the parties, as well as some sects, have sent disciples to sneak into the worry-free **** and carry out rallies.

Of course, Qin Lan is not very familiar with Liang Shuqi, and the specific content is difficult to know. These are only known from Xie Bin’s mouth.

To the neighboring five, Qin Yu crossed the third **** and stepped into the border of worry-free hell.

Above the border, the terrain is extremely dangerous. There are bottomless abyss on both sides. Only one less than 30 meters is available for people to enter.

This is also the reason why Qin Guangwang has the heart to help the non-smoke, but also the reason why he can't do it. Because he wants to get into the worry-free **** from the upper three layers of hell, it is almost harder than Deng, and with this pass, let you be a million army. It is also a step in the future.

Qin Lan entered the customs with the identity of Shangrao.

Worry-free hell, the mountains are high in water and green, the clouds are haunting, and there is a sense of fairyland. In the prosperous and peaceful period, it is indeed a holy place that countless literati and sages yearn for.

Just now, the **** smell in the air, all reminded that this **** is in the **** hurricane Zheng

Step into the customs!

Many cities along the way have been destroyed, all of them are guarded by Liang Jun’s army, and no one can enter any identity.

The only thing that can be settled is that Qin Qin went to inquire several times and was almost regarded as a spy.

He can't really kill the past all the way, simply go along the official road to the direction of the Yunzong.

After a few days of walking, I can see the stench of dead bodies from time to time.

These are musicians or literati who have been expelled, wounded, and have no way to go. The churches of the past have become their hell.

"Jingle Bell!"

Two white deer horses walked along the official road, slowly coming, sitting on a gorgeous man and a woman.

The man is dressed in an orange brocade, and his waist is suspended from the jade. It is very refreshing and elegant.

The woman is a long skirt with green water, a goose egg face, a red lips and a bright hair, and her hair is like a silk on her shoulder. It is also a beautiful person, but she is a little proud. At first glance, she knows that she is also a pampered person in the past.

"Hey, this brother, stay."

The young man yelled at Qin Yu.

Qin Lan stopped, and the man jumped off the horse and sighed with a sigh of relief: "Call, this road has gone for more than three hundred miles without seeing a living person, but it is a gasp."

"Brother, my name is Ye Fei. I am a disciple of the Three Prisons. This is my sister Gu Qing. Is the brother Gao name famous, is it going to be charming?"

The young man smiled and introduced himself.

"Qin Wei."

"Meet the league, what alliance?"

Qin Xiao is quite puzzled.


The **** the side of Liu Mei’s eyebrows looked colder and colder.

Ye Fei seems to think of something, hit a haha: "Qin brother, do you know the way to the Mystery Valley?"

"Know." Qin Hao answered very simply.

The Mysterious Valley is extremely concealed. It is a refuge for the Yunshan Zongshan Gate. When this person goes there, I am sure that it is likely to be the same person who supports Qu Feiyan.

"Qin brother is cautious, since it is going to the Xuan Nu Gu, it is his own."

"It’s just that we have to go to the Mystery Valley. It’s better to go along with it."

Ye Fei is very bold and invites.

Qin Hao points to a fraction, but the girl has been watching him coldly, full of suspiciousness, apparently does not trust him.

However, she did not say anything against it, and she did not know the way to go.

With people companionship, it is not boring along the way, especially Ye Fei, very able to talk.

The ancient Jianzong from which they came from is a medium martial art of the three prisons. There are about three hundred people. It is completely incomparable with the Da Zongmen. The ancient lord of the ancestors has the cultivation of the late stage, which is regarded as a first-class master.

Gu Qing is the only daughter of Gu Yuesheng. The most revered person she had before was the Liu Yunxianzizi non-smoke. This time, the song was not smoked. was forced by Liang Shu in the Yunyun Mountain. Immediately responded to the rescue alliance, secretly went to the worry-free hell.

As for the rescue alliance, it is organized by a famous figure in hell.

This person's name is Yang De, according to Qin Guangwang's prison place. This person loves Yale, and loves the pursuit of non-smoke in his life. When the song was not smoked in the capital of the capital of the capital, he would not forget it. After that, he directly gave up his subordinates and went to Liuyun Mountain alone, but he was always able to go. The song is not next to the smoke.

Nai He Qu is not interested in him. Yang De only returned to prison. After that, he didn’t look at other women for a lifetime. He was no longer good at men and women. He only wanted to be sincerely moved to God. He could let Qu Feiyan look at him, and he was affectionate. .

Therefore, in the whole hell, this Yang De is called a love idiot.

Because of his fame and high status, he echoed this, the "fans" of the non-smoke in hell, and the kings and sects of the great sects, all secretly sent their masters to come to the rescue, and the place would be hung in the mysterious place. Female valley.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

(End of this chapter)

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