The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1831: Let's make a bet

Ye Fei is a very talkative person, just as Qin Qin has been in **** for a long time, asking him something.

"Ye brother, I am very curious about what this Liang Shuo is in the end. Even under the four prisons, there are fourteen layers of hell. Is there a ghost king who has no prison to send troops to help? As far as I know, the non-smoking people are still It’s good, and it’s in charge of the world’s music. It’s reasonable to have a big army to help.”

Qin Hao asked.

As soon as he mentioned Liang Shuming, Ye Fei’s look became serious. He said quite awkwardly: “You don’t know, brother, this is a disciple of Qi Yuan’s elder, Qi Yuanshan. He is about forty years old and he is a god. The Promise of Infinity has been cultivated to the fifth floor, and there is a restoration of the true period."

"He is not a top-notch in the hell. The key is that the Zongmen behind him is huge. Tianzhuzong is the first Wuzong in the world. The generals and commanders of the major hells, almost half of them are From this sect. There are many assassins and various organizations walking outside."

"The ghost kings of the great hells are not afraid of him, but the Scorpio."

"So, even those who have the heart can only secretly send non-kings. From the prisons, please ask the masters to secretly mobilize. It is just that the offense is a big trouble."

Ye Fei sighed with sighs, and his words were very dissatisfied with Tianzhu.

"It turns out that there is a Tianzhu Zong to be a backer. This is not surprising."

Qin Hao’s heart is dark.

Tianzhu Zong is the innocent king of hell. Its owner, Ouyang Xiong, is a top-level master of the four high schools of the Emperor. His strength is unfathomable.

The reason why Tianzhuzong is strong is precisely because their martial arts are rude and tyrannical. They are suitable for military and semi-military management teaching in the martial art. In addition to practicing military commanders, the disciples also teach military theory, so they have cultivated a large number of outstanding The warriors, the doormen are all over hell.

Moreover, Tian Zongzong’s historical request to the doorman is that the next day, the Zongmen headed, and the status of Ouyangxiong, in the eyes of those warlords, is a transcendent god, far higher than the prison kings they serve.

On the facades of the major ghosts, they all had good relations with Tianzhu, precisely because of the dependence on Tianzhu’s human resources.

It is no exaggeration to say that Ouyang Xiong, in a word, the whole **** has to tremble, saying that the king of innocence is well deserved.

Qin Lan couldn't help but think of it. When he came to Hell, he wandered around, lonely and helpless, and he was very weak. He had intentionally entered the Tianzhu dynasty. However, even the mountain gates were not stepped in, and they were smashed by the flying Tianzhu sects. come out.

Now that he is magical and has help from Hailong, it is time to close Tianzhu.

Guang Wang, the major ghost kings, the heroes of the world do not dare to move you Ouyang Xiong, I am coming to Ping!

"Qin Laodi, why are you laughing?" Ye Fei saw Qin Xiao with a cold smile and couldn't help but frown and curiously asked.

"I laughed at Ouyang Xiong and I don't know how to converge. The death is coming!"

Qin Lan is cold and cold, and the smile on his face is more prosperous.

"Call, the younger brother must not say this, let us deal with Liang Shuo to save people, and want Ouyang Xiong's life, that is not to dare."

Ye Fei looked around and looked at him.

Obviously, the three words of Ouyang Xiong are the taboos that must not be mentioned.

"There is a lot of people in the world because of the kind of self-styled self-styled like Ye Xiong. This makes Ouyang Xiong arrogant and unscrupulous, even Guangwang is in charge."

"But now it's all over, and Yunyun Mountain and Wuyou City are the end of Tianzhu Zong."

Qin Yu is cold and Sensen.

"A big tone, who do you think you are, that is, my father met Ouyang Xiong and he has to call a saint!"

"Just you can kill Ou Qiangxiong, isn't it funny?"

Some of the ancient Qing on the side could not stand, and could not help but refute.

"Miss Gu did not believe, how can we make a bet?"

Qin Xiao smiled.

"Well, how do you want to bet?"

Gu Qing was taught by the door wind at an early age, and his temperament was upright. He was extremely disdainful about the blowing of the Qin dynasty and promised without hesitation.

"I am missing a female slave who has poured tea. I want to destroy Ouyang Xiong. You are a slave to me."

Qin Hao took the hand and said with a smile.

"If you lost?"

When the ancient Qing heard it, the jade face was cold and not pleasant.

"According to your disposal." Qin said.

"Well, I promise you, you will not be able to kill Ouyang Xiong, I will cut off your tongue."

"Oh, don't take the lead, Miss is joking with you."

Gu Qing raised the whip in his hand, and according to a piece of big bluestone on the side of the road, it was a smash.

Qin Xiao smiled and did not explain, and the figure flashed forward toward the front.

Because the speed is too fast,

Ye Fei and Gu Qing only felt that the blue afterimage had drifted past, and Qin Yu had already disappeared.

"Fast speed!"

"I haven't seen such a fluid and smart body for a long time, sister, you said that this guy is not really a top expert?"

Ye Fei’s eyes are stunned.

"Senior brother, do you think he is more powerful, can you still compare with an emperor?"

"His age is similar to ours, even if it is a is also the beginning of the original, how could it be the opponent of a generation of masters?"

The ancient Qing did not disdain the cold road.

I don't know why, when she looked at Qin Hao's cold and arrogant look, she was very unhappy in her heart, especially when this guy heard his ancient swords, he didn't even have a look.

This is obviously a blasphemy against the father and the father. Therefore, Gu Qing did not have any good feelings for Qin Qin from beginning to end.

Qin Lan went to the Mysterious Valley in the afternoon. He did not rush into the valley, but walked around in a lazy way.

The valley is covered with green trees and flowers. There is no gloom in the general canyon. Although the clouds are haunted, the sun is embedded in the valley, and the valley is like a quiet and beautiful paradise.

He thought of the past when he and Qufu smoked in the valley, playing the piano and the song. At that time, they should have been a pair, just because the Qin dynasty was not successful, and there was a **** vengeance in the mortal world. Break that layer of window paper and live as a friend for life.

Even after arriving, the news of each other is getting less and less, and even the faces are rare.

This relationship has slowly faded down in each other's hearts. Nowadays, the homeland has revisited, and Qin Yu recalled the past, quite awkward.

"I don't know if non-smoke has forgotten my existence. Maybe she is more disappointed with me on this tormented day."

"However, fortunately everything is not too late."

Qin Lan looked at the mountain peak above the mouth of the valley, and there was a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth.

After waiting at the entrance of the Xuan Nu Gu, hundreds of eyes were green, and the Necromancers wrapped in black armor guarded.

These are the guards that Qin Guangwang gave to Yang De. They were all unacceptable soldiers during their lifetime. The only soul of the British soul was Yang Deng, who was loyal to death.


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