The Rebirth of the Ghosts Return

Vol 3 Chapter 1832: Real villain, hypocrite

At the door, a well-dressed, steward-like guy is lazily checking the pass, and his smug look, without knowing it, is Yang De's dogleg.

The master is coming to the head, and the natural love of the slaves is in the picture.

Qin Xiaogang took half a foot, and the necromancer on the side of the dragon was altogether, sealing his way. The butler asked impatiently: "Do you understand the rules, do you have a hero post? Just ran here?"

"Hero post?" This is what Qin Xiao didn't expect.

"Yes, if there is no hero post, you can enter anyone, knowing if you are a spy sent from the city." The man sneered.

Qin Hao is not arrogant and arrogant. He has to go in and have his own way. There is no need to make a big noise with a man.

Just about to leave, a person shouted: "Qin brother is slow."

When Qin Qin saw it, it was Ye Fei and Gu Qing. Ye Fei showed up the hero and said: "It is our person, this is a post."

In charge of the hero's post, he squinted at the left and right eyes. After confirming the correctness, he was lazy: "Take it in."

When the Qin three people just walked out, they heard the man snoring in the back: "I am, Gu Jianmen, what stuff..."

Ye Fei listened to the real, anger, and turned to the theory, Qin Hao grabbed him, smiled: "Ye brother, the name only, the world rumors, thousands of mad dogs, why bother."

"Yes, brother, keep up with a mad dog, it is not detrimental to my style."

"When I went back to the League, when I was fighting for justice, I wanted them to see the prestige of our martial art and teach them to know how to be good."

Ancient Qing attached to the road.

When I got inside, someone specially received it and arranged accommodation for the three people.

Because the ancient sword gate can only be regarded as the third-rate martial art, the arranged accommodation is also extremely low-grade, which makes Gu Qing and Ye Fei's self-esteem that have never been out of the mountain gate very hurt.

They are in the three prisons, and in the local area, they are also heavy for the king. The door is very powerful, and the only one is the only one.

I have thought of this worry-free hell, and I have been despised everywhere, and it is inevitable that there will be some fire.

This pair of brothers and sisters didn't even have a heart to eat for dinner. Qin Xiao was ridiculously ridiculous. The two of them were still too knowledgeable. I thought that I would like to show my style at this league. Like most others, I would like to make a name. .

The official league is tomorrow, at this time the color is too late, Qin Yu is very rare, watching the school in the valley

He is very familiar with the landscape of the Xuan Nu Valley. However, at this time, the Mysterious Valley has changed greatly. In the past, several elegant green bamboo houses and pavilions have become a large manor.

In the center is Yang De's city, the temple is surrounded by gardens, surrounded by rockery pavilions, looks very impressive, but full of the great family's gold cheesy.

On both sides is the place where the idlers live, separated by two palace walls, and the guards outside the palace walls are strict.

Just below the Allure, it is De Xinju, which is used by Yang De to entertain guests.

To Yang De really has the ability, when the former worry-free city owner is still there, he came to the Xuan Nu Gu, and built this villa. Later, he was replaced by Liang Shuzheng, and Yang De was still able to stay here, and even openly convened the League against Liang Shu.

It is obvious that this person is indeed some wrists and influences, otherwise he will be executed by anyone who has made trouble under his own eyes and has already executed him.

The voice inside is full of enthusiasm, and there is a faint voice of silk and bamboo. From time to time, there is a big laughter coming out. There is no dignity and urgency before the League War. It is like a joy.

Qin Lan is indeed helpless to these two ancestors. This is why the military and political powers are so disgusted with these hobbyists. They have nothing to do but to brag and play.

At any time, pay attention to the arranging, even if the enemy robbers knife knife in front of them, but also drink three cups. Any major event is handed over to these people, and it is completely shabu-shabu.

However, Qin Hao had to look at this Yang De, what kind of tricks can be played, how to break the Liang Jun army and prevent it, and successfully save people.

After a round trip, Qin Lan went to the mysterious female valley, looking at the scenery on the mountain.

There is a strong murder on the mountain. Although it is a dead silence, the urgency of the wind and rain that pressures the city can be thought of as a line of life and death.

"Non-smoke, stunned, very soon, you and I will meet again, all the flowers of sin will be annihilated from this land."

Qin Lan looked at the top of the mountain and muttered.

The next day, the salutes in the villas rang, and everyone gathered in the big square in the village.

Above is the position of Yang De's ally, with more than a hundred seats on each side, roughly three hundred seats.

The names of the guests and guests have already been marked on the table. Ye Fei’s brothers and sisters have once again suffered a blow because they have not even sat down at all, and can only stand with the remaining hundreds of people.

"Allies are coming!"

With a long drink, a man wearing a white robes, wearing a crested crown, and two beautiful men with a sturdy beauty, surrounded by guards, walked proudly.

But seeing him as a long crane, walking along the road to calm down, the arrogance revealed by the eyebrows exists as if there is a bone in the bones, and there is indeed a gesture of the superior in hell.

"Hey, Yang De is too much. My father sent us to the League. It is a face for him. He doesn't even give us a position. It's too mad." Gu Qing was dissatisfied with the rumor.

"Hey, this sister, no way, who made the Yang family a generation of the public. Since the Qin Guangwang was in power, the Yang family has been sitting in the West, and for many years, Guang Wang did not know how many names he gave them. Yang Jiamen students are all over the place, Wei Mingzheng, Yang De's generation is because of the infamous reputation of love, on the surface it seems that he is on a wrong path, in fact, his influence now is greater than his father at the time, this is a Really smart people."

"It’s also reasonable for people not to be stunned."

The person with the ear tip next to him heard her sigh and couldn’t help but sigh.

"Oh, a person who is arty and wants to take advantage of the speculation is destined to become a big weapon. Yang De is afraid to lift a rock and lick his own feet."

Qin Hao sneered at the side.

"Qin brother, this is not a problem. The master who came here today is like a cloud. Yang De is the ally. The figure is a name. He wants to hear this, and you can’t go out."

Ye Fei quickly said.

Qin Xiao sneered at He was deliberately sending this old dog who loved the name of the song for the non-smoke, but it is not yet time.

Yang De went to the stage and rushed to the bottom of the crowd. "You, thank you for your trust in Yang, and come to the League. This alliance is mainly to understand the rescue of the first musician, the non-smoke master, the song master. Da Ming, I don't think I need to introduce too much. She is the next one. It is the jewel of the 18 prisons. Yang believes that the hero will never allow anyone to smash and smear the master."

"This time, I will have talked with Liang Shuming and I will meet with the military."

"Tomorrow, I will wait under the Yunyun Mountain to compete with the Liangzhuo thief."

"If I win, he will let the door go and let Qu Zong go. If I lose, the Sovereign is afraid that it will be inevitable."

"The blessing of the Sovereign, all in everyone, thank you."

Yang De finished, and made a deep impression on everyone.

PS: Today's update is over, tomorrow night, good night, friends.

(End of this chapter)

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